1654. making music


like a bow and strings
two trees play an eerie tune
on these windy days 🦊❤️

If you listen closely on windy days, you may hear the eerie sounds produced by the trunks or limbs of trees rubbing together as they sway in the wind. With a little observation you can see the location where the rubbing is occurring. The area is usually bare and smooth from years of  playing their music. There are plenty of performances in the windy month of March and tickets are free.  🦊❤️

1653. the canvas call out


big blobs of color
a new way of expression
where will it take me 🦊❤️
new ways taking shape
dif’rent from the way it was
let’s see where it goes 🦊❤️

Change comes when the “same old same old” has “gotten old”. The canvas calls out for something new. Take a deep breath… see where it goes. Such is all in life. 🦊❤️ 

1652. . feather weight


laying on the ground
i just had to pick it up
light as a feather 🦊❤️

I saw this “growth” on the ground.  It really caught my eye because it was grayish green in color. I love that shade of green. But the moment I picked it up I forgot about its color and was wowwed by its weightlessness.  I still am so I wrote it a haiku. 🦊❤️

1651. take a break from today’s headlines


some limbs grow real straight
others bend this way and that way
this one smiled at me 🦊❤️

Nature will smile at you regardless of your race, religion, political affiliation, etc., etc., etc, etc.  It will accept you, inspire you and nurture you regardless of which “club” you belong to. Most importantly, nature will make you smile. Take a break from the news and tune in to nature’s podcast. 🦊❤️

1650. gold rush


the once red catkin
turning yellow with pollen
driving the bees mad 🦊❤️

I learned a couple of weeks ago that “catkin” are the red tassels that hang from Alder trees.  Yesterday I learned that the catkins eventually become goldmines of yellow pollen that is collected by bees.  It was a real “Gold Rush” day at the mines for the bees yesterday. What will I accidentally learn today? 🦊❤️

1649. morning stillness


they sit quietly
i sit and watch quietly
morning quiet rules 🦊❤️

It is the time of year that the Turtle Dove couple return to haunt my balcony. They are usually sitting side by side atop my tool cabinet. We all sit quietly in the morning stillness. 🦊❤️ 

1648. the big bang


bird chirps fill the air
the first snow bells are poppin’
spring’s not far away 🦊❤️

I saw a single solitary huddle of Snow Bells during a walk yesterday. The ground everywhere else was still brown - absent of any signs of these beautiful clues of approaching springtime. It was like seeing the first moment - the “Big Bang” of the annual explosion of Snow Bells.   🦊❤️