1402. plain and simple


some puzzle building
 “bill ding” in the center ring
fun… plain and simple 🦊❤️

On our weekend away we built puzzles.  We also played with an old wooden stacking toy named “Bill Ding”. The old wooden stacking toy is no longer being manufactured and used sets can be purchased for pretty high prices.  The round puzzle we started had us going in circles so we decided to call it quits, but not before Bill Ding performed in the puzzles ring (circus reference lol). Has anyone out there ever heard of “Bill Ding”? 🦊❤️

1401. in any kind of weather


hot and cold weather
hovering just above it
hunkering below 🦊❤️

It was good to spend time sitting on a rock beside Tommy yesterday.  It was a cooler and very breezy day. Today will be warmer. One day at a time. 🦊❤️

1400. that’s what rakes are for


life’s sandstorms will blow
your zen garden will un-zen
that’s why there are rakes 🦊❤️

As I fiddled with our friend’s Zen Garden I thought about our wonderful weekend that was punctuated by Tommy the cat’s disappearance and subsequent return. I am thankful for all of the rakes that I had access to to assist with Tommy’s situation while we were away. I am especially grateful to our friend Dr. Andrea Orsher for her help in guiding me in knowing what questions to ask and things to look for while communicating with people at home who were helping with Tommy.  🦊❤️ 
(Tommy update… he will go to Vet today to be checked out as he is still not back to being Tommy)

1399. the art of aging


time is an artist…
it sculpts what the eyes can see
back to what it is 🦊❤️

We spent a wonderful weekend with our friends at their place in Barnegat Light. We  had lots of food, laughs and wonderful conversation.  In the course of a discussion about religion and life, my friend Rick said, “Have you noticed that the older you get, the more  you become who you “really” are?” I really appreciate that thought… 🦊❤️


1398. until tomorrow


on the empty road
the sun’s golden glow travels
until the day’s end 🦊❤️

The sun’s orange glow is always a sight to see. 🦊❤️

1397. par avion


                             Photo by Rob Orsher

how many starlings
does it take to send airmail?
apparently three 🦊❤️

My friend Rob texted me this photo yesterday morning. The moment I saw it I knew it had to be the featured photo in today’s haiku post.  I think it’s funny! Hope you do too.  🦊❤️

1396. razor’s edge


green turned to yellow
line of demarcation
like a razor’s edge 🦊❤️

From my favorite stone bridge vantage point I saw deep green cut to brilliant yellow on a razor’s edge in the creek below.   I spent a second or two trying to figure out why… but I decided to just look at it and enjoy. 🦊❤️