1512. feeling warm colors


outside my window
a five alarm fire blazes
the chilly day warms 🦊❤️

I have the most spectacular tree in the whole apartment complex right outside my windows.  Today was a windy and chilly day and the warmth of its brilliant colors could be felt. 🦊❤️

1511. today was the day


in all my days
i’ve never seen such a sight
today was the day 🦊❤️

Every time I cross the stone bridge I look down into the water to see what there is to be seen.  Today I saw a very large school of Carp swimming in circles.  Included in the school was a very large white and golden Koi.  (Not visible in the photo above ). I was so surprised and delighted that I immediately reached out to Yulan and my son Kevin to report my sighting. Life is good when the smallest of things “flips your switch”.  Today my switch was flipped! 🦊❤️

1510. everybody’s favorite pumpkin


fall is on its way
pumpkins taste the year’s first frost
it’s tom-o-lantern 🦊❤️

When the cold mornings arrive and bring frost to the pumpkins, Tommy puts on his pumpkin costume to get ready for Halloween! Boooo! 🦊❤️

1509. haiku… a healthy alternative


off in the distance
with thoughts of haiku brewing
she snap - snaps away 🦊❤️

We (Yulan and I) are lucky to have haiku as a focal point in our lives.  It serves as a filter through which everyday things become important and “worthy” of attention.  It is also a practice that has an intrinsic goodness to it that can be shared with others. I like to believe that sharing our haiku serves to neutralize some of the bitterness and division that is so present in both the virtual and real worlds that our lives touch.  I’m not blowing our own horns… I’m just sayin…. 🦊❤️

1508. path


a serpentine path
slithers through the browning field
i pause… my mind strolls 🦊❤️

What could be more enchanting than a leisurely trek  along a twisting and turning trail? I say an imaginary stroll that takes you to where ever the mind decides to explore.  🦊❤️

1507. cat’s meow


mikey looks and mews
“what a dandy cat puzzle -
it’s the cat’s meow!” 🦊❤️

Yulan just completed building a very cool cat puzzle.  After re-boxing it to return to the library she placed it by the front door so she would remember to take it with her.  Mikey took a real interest in looking at the sweet images of cats printed on the box.  I think she was wondering which of the cats looked like her!! 🦊❤️

1506. less is more


there’s nothing better
than shedding unneeded “stuff”
i have seen the light 🦊❤️

I have spent an intensive week of emptying unnecessary, unwanted, and “stuff” I forgot that I had from my apartment.  My closets are like caverns.  My drawers are like the table of contents of a book.  My cabinets boldly proclaim what is stored in them. My apartment is like a breath of fresh air. I love walking around taking in deep breaths of its clean, organized air.  I have seen the light and feel so light!!!! 🦊❤️