jackson pollock original

treks turned to trials
tripping, twisting through the trails
tiptoeing through time 🦊❤️


breakfast at the beach

gulls perch on tables
the air is filled with bacon
frost crisps fallen leaves 🦊❤️

“just who do you think you are??” 🎃

staring myself down
a test of wills... who will win?
trying not to blink


yoga chit chat

before zoom zooms
teacher and student chit chat
both have orange cats ðŸ¦Š❤️


our big day

in all of its days
never ever such a feat
for the stone (and me) ðŸ¦Š❤️


unsung heros

hands warming fireside
seasoned wood aglow with flame
the kindling just smiles ðŸ¦Š❤️


when no one is looking

most will look and leave
a handful relish its fall
the balance try it ðŸ¦Š❤️


eli and grandma

there is such power
in the huge locomotive
and the young boy’s dreams ðŸ¦Š❤️


great composers

birds arranged like music
the next note about to sound
beethoven just smiles ðŸ¦Š❤️


bamboo high

the bamboo exhales
it’s musty breath makes me pause
i stop, breathe - and be ðŸ¦Š❤️


grandma’s hallway

the sounds of polka
as i walk down her hallway
the smell of sanka ðŸ¦Š❤️

(my portrait of me in my grandmother’s arms)


my rock balancing job

fingers loose and soft
most of all believe you can
then just walk away ðŸ¦Š❤️


both sides now

preaching to the choir
talking heads go on and on
all nodding as one ðŸ¦Š❤️


autumn uprising

the tilted pumpkin
and a gang of autumn leaves
riot of color ðŸ¦Š❤️


being all wet

heavy morning mist
the dampness in my notebook
won’t let me write this ðŸ¦Š❤️


precision sounds

two birds chattering
first one and then the other
sounds so black and white ðŸ¦Š❤️


but grains of sand

atop the mountain
mandalas come... and they go...
everything changes ðŸ¦Š❤️

buddhist monks create these beautiful images (mandalas) out of colored sand. then they sweep them up and pour the sand into the sea.


no need for speed

a stroll on the boards
getting nowhere fast
only just fast enough ðŸ¦Š❤️


old bones

rustling above me
and falling all around me
rain in my bones ðŸ¦Š❤️


pine needles falling

pine needles falling
the grass barely growing now
a carved pumpkin smiles ðŸ¦Š❤️

inspired by a text conversation with my buddy joe c


singing for dinner

singing silent night
from tattered hymnal pages
no room at the inn ðŸ¦Š❤️


life is a tightrope

the tightrope walker
eyeing the rope - and the sky
never looks down ðŸ¦Š❤️


light and dark

bands of sun - and not
stripes of light and stripes of dark
a black and white cat ðŸ¦Š❤️

bands of sun - and not
stripes of day and stripes of night
a black and white cat


olden days memories

oh the good old days
just chickenpox and measles
“do you have your mask?” 🦊❤️

passing by

on the trail’s edge
a lingering butterfly
allows us to pass ðŸ¦Š❤️

jungle cat

lying in wait
such stealth, such cunning, so wild
“willey, dinner time!!!!” ðŸ¦Š❤️

photo by yulan


rise and fall

unlike ancient rome
summer falls to autumn’s grip
will soon rise again ðŸ¦Š❤️


unlike ancient rome
summer’s fall by autumn’s hand
will spring back again


a basket of stars

a sky full of stars
hanging like fruit on a tree
ready to be picked ðŸ¦Š❤️




virtual sunrise

watching the sunrise
on the face of the depot
now i know what’s east ðŸ¦Š❤️


talking heads (d. byrne’s big suit)

lots of talking heads
seems they’ve all stopped making sense
“burnin’ down the house” ðŸ¦Š❤️

Note: “stop making sense” is also a great documentary concert video of the talking heads. 


i’m just ducky

 the wiper’s cadence
just like a hypnotist’s watch 
“quack, I am a duck” ðŸ¦Š❤️


little sanitation engineer

a little boy dreams
to make it all spic and span
a wind swept wrapper

Photo by Hampton Virginia


monday morning 3 am

three o’clock am
laying in bed just breathing
trying to recall dreams

three o’clock am
rain clatters in the downspout
the clock tic-tocs

three o’clock am
the rain like bamboo clacking
my clock tic-tocking

lonely sentinel

in a sea of leaves.
a lonely sentinel stands.
the serpent returns  



Like Tommy the cat.
Just waiting with all my might.
Hoping for my treat.

(Kevin's 5 Day Run.)

standing still and watching

the moon orbiting.
the gaggle of geese winging.
that tree - just watching


beyond lockdown

with the world on hold.
didn’t make colorado
but went well beyond

(En route to 230 miles in 5 days)


ricky the horse

ricky the old horse. 
standing still, just standing still. 
autumn orange paints him


room to breathe

in the rusty sun. 
his breath lifting him way up.
inner son blazing


Cozy Morning Window

how I often gazed
at cozy morning windows
now... I bask in one...


Sky and Trees

look... up in the sky
that singular star looks down
meant for me to see


Letting Your Attention Get Caught

so you’ve seen it all
nothing left to turn the head
“oh wow look at this!!!”


Haiku’s Beat



Moon Lit Morning

a moonlit morning
walking through my own breath
big red fox darts by



yellow exploding
and  my nostrils imploding
ah ah choo ah choo!!


Morning Mushroom Cairn

springing up so fast
these early morning mushrooms
hiding from the sun


A Hawk Lands

stripping my shirt off
humidity rising fast
a hawk lands nearby