plan b

trails awash with ice
i retreat to the blacktop 
runway lights to guide 🦊❤️


moment of haiku

owl hoots on my left
a freight train wails on my right
the bamboo shivers 🦊❤️


blame it on the covid

uptick in litter
they say that covid’s to blame
that would be great news 🦊❤️


teeny tiny steps

nature has a way
of moving oh so slowly
to where it’s heading 🦊❤️


down yonder

in only a mile
i’ve risen above it all
the world still asleep 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #6 gallery


there it is

searching for a sign
in the middle of nowhere
we are meant to be
darlene cliver

bull’s eye

i saw the target
in the middle of nowhere
distracting hunters
normand chabot


i am again stationary
stood up and ready for action
darts are fine but hatchets scare me
thomas might


he missed the target
but he hit the tree
just bandage my branch
stephanie lynn


i’ve heard that dripping sap from a tree is
equivalent to human’s tears; only

i’ve heard that fallen branches are
equivalent to fallen soldiers; forever gone
but not forgotten

i’ve heard that color turning leaves are
equivalent to aging elders;
wrinkling over time

i’ve heard that targets placed in trees are
equivalent to, targets placed on someone’s body;
painful but not to the shooter
stephanie lynn


if i must be pierced
this is a beautiful day
i’m ready throw now
ed tabish

hey dan:

this picture is tough-
hey dan, go easy on us
next time
yulan san

get help

r u stumped
at a loss for what to write
go to:
yulan san

be a winner

take a deep breath
keep your eyes on the target -
yulan san

the tree speaks:

too much/too little time?
the only time that matters
is now
yulan san

hey look!

hey, look!
that tree wears a dartboard
like a watch
yulan san


biding time
through good times and bad - the tree
can live a long time
yulan san

filling dan’s tuesday roll

i’m on a roll -
best quit before they start
throwing darts
yulan san

warning tell

william tell beware
neither apples nor targets
can be shot at here
dan ravasio

strange juxtapositions 

life always provides
plenty of curious sights
to scratch heads about
dan ravasio


such a crazy sight
a dartboard hung in a tree
“just what is the point?”
dan ravasio

lockdown minds

too much time indoors
people seem to loose their minds
or at least good sense
dan ravasio


bullseye in a tree
tired of the competition?
then just climb the tree


when the sun rides high
i come down to where you stand
 so i can touch you 🦊❤️

winter beach

gentle waves of snow
carry afternoon shadows
to the sunset’s beach 🦊❤️



see the heaviness?
how hard gravity pulls down
and up and sideways? 🦊❤️


if trees could talk

if a tree could speak
would it say, “stop! that hurts me” ?
i think that it would 🦊❤️


back to the beginning

re-tracing my steps
back to the place that i was
intended to be 🦊❤️


“i’m still standin’ yeah, yeah, yeah”

centuries have past
almost four to be exact
still standing your ground 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #6

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you. 🦊❤️

looking back

where those furry dice
and high school tassels once hung
there you’ll find our masks 🦊❤️


in memory of bill

from days of toil
to days of rest - now grazing
the greenest pasture 🦊❤️

bill having his haikus read to him by mary ellyn. she said that he really appreciated them all. i’m sure he did... rest in wonderful peace bill. 

You can see Bill’s haiku gallery here - 


joy boiled down

joy boiled down to
being the first to plant a step
in new fallen snow 🦊❤️


saint valentine’s day

stand still in your place
doing your best to warm it
and those who come in 🦊❤️


ode to ferns

in the snowy field
once verdant with frondy ferns
a graveyard of stems 🦊❤️


still standing

not by winter winds
nor by snow on top of snow
will they be brought down 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #5 gallery


magnificent horns
frames two beautiful eyes
like parenthesis
ruth macintosh


should i go to work
i may just play in the snow
it sure is beautiful
ed tabish


malign the bovine
he is steering us wrong
confused cow ward
gery sasko

this is bill

yup, that’s bill
stands his ground no matter what
... and that’s no bull
yulan san

fear of sledgehammer

you're steering me wrong  
i'm not ready to retire
lots of labor left
normand chabot


the ox strong as the winter blast
gentle as the fallen snow
uplifting those he sees
joanne kunz


standing in the snow
patiently watching the world
turning into ice 
marie pejrimovska

training bill to be an ox

first - he needs a name
bill - do this! bill - do that!
bill - walk straight ahead!
dan ravasio


strong as an ox they say
yet bill seems vulnerable
and has tender eyes

long horn mantra

my horns stand tall so
don't get in my way today
i will poke you hard
beth schalock

i'm hungry

who are you?... got food?
the snow has covered my feed
please won't you feed me?
mark schalock

run like hell

my eyes caught his stare
his hoof scratched up the snow
steam poured from his nose
darlene cliver

an ox named bill

handsome by nature
wide indeed, taller than me
worked for years, now rest
mary k fogleboch


a tiger is
a tiger... until
he's a pussy
a bear is
a bear... until
he's a teddy
a bull is
a bull... until
he's an ox
yulan san


through snow, sleet and ice
seven days, my work precise
no mail on sundays
stephanie lynn


can you see my track?
a worker i'll always be
today a snow plow
stephanie lynn


looks aren't everything

black and white
dull nose sharp horns, come round with red
and you should steer clear
tom might


my name is henry
i weigh 2,010 pounds
it's a lot of bull
ron chelsvig


so many words to
describe you and what you do
but i call you “friend”
mary ellyn kunz

harder still

days of work were hard
but harder still is the fact
days of work are done
dan ravasio



dinner with friends

dinner with our friends
we hungrily wait for them 
to arrive on screen 🦊❤️


my move

game of tic - tac - toe
tommy makes the game’s first move
“where to put my “x” ?” 🦊❤️


was chicken little right?

from up in the sky
an avalanche of white stuff
the sky had fallen !!! 🦊❤️

Not so fast. Chicken little was NOT right! The sky had not fallen to earth. The beautiful sky was still up there. Chicken Little tried to pull one over on us by taking a picture of snow on the ground and editing it in such a way that the snow appeared to look like an angry fallen sky!!!! I guess Chicken Little is watching too much news... he’s learning some bad tricks!! Lol 


half of abbott and costello

when no one else was out
you were there waiting for me
oh! - lou costello ! 🦊❤️

Abbott and Costello were an American comedy duo composed of comedians Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, whose work on radio and in film and television made them the most popular comedy team of the 1940s and early 1950s and the highest-paid entertainers in the world during World War II. Their patter routine "Who's on First?" is considered one of the best-known comedy routines of all time.[1] Their popularity waned in the early 1950s due to overexposure and changing tastes in comedy, and their film and television contracts lapsed. The partnership ended soon afterwards. Wikipedia. 


willing to work

where there is hard work
work that breaks the back and heart
they will be found - there 🦊❤️


night travelers

freshly fallen snow
reveals secret travelers
their comings... goings  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #5

5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
Whatever style haiku you like
Just a poem!!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you. 🦊❤️

 Cow Vocabulary 101:  A steer is a neutered male cow.  A bull is intact.  An ox is a cow (any breed or gender but usually steers) trained to work.  It's the training that makes an ox .  It's not a specific species or breed of cow.

another day

peacefully lounging
among the books, bell and zen
a cat waits for treats  🦊❤️