555. ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦- “a single leaf falls on the meadow”

a single leaf πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ falls 
done and dead to the earth
but… G-d knows better  πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ¦Š❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


554. peace in pieces πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

that timeless peace sign
 clad in a somber black pall
peace is in pieces  πŸ¦Š❤️

On yesterday’s hike the magical forces in nature provided me with insight into what I needed to be doing about important things in my life… and it provided me with this scene for this post at this time in history.  God bless snd protect the People of Ukraine and the world. 🦊❤️


553. maple creemee with chocolate jimmies please

dripping day and night
my mouth waters at the sight
“maple creamee please!”  πŸ¦Š❤️

Every time I see a Maple tree being tapped on a hike my mouth waters at the thought of a Vermont Maple Creemee. While in Vermont at a race with my kids, I discovered the joys of a Maple Creemee. It is like a soft ice cream cone infused with the heavenly taste of Vermont Maple Syrup. I like chocolate jimmies (sprinkles) on mine. Thanks Tom and Lori Curtis for turning me on to this awesome treat.  Can’t wait to have a few at Infinitus this year. 🦊❤️


552. i see…

a print in the mud
she wonders, “is it a dog?”
lassie? rin tin tin? toto?
a print in the mud
he wonders, “is it a bear?”
winnie? smokey? yogi? 🦊❤️
If all artists only see what is in front of them… art would be “accurate” but it sure would be boring. 🦊❤️


551. ukraine

just eight years ago
evil was unleashed again
and today… again  πŸ¦Š❤️

Almost eight years ago today I wrote this post to mark in time
Russia’s invasion of Crimea. History and evil - when forgotten - returns… God Bless the people of Ukraine… and the civilized people of the world.  πŸ¦Š❤️

550. “meow ok”

fending for himself
living off stranger’s kindness
he purrs, “we’re ok” 🦊❤️

The other day as I approached Tommy’s home base in the woods, he heard my trekking poles hitting the frozen ground and he came out of hiding to greet me.  As he approached me I noticed his eternal vigilance in paying attention to and reacting to even the slightest noises around him (a squirrel, a bird and a falling walnut). Every day spent in paying attention to everything to stay safe and feel safe must be exhausting.   I thought about my observations as I petted him as he sat on my lap.  I felt a great deal of gratitude and honor that he would be relaxed enough with me to spend time sitting on my lap. In my eyes, Tommy is larger than life.   🦊❤️

549. your turn tuesday gallery #32

karate is great
karate is so much fun
karate go broke!
neal steele

he broke his first board
he was only a small boy
so proud of himself!
mary k fogleboch

it’s all inside
learn to take a final bow
karate chop now
eileen brennan

grand opening, licking our chops
teaching our students to chop
in the end, we get chopped
joseph conroy

thru the front door
punchers, kickers, blockers -
flyers to the left
yulan mimmy san

karate once important
now forgotten unwanted
and the store is so blue
june kushner

kicking and screaming
throwing punches here - then there
now… a simple bow
daniel ravasio

white robed attackers
karate at twelve oh eight
bowing gentlemen
michael brna

spent years breaking boards
then karma hit very hard
we’re now boarded up
normand chabot

548. just wait… the sun will be up soon

looking for a sign
that the sun will rise again
ah… lo and behold  πŸ¦Š❤️

When I am in the dark woods in the middle of the night crewing my son and daughter as they grind their ways  through a 100 mile or more race I will always tell them that, “The sun will be rising soon and you’ll feel better then.” I say that to them because by that time we are all in a debilitated state physically and mentally and sleep deprived. I say it for their benefit as well as mine. Then as they disappear back into the darkness, I keep my eyes on the trees waiting for the leaves to begin to turn from black to ever lightening shades of green. EVERYTHING is a lesson in living. 🦊❤️ 


547. braving the cold

temps are a plungin’ 
winds are wild and a whippin’
“quart of lemon please” ❤️🦊

So much in life must be mastered or at a minimum endured, by “faking it until you make it”. So if you are jonesing for long, warm summer days in the midst of the short and cold winter ones,  then you should enjoy a heaping helping of deliciously refreshing water ice to help you “fake it”. 🦊❤️ 
(Rita’s Water Ice re-opened yesterday and I bought my first quarts of lemon and mango water ice as temperatures were dipping again into the teens. Brrrr)


546. standing in your you-ness

so sweetly grotesque
a mass of lumps and bumps
a breath of fresh air  πŸ¦Š❤️

There is a single Cucumber Magnolia  tree that stands beside the trail. It is so different from all the trees around it. It is ugly by most standards - even scary when the sun is low or it’s without its leaves. To me it is a hero figure - one who stands boldly in its unique you-ness. 🦊❤️


545. for scientists only!

thrown by the axon
across the synaptic gap
caught by the dendrite  πŸ¦Š❤️

When I learned about neurons in college, I was totally fascinated. So simple… yet… sooooooo complex. The more I think about neurons and how they work, the more I am convinced that everything, neural or not, is a reflection of the mechanics of the firing of neurons. 🦊❤️


544. painting without numbers

still on the easel
looking for the right colors
paint by number(less)  πŸ¦Š❤️

Sometimes painting a new portrait of ourselves involves scraping some of the paint off of the painting of us that we have hanging on our wall. There are no numbers on the canvas… so we are free to choose. 🦊❤️


543. shakespeare was right

like frost on a leaf
or an awesome coral reef
petroleum spill  πŸ¦Š❤️

A beautiful coral reef impersonator showed up in my parking lot the other day thanks to a car that needs some maintenance.   “All that glisters is not gold.” is a line penned by William Shakespeare. We know it as “glitter”. 🦊❤️


542. your turn tuesday #32

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/734048753799690289/8263511463667647258
Thank you.




