1606. looking is enough


what would it be like?
if “just looking” was enough
pure experience… 🦊❤️

As I watched people in the gallery I thought about  how cool it would be to simply “look at things” and not feel compelled to know anything about what I was looking at.  Just being fascinated would be enough.  🦊❤️

1605. i see diamonds


diamondy islands
float ever so lazily
down the win’try creek 🦊❤️

Yesterday we visited the Brandywine River Museum to see the work of Wharton Esherick. His wooden furniture, sculptures and wood block prints were amazing.  Going to a museum to see art seems to open the senses to being more receptive of the artistic nature of all that surrounds us.  As I looked out from the third floor window at the icy Brandywine Creek below, countless carat of diamonds appeared as the sun hit the ice from just the right angle. All is (or can become) art if we take a few moments to just look.  🦊❤️  

1604. looney toons please


24 hour news
talk shows and mindless sitcoms
thank god for cartoons 🦊❤️

I gave up cable service a couple of years ago for many reasons.  I have been progressively eliminating “nonsense tv” broadcasts that still are available on my “antennae tv options”. Recently a 24 hour cartoon rerun channel has become my “go to refuge”.  Based upon the ads for medicare advantage plans, life insurance for older people, and low impact exercise devices that flourish on the channel, I believe it is a refuge for many other oldsters like me.  As I watch the classic toons, I am coming to realize that many old cartoons are multi layered in their humor, wisdom and are ahead of their time in predicting the future!!! Currently Tom and Jerry are my faves!!! The Flintstones are a close second.  🦊❤️

1603. the gravity of it all


freshly fallen snow
and a freshly fallen tree
gravity at work 🦊❤️

Gravity… where would we be without it? Today spend a little time pondering gravity and its role in everything on earth. 🦊❤️

1602. normal surreal


what makes for surreal?
only things that are “far out”? 
will just normal do? 🦊❤️

As we were leaving the nature center I took a photo of Tommy through the window.   The wall mural in the nature center, along with all of the “just normal” objects in the room combined to create a very interesting and “surreal” image of Tommy.  Is Tommy inside or outside? Does the inside of the nature center contain an outside too?  I was totally fascinated by the accidental nature of the photograph. I think I will paint this scene and make it part of my Wissahickon Wonders Series! We’ll see…🦊❤️ 

1601. putting our heads together


we sit head to head
me trying to read his mind
his purrs say it all 🦊❤️

We have been able to convince Tommy to stay inside the nature center on the recent cold nights.  In the indoor environment it’s as if he becomes a “different Tommy”.  He is less vigilant and more relaxed.  Yet… when it is time to get back outside… he will let you know.  Yulan and I thoroughly enjoy Tommy’s “really, really lovable ways” when he puts his guard down.  Yesterday he gave me a piece of his mind as we sat head to head in the nice cozy warmth of the nature center.  🦊❤️

1600. the stillness of black and white


the wind and the snow
combine forces to create
a black and white scene 🦊❤️

Winter is a time that the essence of stillness and quiet can be experienced more powerfully.  A layer of snow on a winter landscape turns up quiet’s volume even higher.  All becomes like black and white… simple and calming.  🦊❤️