night ops

under night’s cover
a squadron of honking geese
on auto pilot 🦊❤️

During a dark, rainy, raw dawn hike I could hear the approaching cacophony of honking. It got louder and louder but I could not see even one of the geese, even as they flew directly over me.  All I could do was stare up into the rain and blink as the raindrops hit my eyeballs.

back alleys


 in the back alleys
paved with gravel and some weeds
second hand bikes roll 🦊❤️

windy day worries


lickety - split like
a tree cracks and falls to earth
my pulse takes its place 🦊❤️

There is nothing that skyrockets the pulse upward than hearing the crack (sometimes explosion) of a huge tree in the act of falling while in the woods. It’s also a situation in which my inner guidance system takes over and I either stand still, run this way or that way. So far the inner navigator has worked well.  Not so well at dodging bird poop however.

beeps from behind us

there’s this road we’re on
filled with red lights and green ones
BEEP - BEEP from behind 🦊❤️

I am terribly bothered by people who BEEP from behind the moment a red light turns green. As a matter of fact there are people everywhere in life who BEEP from behind - not just at red lights  Seems like “God grant me the serenity to accept...” is the only way around this situation.


a little bird told me

in these covid days
even the birds are staying
out of tight spaces 🦊❤️

Of course the birds in this picture know nothing about the pandemic. Yet nature has a mysterious way of presenting itself that can tickle our minds into thinking about our struggles and problems. There is much to be thought about in this picture as we are just one day away from Thanksgiving and many families will be separated as they give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone. 🦃


rainy days and worms

me in my rain gear
the worm in its nakedness
both dodging puddles 🦊❤️

“Why do worms come out of the ground when it rains?”, I asked myself as I was slogging through heavy morning rain in the dark. I Googled it and there are a number of theories, but still there is some mystery there. Then I Googled, “Why do I come out in rain to hike?” The response was, “That’s a good question. Why do you?”


dan & yulan thanksgiving thursday

“tribute to a frog”

profoundly alone
wounded eye and dragging leg
fearlessly onward 🦊❤️
(dan’s haiku)
“on and on”

stopping between breaths
the old frog
galumphs along
(yulan’s haiku)
Visit Yulan’s Blog

A number of years ago I found inspiration in the tough, grittiness of urban areas, especially the not so wonderful areas. In the decay and “falling downness” I saw struggle and resilience. Urban photography was my passion.  Now I marvel at the resilience and “tough as nailness” of nature in all its forms. Most humans are so fragile and pampered. What I see in the woods absolutely humbles me.  It makes me thankful on this Thanksgiving Day 2020.


all about miles baby!

no longer looking
at years of life that remain
now it’s miles to do 🦊❤️


owl at dawn

at dawn an owl hoots
isn’t that a rooster’s job?
i guess i was wrong 🦊❤️

On my morning hikes I often hear an owl begin to hoot just before the sunrise. It’s like he’s telling night to go to sleep and the day to wake up. Just like a rooster. The sound moves from haunting to hooray as the sun peeks over the hills. It’s such a wonderful time of day   


red tail vs contrail


that hawk looking up
seeing the jet’s contrail streaming
his red tail flickers

A real moment

reading her haiku
a fox screaming to my left
my nose dripping snot 🦊❤️



the silence of dawn
except for leaves under foot
and my ears ringing 🦊❤️


working for breakfast

you slice the cold air
i grind up the frosty trail
hot breakfast brewing 🦊❤️

overdressed... again

oh what a tangled
web we weave when we put on
too many layers  🦊❤️



right out of the earth
unimaginable fire
the naked trees applaud 🦊❤️


almost everything changes

an arm’s length away
texting me her morning thoughts
birds chatting outside 🦊❤️



i checked my fitbit
relieved that my sleep was “good”
why am i so tired?


dan & yulan thursday

“depth and breadth”

with layers so deep
page behind page behind page
a book to be read 🦊❤️
(by dan)

“the mist”

the first poem
with the mist
(by yulan)

(photo by dan)



in those big brown eyes
reflections of days gone by
as old as the trees 🦊❤️


on being a child

standing like a child
holding up his creation
artists do that. right? 🦊❤️


how many lengths?

measuring my worth
by the lengths he’ll walk to me
feeling good as gold 🦊❤️



into the rising sun (boston marathon 1979)

dawn twenty-twenty
drift back to seventy nine
rodgers beats seko 🦊❤️


in the holler’

thanksgiving nearing
halloween still hanging out
pumpkins turn to pies 🦊❤️


in the air

like a jet’s contrail
the chimney’s breath heats the sky
birds perch to keep warm 🦊❤️



early morning still

crystal clear morning
the moon and stars countable
red and blue lights on


election day #5 (on edge)

people tied in knots
stomachs taking flips and flops
stones are on edge too 🦊❤️


election day #4 (eat more fruit)

 puffing out my chest
wanting the whole world to know
i ate fruit today 🦊❤️


election day #3 (the god card)

and on the third day
god just looked down and he said
“playing the god card!” 🦊❤️


election day #2 (festivus)

rally round the pole(s)
festivus has come early
grieving has begun 🦊❤️


election day #1 (cycles)

the sky full of moon
and news full of election
both in their cycles 🦊❤️


ricky a'la hockney

ricky the brown horse
walked toward me as if we
were the best of friends 🦊❤️


brewing haiku

still lying in bed
haiku already abrew
“did i buy coffee?” 🦊❤️


colors of fall

orange, red and maroon
the colors of fall aglow
a yellow mask too 🦊❤️


...turn, turn, turn...

the colors of leaves
replaced by colors of cars
an un-carved pumpkin 🦊❤️


my favorite saint - st. padre pio

with holes in his hands
he already knows my sins
“say five hail marys” 🦊❤️