your turn tuesday #20

(Painting by Robert Beck entitled, “Love’s Notions and Novelties)

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.







near miss

when i make pancakes
i hate it when they collide
success… a near miss 🦊❤️

flashback to grandmother’s kitchen

a shard of old china
poking up out of the ground
“danny it’s lunchtime…” 🦊❤️


is there a sound when a tree…?

as the clock struck two
two trees fell like dominoes
were they even heard?  🦊❤️


importance of roots

that towering tree
able to withstand the slope
it’s all in the roots. 🦊❤️


the eternal struggle…

it looked like the end…
the snake’s jaws gulped more
then the frog broke free 🦊❤️


nature’s way

the rays of the sun
bring to light the awesome sight
of how nature works 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #19 gallery

schools open
walk between the lines
bright, yellow and bold to see
just follow my lines
eileen brennan

the thing is:
in life there are no straight lines
just keep walking
yulan mimmy san

stick man on a sign
he's not going anywhere
aging as he rusts
neal steele

only cross to the left
cross here only
but i'm going the other way
joseph conroy

driver sees pedestrian standing next to sign
stops to allow them to cross
they aren't crossing, they're just watching their phone
joseph conroy

face into phone and walking into traffic
i'm in the crosswalk
i don't have to be responsible anymore
joseph conroy

 where are you walking?
what will you discover next?
such discoveries
mary k fogleboch

taking their first step
can often be harder
push on, don't look back
stephanie lynn

i'll show you how to walk a dog
out to walk the dog
forgot, i got no digits
hard to hold the leash and voice commands are a must
the extra dough he whispered will
keep you out of the courts
walk on
thomas might

road sign 
cross at your own risk
as this here sign clearly shows
loose fingers and toes
normand chabot

so much new stuff
has been created for good
outside the lines
daniel ravasio

tribute to andy worhal 
 there is safety there
between those lines on the ground
such a boring walk...
daniel ravasio

read my many words
all neatly marching forward
read between the lines
daniel ravasio

walking the tightrope 
synergy of arms and legs 
head loose and focused
daniel ravasio

life has no schedule

autumn yet to fall
leaves find their way down to earth
ahead of schedule 🦊❤️


urban photography

sitting on a wall
with her home in a handcart
ready… aim… bull’s eye  🦊❤️


a smile a day…

it’s yulan and dan
along with marnie and joe
“best smile” goes to joe  🦊❤️



when we’re at our best
and even when at our worst
the red, white and blue  🦊❤️


groundhog day revisited

i looked at the ground
and i saw my dark shadow
six more weeks of heat 🦊❤️


fullness of it all

on the empty street
empty table - empty glass
waiting to be filled 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #19

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.






black door in a white wall

behind the black door
our truths lie waiting for light
dying to be aired  🦊❤️


rain dancers

dancing up a storm
hoping to cool down the heat
“look! rain clouds above!”  🦊❤️


step right up

shoes, shoes and more shoes
plenty of experience
used but not abused 🦊❤️



some say, “ he’s crazy”
others say, “dedicated”
the wise do not judge  🦊❤️


some say, “he’s crazy”
other say, “dedicated”
the wise ask, “why?”  🦊❤️


dave and his dogs

two dogs and one cat
and a man with a bad neck
off to meet a friend  🦊❤️


good things come to those who wait

days of bitterness
ever so slowly sweetened
today is the day 🦊❤️


your turn tuesday gallery #18


the woman in the sky
hair blowing from the wind
i see her, do you?
joseph conroy

how long will she stay?
what will she be later?
sky’s the limit
joseph conroy

my head’s in the clouds
“get it down to earth”, you say
well i say, “no way!”
daniel ravasio

clouds were the first art show
art is always one’s interpretation
but don’t let me cloud your judgement
joseph contoy

clouds can hold many memories
when it’s filled with enough sad ones
looks like rain today
joseph conroy

one day at a time
up, up and away
the heavens are there for us
just wait for your god
eileen brennan

big clouds, little clouds
composing the sky
yulan mimmy san

a host of angels
keeping an eye on things
down below
yulan mimmy san

a cloud in the sky
a flower, a tree, a bee
smiling at me
yulan mimmy san

thinking of johnnie
and the little white cloud -
no longer crying
yulan mimmy san

big clouds... little clouds
momma and all her babies
up in heaven
yulan mimmy san

bright and fluffy white
yet dark and threatening rain
what will the day hold
mary ellyn kunz

remember this day
white clouds floating above you
peace and quiet
marie pejrimovska

a pillow in the sky
see it floating by above casting a shadow below
changing shape as time does too
thomas might

up in the sky
cotton candy clouds
are they forming animals...
or just future rain?
normand chabot

just imagine this
a seahorse floating by or
is it an eagle
elizabeth plunkett schalock

laying on the grass
making pictures in the sky
childhood memories
elizabeth plunkett schalock

many beautiful clouds
do you see what i see?
all different like us
ed tabish

god's own art show
we watch, dream and fantasize
and sometimes we doze
neal steele

wish hard and often
this is where some wishes go
up above the clouds
eileen brennan

stop and take a break
let's daydream for a minute
permission granted
dawn hanson hale

the blue of sky
background for dancing clouds
complete each other
june kushner

wistful wondering
maybe we are all like clouds
carried by currents
ron chelsvig

the clouds were arranged
like words in a white lie
they're always changing
dan ravasio

painting in the sky
on display for all to see
art class in heaven
stephanie lynn

change = survival

that old factory
hodge podge of bricks and mortar
scars of changing times  🦊❤️


super sniffer (ruffer)

a field full of smells
skunk here, rabbit there, mice too
hawk circling above  🦊❤️


vanishing art

on the blank canvas
the sun has left the first mark
like the clouds… it’s gone… 🦊❤️


mistaken identity

i thought that i found
a lost pendant on a chain
tomato - onion  🦊❤️


what creatures we are…


i look at my legs
and i couldn’t help but think
wow… how amazing  🦊❤️

sneak preview

from way up above
i look down and there i see
the long, winding trail  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #18

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.





“coffee to go please - hold the cream”

plexiglass and mask
sanitizer and distance
and a tip jar too  🦊❤️


gotcha… again!

he’s laying in wait
in the same place everyday
every day… i jump  🦊❤️