nature unfurled

rocks and trees and sky
and beautiful lights at dusk
a gentle breeze too  🦊❤️


“quicker picker uppers”

oh! what a “bounty”
of “quicker picker uppers”
wiping away worry  🦊❤️

a sign of the times
a car full of paper towels
and looking for more


mea culpa - i’m not an arborist (lol)

this tree’s really a 
cucumber magnolia
not a tulip tree  🦊❤️


shape of things.

some trees are known by
the shape of the leaves they bear
like this tulip tree  🦊❤️


little adults

childhood’s soft contours
honed to a razor’s edge…
old before their time… 🦊❤️😢


your turn tuesday #24

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.



the leaves are falling
and mother nature slows down
two rebels say, “no!”  🦊❤️


noli timere (be not afraid)

it’s that time of year
the supernatural haunts
be not afraid  🦊❤️
natural abounds
and supernatural too
it’s that time of year  🦊❤️


made in the shade

green peninsula
in the shadow of the tree
it’s made in the shade  🦊❤️


black walnut

a matter of… time
as fall is your time… to fall…
mother earth… awaits  🦊❤️


larger than life

oh to be an ant
to creep between trees of grass
grandeur of it all  🦊❤️


fall is for feeling

when the skies of fall
loom above and sail as one
flannel feels so good  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #23 gallery

the race to autumn
white clouds looking on
as green trees trot to bronze
grasses sprinting to gold
daniel ravasio

covid for ten days
so sick, so tired, so disgusted
the clouds give me peace
neal steele

laying on the grass
looking at the sky
mary k fogleboch

nature at its best
it calls us to walk in peace
sky and ground embrace
june kushner

positive thinking
a peaceful meadow
hold on to the memory
when life gets troubled

laying in the grass
in an open field looking up
oh how beautiful
mary k fogleboch

soft breeze in the air
the gentle wind on your cheek
a smiling cloud forms
stephanie lynn

look closely, my friend
all colors and shades galore
a rainbow you'll see
dawn hanson hale

beautiful day
in between the trees
the sky so blue, proud to show...
but clouds are lurking
normand chabot

only if it rained
you can't dream of better days
when the sky's this blue
eileen brennan

some call it nature:
grasses, trees, clouds in the sky -
i call it home
yulan mimmy san



 a cracked plastic plate
smeared with colors of the earth
now… tommy the cat  🦊❤️


simpler times

when johnny played ball
face masks were a single bar
it was just a game  🦊❤️



far from the mainstream
a cozy nook… so quiet
we sit… and we breathe… 🦊❤️


supply chain blues

toilet paper’s rare
and grocery shelves are empty
so let them eat shoes! 🦊❤️


van gogh

simple strokes of paint
photographed into pixels
what would van gogh say?  🦊❤️


against all odds

from a rocky world
a sturdy tree has emerged
life can work like that  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday. #23

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.



lasting impression

on this muddy road
is left a life’s impression
never blown away 🦊❤️


the ins and outs…

in at 2:19 
you arrive at 60 miles
out at 2:32 🦊❤️

out at 2:32
i’ll see you at 66
i’ll write this haiku 🦊❤️


the mountains call

just cruising along
our heads way up in the clouds
vermont’s green mountains  🦊❤️


ever so gently down

on a lush green field
a little yellow balloon
touched down and was still  🦊❤️


so we’re all alone
free to be me, you - you
big brother watches  🦊❤️


hope springs eternal…

from the aged human breast
a tender shoot emerges…
hope springs eternal 🦊❤️

It is human nature to keep on hoping against all odds. This particular expression was coined by the poet Alexander Pope in An Essay on Man (1732), “Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” and very quickly became proverbial. (From Google Search)


your turn tuesday gallery #22

learn to share
why are you yellin
about a melon? it’s clear
there’s enough for all

hit the jackpot
found without hunting-
the unexpected treasure
must be meant to be
ruth macintosh

you had one job
to guard the melon
and you broke it
joseph conroy

the sky is still dark
i lay quietly in bed
my fan hums along 
crystal love

screaming seagulls
you are a SEAGULL!
you don't need vitamin c
no watermelon!
normand chabot

come join us today
we have treats to share with you
all friends are welcome
marie pejrimovska

mine, mine mine, mine, mine
back away now, this is mine
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine
elizabeth plunkett schalock

garbage cans in flight
let's get wild and obnoxious
make a mess of human refuse
maybe we'll go down in haiku history
thomas might

anything to catch
in our lovely clean blue lake
fruit and birds do swim
eileen m. brennan

mine!, mine!, mine!, mine!, mine!
just flap your wings out of here
it's not yours! it's mine!
mary ellyn kunz

birds flock together
dinner on the water
family affair
june kushner

go fend for yourself
flashbacks of the pandemic
toilet paper brawls
stephanie lynn

seagulls by the shore
discovering a fruit stand
just watermelon today
joseph conroy

it's mine
i saw it first
yulan maimmy san

red skelton skit
a dog eat dog world
mine is mine and your’s is too
freddie freeloader
daniel ravasio

if you want to eat
put away your empty hand
pick up a shovel
daniel ravasio


a bolt of blue

dressed in lots of blue
from your mask down to your toes
and pretzel purse too… 🦊❤️


wild about amadou

called “horse hoof fungi”
but amadou is proper
from fires to sweet hats  🦊❤️


sharpness of dusk

fiery sun at dusk
melting its way through the trees
hot knife through butter… 🦊❤️


perfect shadow

the sun overhead
and the smooth sand underfoot
a perfect shadow  🦊❤️