your turn tuesday #26 gallery

red yellow and blue
the sky layers the colors
what a sight to see
normand chabot

sky above our heads
for all of us to enjoy
the beautiful view
marie pejrimovska

picture perfect sky
as the cable wires hang high
truly breathtaking
stephanie lynn 

you can see some pink
somewhere over the rainbow
blue and yellow too!
eileen brennan

between what you see and don’t
there is a story
yulan mimmy san

layers of softness
one on top of the other
a musical score
daniel ravasio

the sky speaks to me
shows what tomorrow might be
lovely sky
mary k fogleboch

peaceful country road
to enjoy the many colors
of our world relaxing
june kushner

so perfect my words are at a loss
this is obviously none other than
the vision of bob ross
joseph conroy

clouds of pink and blue
ooey - gooey - oh so sweet
“cotton candy here!!!”
daniel ravasio

painted in broad strokes
by an invisible brush
signed only… “the sky”
daniel ravasio


the art of hanging tough

“and the winner is”
the one who holds on and on
despite wind and rain  🦊❤️


life has its own timezone

the greens of summer
now a crispy gold and black
a cutting wind howls  🦊❤️


sized up

small business woman
long hours - tons of worry
short moment of sleep 🦊❤️


less can be more

character is built
not just by adding things on
shedding things builds too

newness of thanksgiving

when the trees are bare
and the sun’s light is just right
shadows become new  🦊❤️


hide and seek

sun rising up high
and the frost hunkering down
game of hide and seek  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #26

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.





box of tomatoes
green, yellow and red
saved from jack frost’s nip 🦊❤️



in us is a flame
it burns for one big reason
to light other’s flames  🦊❤️ 🔥


eye catching oddity 2


on the dried out root
a mitten waits to be found
missing its partner  🦊❤️

eye catching oddity

an unlikely thing
hung in an unlikely place 
yet… it seems just right  🦊❤️


snap, crackle, pop

it’s that time of year
when jack frost nips at noses
twigs snap with gusto  🦊❤️



with or without wires
their songs and their tweets will ring
can we say the same?  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday gallery #25

calories don't count
when they are blue, and so cute
who needs to be right
eileen brennan

ohh, my my
i cannot decide
i want them all
yulan mimmy san

like little blue mops...
so tempting... but will they clean
or clog arteries
normand chabot

waiting to be picked
enjoyed and devoured
we sit and we wait
sometimes days or just hours
our icing is designed
with the holidays in mind
no tricks here
just a treat so divine
stephanie lynn

they're cupcake martyrs
sacrificing themselves
to give us pleasure

decision decisions oh my
blue eye monster/witches legs stick with
s'mores for all
june kushner

a sweet tooth's heaven
chock full of color and cream
be sure to floss and brush
daniel ravasio

the sweetness of life
keep your back to the “witches”
with eyes wide open
nicole hufford leach

you can bury your head
you can keep your eyes wide open
witch one will you choose?
joseph conroy


red hot

days of heavy rain
combined with some frosty nights
a five alarm fire  🦊❤️


one? not enough!

lined up like soldiers
the products of obsession
one’s never enough 🦊❤️


ships in the night

deer in my headlamp
i look his way… he looks mine
just two ships passing  🦊❤️



it’s been a long time
painting faces had gone dry
grab a brush… just paint  🦊❤️

thank you Muhammad… you helped silence the voice!


henry’s bench

this is henry’s bench
where jack sits and thinks kindly
about his old friend  🦊❤️ 



time for leaves to fall
and of course the trees follow
falling into line  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #25

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here-
Thank you.



the tunnel’s end

at the tunnel’s end
a sea of golden grasses
breaking on the trail 🦊❤️


looking is hard work

finding is hard work
it’s not just looking around
intention’s a must  🦊❤️


It’s about time

going in circles
ring after ring after ring
where did the time go?  🦊❤️



many moons from now
voyagers will discover
clues to who we were  🦊❤️



out of the trillions
one glows like no other one
in leaves… and in life  🦊❤️



in the dark of night
and in all kinds of weather
still… we will be there  🦊❤️


your turn tuesday #24 gallery

we are family
getting dirty in the sand
run for the ocean
mary k fogleboch

three old smelly shells
they were once a living thing
that danced, and swam in the sea
eileen brennan

horseshoe crab family
we're feeling crabby
tucked in between mom and dad
don't touch: we'll prick you
normand chabot

as i walk i see
three horseshoe crabs in a row
but not one ringer
neal steele

a walk on the beach
one, two, three crabs you will see
dad, mom and baby
dawn hanson hale

horseshoe crabs on a stroll
sandy and peaceful beach
family night out
june kushner

on the beach head
all for one and one for all
yulan mimmy san

i'm not a horse not even a shoe
i'm not even a crab
but i can help heal you
joseph conroy

footprints in the sand
never once did i ever
think they were made by you
joseph conroy

as we walk through life
we often leave an impression
sometimes the wrong ones
joseph conroy

self protection
soldiers in armour
holding the softness inside
seems so familiar

on the sandy beach
three visitors from long ago
resilience is key
daniel ravasio


soft scary

walking hand in hand
white marshmallow and grey clouds
so soft… and so sweet  🦊❤️