861. evolution of child’s play

two tin cans and string
dick tracy’s detective watch
wifi and bluetooth  🦊❤️

It’s hard to refute the benefits of the ever evolving communication device capabilities.  It’s easy to see the downside.  🦊❤️


860. creating holes

in the “olden days”
hard work and hard play were tests
that jeans strove to pass 🦊❤️
being old has perks
it allows me to look out
and see all the holes 🦊❤️
having these old eyes
allows me to see the holes
that used to be filled 🦊❤️

I was telling someone the other day how as a child, I dreaded wearing holes in my pants.  It usually didn't mean a new pair of pants… it meant my Mom ironing on a patch over the hole. If the hole was bad, it meant two of those rigid, uncomfortable patches, one outside and one inside.  Me and my childhood friends played hard to create those holes. The same was true of the hard work holes that I created in steel mills and factories as I worked my way through college. Now… the holes cost big bucks to be created… 🦊❤️

859. good bye dear tall dead tree

straight as an arrow
you stood tall in life and death
finally… fallen 🦊❤️

For years while hiking I have stopped and paid admiration to a very tall, branchless, amazingly straight and very dead tree.  I wrote a haiku about it a while ago, I painted a large picture of it. I watched it slowly become more decayed and thought, “someday you will fall.” It fell. I got choked up. How odd.  🦊❤️ (Click link below to see earlier post on my tree)

858. curiosity about winter buds

in the winter cold
magnolia buds… tiny nests
holding on for spring  🦊❤️

 There are small Magnolia trees in my complex. They are all budded for next year’s leaves to make their debut. I read a little about why the Magnolia buds in winter. (I am really not a very curious person). I learned that inside those furry buds, tiny leaves are already curled and protected from winter weather. Nature is amazing. I think it would be a good New Year’s resolution for me to practice “curiosity” about nature. Maybe I’ll start today. 🦊❤️

857. the wisdom of thick skin

“oh dear it’s sooooo cold”
huddling with teeth chattering
and chilled to the bone 🦊❤️

Being thin skinned about the weather, be it the rain, snow, heat or cold only makes the skin become thinner. Simply cultivate another layer of skin! 🦊❤️


856. here and now (zen) of christmas

in the christmas fog
presents got and presents gave
be here now… enough  🦊❤️
through sage incense haze
buddha watches gift giving
smiles a loving smile 🦊❤️

Christmas Day is past and my angst over gift buying, making and giving is calmed for another year. I call it “gift adequacy syndrome”. I’m asking Santa for the “cure” before next Christmas… 🦊❤️


855. i’m dreaming of a warm christmas

single digit days
what do i wish for christmas?
thank you santa claus! 🦊❤️

This Christmas morning the gift I am most grateful for is that Tommy was able to spend the last couple of bitter nights in the nature center house. I’m sure that he is much heartier and resilient than I give him credit for. Some of us over do and have undo concerns and worry for the ones we love. That’s OK, I’ll error on the side of pampering for love’s sake. Merry Christmas to all of you, your families and your creatures (and a warm one too!) 🦊❤️🐱🎄🔥


854. merry christmas tommy

so many people
touched by your special youness
merry christmas tom 🦊❤️

As times go on I meet more and more people who have “Tommy visiting” as an important part of their daily trip to the trails.  His “youness” draws people in and being with him makes us feel good. How is it that a cat that lives in the woods can be so great? I consider Tommy a precious Christmas gift that keeps on giving. Merry Christmas Tommy. 🦊❤️


853. nature’s whispers (9) - keeping watch

all the leaves are gone
glimmering orbs take their place
to hold springtime’s place  🦊❤️ 

The depth of love and loss can be profoundly seen and felt in the little shrines that are built with care on roadsides, street curbs, mountainsides, trails and other “special places” of significance including our hearts.  I’m hoping this post brings pause, good memories and a brief relieving tear of sadness to all with “little shrines” wherever they may be  at this joyous time of year. 🦊❤️


852. winter solstice walk

the older i get
the more newer things i try
making up lost time 🦊❤️

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice. I celebrated the event with a small group of friends by doing a Big Dipper Walk.  The photograph above is two representations of the Big Dipper in a mirror image arrangement in a field in our favorite park.  The points in the constellation are made by tea lights.  The ritual involves walking the path (red line I drew to outline dippers) of the Dippers circling each star before moving on to the next one. Quite challenging in the dark. Did it for almost an hour. A very nice, peaceful and meditative time with good friends. 🦊❤️


