527. seeking clarity

tongue and groove floor boards
go this way and go that way
but they meet halfway    🦊❤️ 

First seek to gain clarity on why others hold opinions different than yours. You never know what you might learn about them… and yourself. 🦊❤️


526. as i sip my tea

red, white and the blue
flashing lights and wailing sirens
cozy… sipping tea 🦊❤️

There is wisdom in appreciating & supporting those that keep us safe and cozy. (A tribute to law enforcement) 🦊❤️


525. handwriting on the wall

this wall cannot speak
and two ears it does not have
wink and nod? it can!  🦊❤️

Allow what is around you to speak to you. Silent words are constantly coming your way. 🦊❤️


524. red-nosed reindeer

that odd little tree
stands so tall among the rest
rudolph looks on… smiles  🦊❤️

Trees don’t waste energy looking upward, they spend their time digging their roots deeply into the earth. 🦊❤️


523. missing minnetonka

many moons ago
hunters and gatherers roamed
a lost moccasin  🦊❤️  

Time has a way of remembering people(s) that sometimes does not do them justice 🦊❤️
“Minnetonka” comes from the Dakota Sioux Indian’s mni tanka, meaning "great water". It is also the name of a prominent shoe manufacturer that specializes in moccasin shoes and slippers.


522. between me and the sky

standing all alone
in a big wide open field
the wind comes… it goes  🦊❤️

I would like to learn how to see what is in front of me… nothing more. 🦊❤️


521. your turn tuesday gallery #30

in the crispy teens
tracks of all kinds will endure
rain in the forecast
daniel ravasio

clever idea
a cerebral endeavor
one that motivates
michael brna

one foot 
and paw into paw
yulan mimmy san

they left their footprints
daniel and his pal ruffer
daily walk is bliss
normand chabot

life’s a hairy path
sunshine heals our muddy steps
washed his paws with love
michael brna

who was there first
the dog or the human
let’s ask the chicken
joseph conroy

walking the trails can make you muddled
finding direction from footprints in the mud
will most certainly have you befuddled
joseph conroy

you couldn’t see us
but by your side we were
our footprints let you know you are NEVER alone
june kushner

i spy
hoof print, dog print or man
leave a clue that you were here
read the signs left behind
eileen brennan

those that came before
and all those yet to pass by
the seasons of time
daniel ravasio

the evidence is clear
don’t think it got far
could we have found a centaur?
joseph conroy

the footprints in the mud
are receipts of our visit
then erased by the rain 
joseph conroy

side by side
walking together
mindfully, with gratitude
for a deep friendship



520. buddhas


buddhas all around
on the shelves… and on the floor
some purring… some not  🦊❤️

Whenever I just sit and watch the cats… I often think, “Wow! I wish I could learn how to be like a cat.” 🦊❤️

519. emil zatopek

emil zatopek
 running just like a mad man 
my childhood hero 🦊❤️

Emil Zatopek, the famous Czech long distance runner of the 1950’s and 60’s was renowned for his brutal training regimes and his grotesque, contorted running style. Aside from his stellar running ability, he was an outspoken critic of the then Soviet Union’s overtaking of Czechoslovakia, which he paid for through their retribution. He has been a hero of mine since grade school. I have always wanted to honor him in some way through art. I finally did. 🦊❤️ 


518. growing a shadow

stand up tall… stand straight
pull those shoulders back… chest out…
let the sunlight work  🦊❤️
Standing up straight with your shoulders back is a good first step in so many endeavors. 🦊❤️


517. how much is that doggie in the window?

from behind the glass
two big glistening brown eyes
not for sale i’m sure  🦊❤️

As I was writing this post, I wondered how many people would know the song, “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window? Do you? 🦊❤️


516. nowhere to go… nothing to do

a little brick path
it meanders to nowhere
yet to… everywhere  🦊❤️

Yulan always  introduces the final “brief final  period of relaxation” when leading her yoga classes with the phrase “nowhere to go… nothing to do…”. Sounds so easy…. but so difficult to do… 🦊❤️


515. bittersweet bus stop

we walked hand in hand
such a very cold morning
her hand warmed mine  🦊❤️

It was a very cold morning as I walked my Granddaughter to the bus stop. We walked hand in hand. She didn’t have gloves on. I asked why? She said because they were in her backpack. I said nothing… I just continued to enjoy the warmth of her hand that radiated through my gloved hand. Then I stood and waved to her as the bus pulled away. Her mask had candy corns decorating it. 🦊❤️

514. your turn tuesday # 30

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2022/01/507-your-turn-tuesday-gallery-29.html?m=1
Thank you.



513. and penny postcards

when air was a choice
and stamps were just a nickel
my finnish penpal… 🦊❤️

While sauntering around the ruins of an old factory, I found an ancient “airmail” stamper sticking out of the rubble. I remembered my Finnish penpal from grade school days. I wondered how she’s doing? Her name was Gunilla Holmlund I also remembered my grandfather’s stamp collection.  🦊❤️

Note: I prepared this post very early on Sunday morning. In early evening my son Kevin sent me a text telling me that while cleaning out his closet, he came upon my Grandfather’s stamp collection book that I had given him years ago. He knew nothing of my early morning post that mentioned the stamp collection. How weird is that?

