(from) the two of us (h.n.y.)

we walked through this year
our feet caressing the earth 
new ground with each step 🦊❤️

As I look back on 2021, I realize that it has been the most productive and creative year of my life. A big reason that has been that way for me is because of  Yulan,  a truly inspirational guide and partner in making art, living, laughing, loving, discovering, experimenting and dreaming.  It’s been a very, very  good year - for the two of us. Happy New Year 🦊❤️


new year’s resolutions

like a drunk’s tattoo
forever pledges proclaimed
slowly fade away  🦊❤️

New Year’s Eve is a day away and we have some time to write down our resolution(s) for 2022. Will it be a big, bold proclamation of life altering significance? Or… will it be a silent, tiny spark of newness that can be fanned into a warm fire of personal satisfaction and accomplishment,  day by day throughout the new year? 🦊❤️


fine line

frosty and his friends
casting their fates to the wind
living for today  🦊❤️

There is a fine line separating “living carelessly” from “living freely”.  There is a fine line separating “fear” from “caution”.  
When fear is used as a tool to instill caution… carelessness will increase and freedom will be reduced. 🦊❤️

your turn tuesday #28 gallery

phone 4 stressful news
phone for holiday planning
phone for switching off
gery sasko

phone booth is missing
where can superman change now?
we never see him
normand chabot

holidays are near
call mama but there's no phone
cell phone in pocket
elizabeth plunkett schalock

just climb up the wall
tap on the window one time
and i'll make your call
neal steele

happy holidays to you
ho-ho-ho & ho
yulan mimmy san

ding, dong, or beep beep
could it be a cellphone call?
when no phone is found
eileen brennan

secret passage
tap the receiver
enter the world beyond the wall
june kushner

waiting for your call
by a phone that'll never ring
so disconnected
stephanie lynn

an abandoned payphone
standing on the corner with no service
could be brought back with help of "Job"
joseph conroy

once an invention that lives
no longer having any value
for whom the bell tolls
joseph conroy

broke down or running late
help used to be on every corner
how times have changed
joseph conroy

standing quietly
no ears or mouth to be found
silence is golden 
daniel ravasio

Well folks here is the last “your turn tuesday gallery” of 2021.  It has been a wonderful year of creativity on the part of the many submitters over the year. Looking forward to 2022 to see what new things might pop up. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 🦊❤️



left behind

forlorn wreaths and trees
huddle on the special day
sending love your way 🦊❤️

There is a certain sadness that I feel when I see trees that did not find a home for Christmas. There is a story there to be told about life’s struggles and outcomes. Let’s have a moment of silence for all of the trees who sacrificed it all this Christmas season but were not successful in being adorned with twinkling lights and dazzling ornaments. We decorate you with our thoughts and love.   🦊❤️



into the dark

1:30 am
from my window i watch him…
go into the night  🦊❤️

Watching my kids disappear into the the forests in the dark of night at Ultra races is an experience that I still find challenging, even after many years of crewing them in some pretty spooky environments.  They say the universe gives you what you need to learn to deal with your discomfort and fears in life.  So it is that now my daughter goes into the dark of night as a police officer.  Yes… I think that is how the universe works… 🦊❤️ 


our christmas wish…

night before christmas
tommy waits for santa too
“meowy christmas all!”  🦊❤️

Our Christmas eve was made special by Tommy the trail cat. We sauntered up to his homestead to wish him christmas cheer and give him a treat. He greeted us, sat with us, gobbled his treat and then simply sat there accepting our loving pets. He looked here and there while sitting under the deep dark blue sky… waiting for santa to arrive. Merry Christmas to all… meow. 🦊❤️




on the beach of green
watching waves of golden grass
breaking at my feet  🦊❤️

It’s Christmas Eve morning and its snowing a bit and the roads look icy from my apartment window.  No problem… I decided that I’m at the beach today… well sort of… 🦊❤️

magical forest

from out of nowhere
there arose such a clatter
nine wooden reindeer 🦊❤️

 A flash of red in a remote nook off the beaten trail caught my  eye. We made our way to a small clearing and there we discovered nine wooden reindeer. I swear I heard a “ho ho ho” and the jingle-jangle of bells… My mind flashed back to the Chemistry Kit and a cardboard book of Lifesaver candies that I received many years ago from Santa. It was magical…🦊❤️


inch by inch by inch
day after day after day
undaunted pursuit… 🦊❤️  
“Success” in work, sport, art, relationships, relaxation, healing, living, etc. is about doing, working, trying, sweating, etc. It’s day after day effort that is required. “Success”isn’t given to you - and if it has been handed to you, then it’s about day after day work to keep the gift you’ve been given. 🦊❤️

your turn tuesday #28

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2021/12/your-turn-tuesday-27-gallery.html?m=1
Thank you.