851. nature’s whispers (8) - reaching for the stars

towering upward
your fingers stretch way way out 
dare to touch the stars 🦊❤️

When you next have the chance stand up-close and personal to a very tall tree. Look straight ahead at its trunk and study its bark. Then… slowly lift your head as you watch its height and stature unfold before your eyes.  Comprehend that you are witnessing this enormous living thing doing exactly what you do… reaching for the light and maybe the stars. 🦊❤️

850. nature’s whispers (7) - atlas

unburdened of leaves
you hold up the winter sky
till spring makes its way  🦊❤️

Looking at trees is like taking a Rorschach Psychological test. They always remind me of something.  🦊❤️



849. nature’s whispers (6) - warrior tree

the warrior tree
stands among the untested
tells of battles fought  🦊❤️

I was moved as I stood and pondered the hulk of a decaying tree trunk that had many amputations for all to see. I imagined the trunk telling all of the onlooking trees of its many battles with man, beast and nature over the years.  The listeners marveled and also thought of the battles they have endured and are yet to endure. We are all warrior trees. 🦊❤️


848. nature’s whispers (5) - my me & your you

long after your fall
the greenness of summer’s months
still adorns your you  🦊❤️ 

The curvy figure of a long ago fallen tree caught my attention. Now appearing to be a giant green sea serpent as it is clothed in mossy scales. Many years ago I came up with the terms “your you” and “my me” to include in poems. “My me” is the me inside of me that wears all of the costumes that I have put on myself over the years to be the you that you see.  I believe trees have a “my me” too. And you, a “your you”.  🦊❤️


847. the innocence of snow

it brings a wide smile
to watch a dusting of snow
be her blank canvas 🦊❤️

I love watching the quietness of my Granddaughter Aria yell out her creative energy in very special ways.  Her inner artist is as innocent as freshly fallen snow.  🦊❤️


846. nature’s whispers (4) - come look me over

i stand unafraid
my lumps and bumps worn with pride
trekkers stop to see  🦊❤️

There are so many interesting trees along the trails.  I especially like trees that have bumpy lumps known as burls growing on their trunks. Some can look quite grotesque and when hiking at night can appear sort of spooky. Despite their “different” appearance, they stand proudly alongside their unblemished tree neighbors. I consider them to be trees that are humble, strong and unafraid! 🦊❤️


845. nature’s whispers (3) - among friends and family

that old tele pole
voices ceased so long ago
there’s no place like home 🦊❤️

The area where I hike used to be part of the largest tree nursery on the East Coast. The nursery ceased operating many years ago. Now the woods are filled with many types of trees that are survivors and offspring of the nation of tree from the bustling nursery days.  Among the trees is a lone wooden telephone pole that used to serve the business. I thought it was so fitting that the pole was able to remain in the woods, untethered from its wires and at rest among old friends and adopted family.  🦊❤️

844. nature’s whispers (2) - clinging

we cling so tightly
to keep our place on this ball
fear of letting go… 🦊❤️

There is such drama in the roots of trees. Some dig deep into the soft earth. Some spread across rocky ground.  Some cling and wrap around whatever can be found. All do what they need to do to keep their trusting trunks erect and strong to withstand what weather and age brings.  Just like us… 🦊❤️

843. nature’s whispers (1)- tenderness

just keep your gaze soft
nature’s tender whisperings
right before your eyes 🦊❤️

Nature is always whispering subtle messages to senses that are soft and open.  For the next few days I will post blogs on “Nature’s Whispers”. I hope you enjoy! 🦊❤️


842. inside summer

outside looking up
thinking i was looking in
what’s up?? in is out! 🦊❤️

Again visiting my favorite local art town on a freezing night, I looked up at the side of an old building with a solitary window that was warmly lit.  Inside the warm window were leaves arranged in a way that made it look like there was a summer day on the other side of the window. I wondered if it was done on purpose by the occupants or just another case of my run away imagination? 🦊❤️


