she wants to be in pictures

mikey all dressed up
in her black and white tuxedo
for her zoom debut 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday gallery #15

fallen tree is now seating
for long conversations
or outdoor meetings
joseph conroy

come, over here and take a seat
this is our favorite place
for friends to meet
joseph conroy

sometime you want to go
where everybody knows your name
and they're always glad you came
joseph conroy

the go to meeting tree
next we will mill the wood
our focus and planning
will get her done
thomas might

hanging out
school's out for summer
can you remember the joy
and feel the freedom?
ruth macintosh

life lessons
just hanging around
the woods, the trees and the creek
learning without books
ruth macintosh

distant cousins
all monkeys like trees
humans, horizontally
apes vertically
normand chabot

boys waiting to play
who is picked first for my team?
strike, walk or grand slam
eileen brennan

life in the woods
friends meeting and exploring
life encompass the memory
june kushner

a visual inventor
and in that moment
a light switch turned on and he
carved a wooden chair
stephanie lynn

and her children climbed
and played
on the fallen tree limbs.
she remembered the old photo
on her mother's dresser.
she remembered the story her
mother told her, holding back 
tears, as this was the only photo
she had left.
it wasn't much of a photo, black 
and white, torn around the edges
and bent just slightly in the
middle. there was shaky 
handwriting on the back that
read, "joe, 1932".
joe a hardworking family man, 
sitting with coworkers on a
skyscraper beam, eating his 
lunch. she laughed as her mind
recreated this photo, and then
yelled, "lunch" as she threw her
children peanut butter and jelly
stephanie lynn


the old gang
hanging out on the bleachers
best seats in town
yulan mimmy san

ten little indians
at the pow-wow
yulan mimmy san

mushroom days
the hot humid days
brings the kids to the cool woods
mushrooms tag along
daniel ravasio

retirement is like
summer vacation from school
that lasts all year long
daniel ravasio



haiku on draught

a night out for eats
me sipping seltzer - her beer
haiku bubbles up  🦊❤️


“goodnight mrs. calabash…”

when the trail lit up
“goodnight mrs. calabash…”
came into my mind…  🦊❤️


just being a heron

just standing in shade
just cool as a cucumber
just waiting for lunch  🦊❤️


simply simple music

these five musicians
playing songs from way back when
music was just music… 🦊❤️


comfort in one’s own skin

every single day
anything is possible
under the blue sky… 🦊❤️


being well anchored


your roots must be strong
and they must be tough enough
to withstand footsteps… 🦊❤️

your turn tuesday #15


write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.



science of it all

there is a science
to everything that we do
just ask a waitress… 🦊❤️


laying or lying??

lying on my back
i watch the sun make art with
all that’s in its way  🦊❤️


sharing space

sitting side by side
so close… yet so far away
not a word spoken… 🦊❤️


red hot

in the red hot sun
wearing a red hot outfit
and red hot shoes too… 🦊❤️


the ascent

it does my heart good
to see that little boy climb
that forbidden peak 🦊❤️


copy cats

 yoga class on zoom
the teacher flapping her wings
the cat’s tail flaps too 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #14 gallery

rough exterior
growth and strength come from within
protective layers
nicole hufford leach (1st time contributor)

hey will? will? hey will?
hey will can you cook dinner?
oh my god, so good!
will bradley (1st time contributor)

looks can be deceiving
when you see three
let it be
ed tabish

it's poison ivy
or it's cousin poison oak
protecting the tree
normand chabot

poison ivy or poison oak
neither is good
go ahead and touch it jamoke!
joseph conroy

three beautiful leaves
dark green and shiny
itching to touch you
daniel ravasio

a single plant
protecting a very large tree
don't disturb beauty
neal steel (1st time contributor)

three to remember
you're in the woods
in the city, you be too
can't believe what you see? don't rub
thomas might

don't touch me
i just want to be, grow, love
i am just like you
ron chelsvig

trees grow more trees
as the life cycle begins
the whole world evolves
eileen brennan

climbing up a tree
looks pretty but dangerous
oh no, scratch, scratch, scratch
mary k fogleboch

it is poisonous
yet, it's also beautiful
paradox of life

hmmm, just three leaves
is it... or isn't it...?
that is the question
yulan mimmy san

look, but don't touch
lest you'll itch and scratch and
scratch it
yulan mimmy san

i feel the itch
itching to write haiku
... can't stop itching
yulan mimmy san

being an itch
"that's poison ivy!!"
"look, that's poison ivy too!!"
"ok dad!!! - i know!'
daniel ravasio

weaving our way
along narrow trails
gingerly weaving our way
to avoid your touch
daniel ravasio


easing into rest

day’s end closing in
walking through it in my mind
soon… another dawn… 🦊❤️


life is a jigsaw puzzle

a trek in the woods
the perfect place for building
life’s jigsaw puzzle… 🦊❤️


the joy of thinking (in memory of bob ross)

it is mind boggling
to just look and think about
land so far away… 🦊❤️
bob ross seascape painting below.  


don’t let the old man in

when my eyes saw me
i looked again… and again
is that really me? 🦊❤️


being invisible


despite your efforts
i can see you on the wall
but your secret’s safe 🦊❤️

standing tall

no more rings to grow
 leaves and limbs very long gone
your straightness lives on… 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #14

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.



me... and my shadow

the sun’s at my back
my squeaks, tweaks and creaks are gone
shadows feel no pain...  🦊❤️ 


an orange a day keeps the doctor away

tom the orange cat
gets some love on a hot day
from yulan... all in orange 🦊❤️


sailing along

the green sea of ferns
is being crossed by
a ship sailing by 🦊❤️


sinking in

now to just sink in-
to a comfortable bed
then... it will sink in 🦊❤️



through a sea of ferns
snaking upward on the trail
to the top... then down  🦊❤️


from sunset to sunrise

a blazing sunset
announces night... and the next
sunrise to run to 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #13 gallery

happy travels, finally!
my suitcase is packed
it’s been waiting patiently
time to hit the road

the traveler with one suitcase
returning from trip or soon departing
cherish the memories either way
joe conroy

luggage or suitcase
coming or going
waiting for a cab or garbage truck
joe conroy

a suitcase is such a mystery
a vessel to transport the unknown
the excitement to what’s inside should it be found
joe conroy

pop, take me with you
that was then
i forgot
claire gold

moving out of here
this house is really to big
it is only me
eileen brennan

pandemic’s over
i’m ready to travel now
anywhere but home
normand chabot

a suitcase from then
empty and waiting curbside
one final road trip
dan ravasio

finally, no need 
to hit the road again
glad to be home
yulan san

plastic totes
sitting waiting to be unpacked
support crew weekend
sandra l fon