face to face

looking up at me
from the cold and frosty trail
and i down at them 🦊❤️
I am often amazed at how casual or random encounters on life’s trails take on meaning, significance and provide food for thought - at just the right time. 🦊❤️ 


a haiku moment

moments after dawn
sitting… thinking… raindrops fall
overhead - geese honk 🦊❤️
Every once in a while what I call a “haiku moment” shows up for me. These moments are like bolts out of the blue. There is nothing special happening in these moment…except… the synergy of what is happening all at the same time at that those moments. Then I write them down… and ask myself… why can’t that happen more often? 🦊❤️


life’s twists and turns

i sometimes wonder
why some trees grow so wiggly
and some grow so straight  🦊❤️
Nature is overflowing with illustrations and lessons about the diversity of life. There is no angst, anger, appraisal or avoidance. No need for protest. No need for parades. No need for pins. No need for publicity. Just acceptance…I love nature. 


the day’s end(ing)

sun sits in windows
the moon rises overhead
old folks settle in 🦊❤️

I often walk Ruffer the dog in a big field near a large nursing facility. Last evening the setting sun reflected off of the  windows and the rising moon hovered over the glowing building. I thought about the old folks inside. I felt lots of gratitude for being able to hold back Ruffer as he attempted to attack a passing truck.  Ruffer really dislikes trucks and school busses. 🦊❤️ 


forever a home

once a tall, strong tree
a home for many a bird
now fallen… home still 🦊❤️
There is a huge fallen tree on the side of the trail. It is totally hollowed out and has the appearance of a cave shrouded in vines and bushes. Every time I pass by this once towering giant I imagine a bear sleeping inside the hollowed out trunk. Then I remember the childhood  TV cartoon “Yogi Bear”. Then I think of my grandmother. Then I look up at the sky. 🦊❤️



you watch me pass by
never acknowledging me
but… you can’t fool me  🦊❤️
eyes look straight ahead
not a clue do they reveal
what’s behind the glass 🦊❤️
day in and day out
you stand watch - looking… seeing…
taking it all in  🦊❤️

I had a very deep conversation the other day with a friend about living life. We talked about the role of eyes in helping us live life “safely”. Eyes take sights inward and they also guard against others “looking into us.” There is a healthy balance to “good eye health”. (Dedicated to my friend - and me too)


your turn tuesday #27 gallery

enter if you dare
oh sorry! wrong holiday
joseph conroy

christmas lights
like two hands of light
protruding out of the ground
normand chabot

it is the season
when holiday lights go up
as do power bills
neal steele

just white, or many colors
twinkly colors to see
eileen brennan

white, blue or colors
hanukkah, christmas
all celebrate peace
eileen brennan

holding hands alight
luminous twisting in sight
brightness dance with dark
gery sasko

ho ho ho
diamonds everywhere
love that bling
yulan mimmy san

bright electric trees
vivid in the winter gloom
keep darkness at bay

the dark neighborhood
shines with holiday colors
makes me smile
mary k fogleboch

it's the time of year
when trees are transformed into
bearers of the light
daniel ravasio

Happy week before Christmas week.  Hope that you enjoy the wonderful poems submitted for this week’s gallery. I think that this week’s gallery illustrates just how the same picture can evoke such a wide range of verse.  Enjoy. 🦊❤️


claim your fame

just fifteen minutes?
such a short time for shining
don’t you believe it !! 🦊❤️

How to have more than 15 minutes of fame. 
1. Forget about fame
2. Tend your little corner of the world with pride and enthusiasm
3. Do good 


tabla rasa

out of pretty tubes
flows the world within the mind
thirsty blank canvas 🦊❤️


red, yellow, green, gray

green from here to there
yellow and red streaking through
grey sky overhead  🦊❤️


stopping on a dime

a shiny object
caught my eye as i passed by
i stopped, looked, wondered… 🦊❤️


ruffer & yulan

flashing his big browns
while carrying his green ball
“hey… how bout a treat?”  🦊❤️


what comes first, nature or art?

helter-skeltered leaves
like a jackson pollock work
the nature of art  🦊❤️

helter-skeltered leaves
like a jackson pollock work
the art of nature  🦊❤️



your turn tuesday #27

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2021/11/your-turn-tuesday-26-gallery.html?m=1
Thank you.



what is confidence?
it’s KNOWING that my daughter
will finish the race  🦊❤️


bird’s eye view

want a bird’s eye view?
rise above the beaten path
out of traffic’s way  🦊❤️


coffee at the farmer’s market

i sip my coffee
he wipes counter spotless and…
 turns on the lanterns 🦊❤️


and a cherry on top

the golden carpet
received a festive topping
of red maple leaves  🦊❤️


riding shotgun

in his best red coat
cutting such a fine profile
shotgun sure suits him  🦊❤️

This term alludes to the armed defender of a stagecoach who sat beside the driver to protect against marauders and bandits. From Google.


beating a path

if you look closely
the way becomes visible
day by day by day  🦊❤️