541. ❤️monochromatic sunday❤️

white snow dots the sky
with black geese dotting the snow
under a gray sky  πŸ¦Š❤️

Life can be very monochromatic at times. But I find that monochromatic Sundays are the grayest of all… But on that note… Today is St. Valentine’s Day - a day dominated by the color red. Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Most of all - love yourself today.  πŸ¦Š❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️

540. doing wheelies

down a one way street
the wrong way and raised up high
made my spirits rise  πŸ¦Š❤️

While walking along feeling particularly low, I saw a group of teenage boys riding their bikes. One of  the boys was really good at doing “wheelies”.  I asked him if I could take a picture of him in action. He said, “Sure!!!!!!”. I showed him and his buddies the picture and sent it to his phone.  He was beside himself with happiness and pride, and for a little while I felt the same way about me. So… When you’re feeling low… be attentive for opportunities to make others feel high… 🦊❤️


539. superstition

wish upon a star
breaking a wishbone in two
my lucky horseshoe. 🦊❤️

Behind every superstitious act is the belief, or at least the hope, that a power greater than ourselves exists and is able to assist us or protect us. In a way… a form of prayer. 🦊❤️


538. muddy shoes can be washed

on this muddy trail
having no choice but to walk…
on this muddy trail  πŸ¦Š❤️

Winter trails can fluctuate between frozen craters of mud - to swamps of mud - back to frozen craters of mud in a matter of minutes thanks to the sun’s direct rays.  Responsible hikers walk smack dab right in the mud or icy mounds rather than evading the slippery footing. To evade the hazards by sidestepping “the slippery stuff” will damage the adjacent trail foliage and terrain and create larger areas of damaged trails that will be subject to all of the above.  I guess it’s sort of like navigating the trails of  life - especially the winter ones… 🦊❤️


537. where my name is known

alone in the cold
seeking refuge in a field
the sun knows my name  πŸ¦Š❤️

Where the sun shines there is warmth… stop… close your eyes… feel the warmth… stand up tall… take a deep breath… open your eyes… take a step… then another… then another… 🦊❤️

536. show me a sign

a sun in a sun
another son in the rear
rising now and then  πŸ¦Š❤️

Life is full of signs that are speaking to us… sometimes we hear… sometimes we put our fingers in our ears so we can’t. 🦊❤️


535. your turn tuesday gallery #31

broken heart locked up
dimly lit, its heartbeat faint
i walk by often
michael brna

i wonder sometimes
if your dreams and sorrow sleep
behind this closed door
marie pejrimovska

two locks to close it
one handle to open it
this door remains closed
normand chabot

his treasure is safe
locked up for another time
does he have the key?
eileen brennan

what’s behind the door
a giant treasure or grim fate?
would you break the lock?
mary ellyn kunz

the keyhole reveals
the state of our future days
throw away the key
daniel ravasio

once easy to enter
then locked away
now forever closed out
june kushner

the door looks so old
how many have passed through
where were they going?
mary k fogleboch

a burning secret
double locked for safe keeping
burden?? Or power??
stephanie lynn

cannot hide well enough
yulan mimmy san

what will be found
behind this door with locks?
maybe just pandora’s box
joseph conroy

when unlocking your skeletons
it just makes sense
to choose the key that fits best
joseph conroy


534. walk on wonder

the jury has spoken
rusty radiator wins
steamed artists clanging 🦊❤️

Never underestimate the power and beauty of being exactly what you are. 🦊❤️

533. going full circle

when i look backward
i can see very clearly
where i’d like to stand 🦊❤️

If you’re lucky… you’ll get yourself back to a time where simplicity ruled. 🦊❤️


532. grey + gray = 2

sparkling drops of rain
taking their turns shimmering 
on this grey… gray… day 🦊❤️

I used to worry that I used correct words so that others didn’t think I was a dummy.  Now I count the sylables I use so that I maintain the 5-7-5 format of my haiku. 🦊❤️


531. “what me worry?”

“mad magazine”… gone!
“three ring circuses”… gone too!
alfred worried?… nope! 🦊❤️

Seems like things that “poke fun” and “are fun” are increasingly being eliminated in the name of making us better people… the results are still pending… 🦊❤️


530. “shotz” please

lenny and squiggy
roomies laverne and shirley
laughing was easy 🦊❤️

Remnants of the tv “happy days” will be lost on the “youngsters”, but us “oldsters” will remember how easy it was to laugh. 🦊❤️


529. once upon a school room

like rays of the sun
floorboards carry the warmth
into empty space  πŸ¦Š❤️

Occasionally the emptiness of what is, is filled by the energy of what used to be. 🦊❤️


528. your turn tuesday #31

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2022/01/521-your-turn-tuesday-gallery-30.html?m=1
Thank you.