(US postage stamps were a nickel (5 cents) in 1964)


512. time travel

the smell of oatmeal
like a chilly grade school morn
oh mom… are you here?  🦊❤️

Left unlocked, our senses can be  doorways to times long forgotten. 🦊❤️


511. age and beauty

peeling paint on steel
an artist-less masterpiece
 the passing of time  🦊❤️

We should be taught to recognize and appreciate the exquisite beauty that the passing of time creates in things… from a decaying tree to a wrinkling face.  🦊❤️

510. work shift

behind the screen fence
a once bustling factory
deafening silence  🦊❤️

Of all of the work I’ve done in life, the most satisfying and enjoyable were those jobs that allowed me to use my hands to make “things” and be able to look those “things” when completed.  The “Joy of Making…”  🦊❤️


509. wise old things

one eyed and toothless
the wise old tree whispering
“come closer - listen…”  🦊❤️

Looking beyond the surface of things can be a challenge… but it is a key skill to grow if you want to branch out in life and become a wise old owl. 🦊❤️


508. still bearing fruit

the trees all stand bare
while the bamboo still bear
picking wildflowers 🦊❤️

The sight of bamboo in the grayness of winter is like a warm summer breeze. 🦊❤️ 


507. your turn tuesday gallery #29

buildings just pop up everywhere
covering railroads and streets
how quickly land is covered up
eileen brennan

the bush is long gone
brown, not pretty anymore
but wait, that's the sun
neal steele

hidden by branches
the train waits to hit your car
no passing allowed
normand chabot

oh what a tangled web we weave
don't cross the line or do it fast
if you want your life to last
thomas might

brown sticks and thickets
tall evergreens alongside
the contrasts of life
michael brna

solid lines all around
jump them all for a real treat
go into the brush fun awaits
june kushner

wonders beyond the solid lines
to cross or not to cross
man on the right will guide me through
june kushner

i'm at a crossroads
which way should i go?
i'll take the road less travelled
into the woods

life can be so confusing
do we go right or left?
let's stay straight and put up the fight
hold my hand and come with me
us together shall set our minds free
darlene cliver

a box size of 5-7-5?
too restrictive for one so wild
set me free and i come alive
emma jane ahern

some travel by rail
others prefer the pavement
all paths get you there
emma jane ahern

perfectly good road
leading where others have been
"trailblaze" says my heart
emma jane ahern

north of home
south of home, east or west
which way to go
yulan mimmy san

do i dare to cross
those official painted lines?
my feet say, "you must"
daniel ravasio

smashing pennies
so much to be found
beside the old railroad tracks
penny for your thoughts
daniel ravasio

deep into the night
i hear a train passing through
the abandoned rails
daniel ravasio

success is staying on track
follow the wrong rails
you will be double crossed
joseph conroy

when it looks like the ride is over
continue moving forward
there's plenty more to see
joseph conroy

a childhood headache
a cool towel on my forehead
a train’s horn echoing
daniel ravasio

trains of my childhood
had cabooses and a guy
who drank coffee there
daniel ravasio

who last passed this way
heading north, south, east or west
searching for true north
michael brna


506. my comfort… your pain

winter weather woes
me, “i’m so happy he’s in”
him, “get meow outta here!!”🦊❤️

I was ecstatic that Tommy was offered protection from a frigid evening in the warmth of the nature center. He on the other hand was not so happy. Just goes to show you…🦊❤️


505. unseen - a case for god

light years of empty
filled with invisible might
they say it’s “by chance”  🦊❤️

Who can deny the invisible rays of the sun? Their warmth? Their power? Their sway? Their presence? Their absence? 🦊❤️


504. banana silliness

oh that final bite
overly ripe and creamy
such a sad face… gulp 🦊❤️
Today I had nothing of importance to post… except a little silliness. I guess a little silliness will have to do. 🦊❤️

503. heavenly light show

that stained glass window
basking in the rising sun
saints inside aglow  🦊❤️

The ever changing view from my apartment’s balcony window is an endless source of fuel for my imagination and feelings of gratitude. 🦊❤️

502. mirror, mirror…

at age seventy
little danny looks at me
from my hall mirror  🦊❤️

I swear… there are moment of yesteryear that are as clear as today. 🦊❤️


501. everything is haiku

 a herd of greenness 
grazing in a frozen field
 huddled to stay warm  🦊❤️

I went to bed last night with no title for this post. I woke this morning and a surprise title was waiting… and it didn’t even wake me up. 🦊❤️  (Dedicated to a trailblazing friend)


500. your turn tuesday #29

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2021/12/your-turn-tuesday-28-gallery.html?m=1
Thank you.

Today’s “your turn tuesday 29” marks a number of important milestones. First and most importantly, it celebrates three years of being alcohol free - 🙏. Secondly it is my 500th consecutive daily haiku blog post. Thirdly it is the first haiku challenge of 2022. I intentionally used a pretty odd and interesting photograph for today’s challenge. I’ve learned that the weirder the photo - the greater the verses that are submitted. Join the celebrations and submit a verse!!


499. worthwhile aspirations

twenty-four seven
the belties roam the pasture
tonight’s forecast… snow 🦊❤️
The heartiness and resilience of everyday creatures are attributes that humans should envy and aspire to. 🦊❤️ 



498. inviting distractions

off in the distance
the oddest tree caught my eye
“wait here… i’ll be back…” 🦊❤️

Being focused should include a healthy dose of being distracted. 🦊❤️


497. have a purrfect new year

another year gone
another year on its way
time just purrs along… 🦊❤️

A new year with Tommy the Trail Cat.  My hero.  🦊❤️