“hi” 🪨🪨🪨

walking through the woods
eating a ripe banana
15 stones spell  “hi” 🦊❤️


the pause that refreshes

a job’s final step
should always be a good pause
to just sit... and be 🦊❤️


cape canaveral

eyes glued to the tube
the countdown about to end
3, 2, 1, blastoff 🦊❤️
mercury space capsule


your turn tuesday #11

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2021/04/its-your-turn-tuesday-10-gallery.html?m=1
Thank you. 🦊❤️




which way to go?

a fork in the trail
one goes up... the other down
oh which way to go 🦊❤️


delivery room

behind that red door
mother earth is filled with seeds
waiting to be born 🦊❤️


the beat goes on

a unique fungi
reminded me of a heart
so i took my pulse 🦊❤️


practicing quacking...

ducks are so lucky
water rolls right off their backs
i’d like to be one... 🦊❤️


standing tall

you stand towering
high above the puny poles
you may someday be 🦊❤️


transmitting warmth

as if telegraphed
a ray from the morning sun
warms a lonely cloud 🦊❤️


it’s your turn tuesday #10 gallery


do you approach or avoid?
is it real or fake?
life is full of decisions
joseph conroy


am i the fierce hunter?
am i the scared prey?
am i content to just be?
joseph conroy

you found me

nestled in the grass
like the easter basket eggs
but not chocolate!
ruth macintosh


flowers in the grass
they're not scared of the gator
i'm running away
mary k fogleboch


admiring the dew upon the misty morning grass
unaware of my surroundings
this croc tried to bite my a$$
darlene cliver


alligators hide in the grass
where it's really safe?
run, forest, run to higher ground
eileen brennam

in the weeds

when it’s in high grass
better be safe than sorry
assume it has teeth
dan ravasio


be you clay or flesh
your form stops me in my tracks
i take a deep breath
dan ravasio


lurking in the grass
will it be danger for me...
...or new pair of shoes?
normand chabot


being still as a statue
my meal awaits, SNAP
stephanie lynn

smling faces

smiling faces
sometimes they tell lies
and i got proof
thomas might


always look out for
the crocodile on the go
cos you never know
marie pejrimovska


prowler in hiding
ready for a snack
run run run
june kushner


opposites attract
somewhere in the middle ground
beauty and the beast
yulan san


is that a gator i see?
i will zig and zag
scary and powerful it is
ed tabish



who goes there?

carved into the tree
strange words that make me wonder
who roams in these woods 🦊❤️



even rock hard rocks
need someone to lean upon
they lean on each other... 🦊❤️


making it last

such joy to just hold
brand spanking new wiffle-balls
soon a ball of tape 🦊❤️


eye candy

these koi were not coy
like a box of jujyfruits
splashing their colors  🦊❤️


rise and shine

your petal blankets
still wrapped so tightly around you
waiting for the sun  🦊❤️


like clockwork

if i could stand still
from sun up until sundown
my shadow would not 🦊❤️


it’s your turn tuesday # 10

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2021/04/your-turn-tuesday-9-gallery.html
Thank you. 🦊❤️




safety signalling

the drive thru window
has so much for me to read
my food is now cold... 🦊❤️


nature by a tko

man versus nature
when the world war is over
nature will prevail  🦊❤️


sunny side up

 from out of nowhere
“stop! turn around! look our way!”
sunny side up eggs!!! 🦊❤️


those hard wooden seats
icy cold winter sundays
no snakes in winter! 🦊❤️



 oh what a grand thing
to be that big old gander -
king of his own pond  🦊❤️



there is a beauty
to take this and to take that
and make it yourself  🦊❤️   (🪚🔩🧱🛠)

your turn tuesday #9 gallery


i’m stumped what to write
or maybe that is the point
a stump has me stumped
stephanie lynn


imagine a heroic story or
a tale as old as time

a fantasy worthwhile
or a poetry book that rhymes

imagine art history titles
and a comic book or two

a biography, a best seller and a fancy
book review

i'd like to think your trunk is now pages in
a book instead of crackling firewood,
roasting... being cooked

so i'll continue imagining all the stories
and characters within
and leave your stump, your history,
counted in the rings
stephanie lynn


if trees could talk
if these walls could talk
the whispering of pines
joe conroy


the mighty tree stood alone
provided shelter to many who have flown
logs can't be their home
joe conroy

no longer oak-ay

rings marking my face
showing just how old i am
oh, how i have lived
normand chabot

tree talk

cut down - i'm showing my age
lean or fat, wet or dry
the chainsaw ended what nature intended
thomas might


round and round we go
wherever life can take us
we will roll forward
eileen brennan


all those years of feast
and also years of famine
in your very core
dan ravasio


years of life
time turns and turns
we continue to grow
june kushner


life measured by rings
time passes by way too fast
i hope i brought joy
ed tabish

the gift of giving

generous trees
offer food, shelter, beauty
last, a forest seat
(inspired by "the giving tree" by shel silverstein)


how old is this stump?
just count the number of rings
amazing stories!
mary k fogleboch

rings of life

rings tell age thick thin
rough hard bark protects
chunk breaks through at end
elizabeth plunkett schalock


the rings on a tree bare its age
just like the wrinkles on one’s face
life is a treasure, age with grace
darlene cliver


logging his stories
year after year after year
the old oak tree
yulan mimmy san


come closer, my friend
and i will tell you some secrets
shhhh, just listen
yulan mimmy san



warming sun

mom and baby seal
and a little baby boy
soaking up the d’s 🦊❤️


hurry up and wait

there’s nothing to do
but stay close at hand - and wait
he waits - and watches 🦊❤️


lucky ladybug

little lady bug
crossing a busy walkway
luck is with you still 🦊❤️


on-off, come-go, up-down, start-stop

sunrise and sunset
shadows come and shadows go
just cycles of life 🦊❤️


heroic deed

my photo has saved
this fine family and pets
from a rainy end 🦊❤️