841. tree topper

from atop the tree
the full moon descends at dawn
night shift completed 🦊❤️

I was hiking Friday evening in the dark and spotted the full moon. I wanted to get a good shot of it in the trees but that never happened.  When I headed back into the woods early the next morning I again saw the full moon shortly after it finished its night shift of being a Christmas tree topper ornament for a giant pine tree.   Wish I could have gotten a shot while it was still on the job atop the tree! 🦊❤️


840. we are a cast of characters

it is the season
when characters of all kinds
meet up to have fun  🦊❤️

Now is the time to allow the season to “inflate” our spirits to make extra room for gratitude, good neighboring, new friends, old friends, new memories, old memories, similarities, differences, celebrations, non-celebrations, giving and taking. This cast of characters at the local stable really spoke to me. Hope it does to you too… 🦊❤️


839. our days unfold

i rush by… i’m late
you stand cozy in the fog
what will you do next? 🦊❤️

Animals that are not human don’t seem to be lost in “busyness” for the most part.  There are flurries of activity that seem to be purposeful or recreational but for the most part, they seem to just “be”.  Cats move from one place to the next to snooze. Dogs sniff here and then there and lay here, then there.  It seems that animals let the book pages turn as the wind blows them open. Humans usually hold the pages tight and turn them furiously to get to the final page. Then start another book.  🦊❤️


838. what wondrous sights

so perfectly perched
amid the bramble and brush 
what a wondrous world  🦊❤️  

If we are lucky, every once in a while we will be able to be totally captured and amazed by the very ordinary things and creatures that we encounter along “the way”.   Even the simplest of things are miraculous. 🦊❤️


837. 5&10 cent memories

i found christmas warmth
at the local dollar store
5&10 cent days… 🦊❤️

To this day I still have dreams of walking around in the McCrory’s 5&10 cent store in my little home town. I thought about those days as I set up my Christmas village atop my fake stove. I purchased the village components from Dollar Tree. In my dreams I weave through the many aisles as I make my way to the toy section. Then I go to the lady’s cosmetic area and buy my Mom a small bottle of perfume as a Christmas present with my saved money. My suspicion is that she never wore any of the fragrances that I bought. Still good memories. I’ll take that over Amazon Christmas shopping any day… 🦊❤️


836. tea and sympathy

a cup of hot tea
when body and mind feel blah
will bring good fortune 🦊❤️

My whole life I have been surrounded by people who turn to tea for comfort, remedy, relaxation and just plain old refreshment. As a small child I was given Chamomile tea when I was not feeling well.  Then it was just considered a folk remedy, now it’s big business.  This picture was taken at my friend’s home recently. Tea lovers for sure and they compost the bags for their garden. Today when the rain starts and the dampness sets in… have a cup of tea! 🦊❤️


835. eyes of a fly

oh to have fly eyes
to have all angles captured
see the big picture 🦊❤️

A fly’s eye is made up of thousands of separate visual receptors that results in thousands of separate images, like a mosaic, that are combined to create a single detailed image from all angles for the fly to perceive. Seeing the big picture from all angles helps the fly evade bring swatted.  Seems like a lesson for us there… 🦊❤️


834. plugged (in)

me on one device
you on your two devices
i’ll send you a text  🦊❤️

I enjoy watching communication as it exists in our plugged in world. And sometimes I even take pictures of what I see on my phone so that I can communicate it to you on my blog. 🦊❤️


833. time to sow - time to reap

in autumn’s shadows
plots of plenty… all reaped clean
room for frost to grow  🦊❤️

l just stood leaning on a split rail fence gazing at the now barren community garden near my home. The thick frost glistened in the morning sun. In my white breath I saw memories of my grandparent’s gardens and the delicious salads they produced. I remembered planting gardens for my kids to enjoy when they were little, both literal and figurative gardens… 🦊❤️ 


832. my sheltered palate

what is this? and that?
i look and i realize
there’s lots i don’t know… 🦊❤️

I love walking around the ginormous Asian food market near my home.  There are so many items that are totally unknown to me. Lets me know just how sheltered my palate is.  🦊❤️ 


831. historian

big old tree at dawn
watching another day open
then’ll watch it close 🦊❤️

If trees could talk, imagine how much we could learn from them about so many things. 🦊❤️