951. watching, waiting & wondering

she sits quietly 
tethered to a pole… watching
how loyalty looks  🦊❤️

When I see a dog tethered to a pole on a busy street while their “pet parent(s)” pop into a store to do this or that, it makes me pause and wonder.  🦊❤️


950. wondering about not wondering

top a sun drenched wall
below a cotton-ball sky 
 a sparrow just looks  🦊❤️

I sat and looked at the sparrow just looking. I wondered what it must be like to just sit and look and not wonder at all. 🦊❤️


949. naturally perfect syllables

bursting daffodils 
cucumber magnolia
yellow buttercups 🦊❤️

Today’s haiku sprung into the 5-7-5 syllable pattern so easily. Nature’s way… 🦊❤️


948. elephant burial ground

thunderous silent feet
gather here to pass away
the elephant trees 🦊❤️

 There is a stand of European Beech trees along a section of the trails that I have been watching progressively tumble to earth. They remind me of elephants  as their bark is smooth and their huge trunks are  the shape of elephant  legs.   My friend Rob mentioned that his granddaughter Vivi also says they remind her of elephants. Rob commented that it’s like an elephant graveyard. Sadly because of their smooth bark they are more at risk for having irresponsible people carve deeply into their “skin”. Thank you Rob and Vivi for fueling this post. 🦊❤️

947. a silly spring haiku

in the store window
the one-handed mannequin 
sports some springtime garb 🦊❤️

 Whenever I have nothing “profound” to post I resort to silliness. That’s OK! Right? 🦊❤️

946. endurance

that singular bloom
quite in contrast to that rock
one endures… one not  🦊❤️

Endurance has many meanings and takes many forms. Will  the blossom or the rock endure in your memory? 🦊❤️


945. olfactory uncertainty solved

the fresh smell of worms
on a rainy morning walk
wet wriggling along  🦊❤️

Yesterday morning while walking in a light rain I became aware of an old familiar smell. I remember smelling it as long ago as when I was a child. It’s a musty odd smell. Could it be the worms slip slogging  along the wet blacktop. I always suspected that but was never curious enough to investigate. “Hey Siri do worms smell?” “I found this on the web. I this what you’re looking for?”  Indeed they do. 🦊❤️


944. rainy day exhibits (good and plenty)

inside the glass
lives a forest of my trees
in each raindrop too 🦊❤️

I must admit I have been visiting my exhibit just about daily to make sure that the signage is still sticking to the walls and that the traffic is not vibrating the paintings to a crooked hang. Actually it’s more to just look at them hanging there. It was raining this morning when I visited, and the windows were covered with raindrops. Inside each raindrop, there was an image of the paintings hanging on the walls. There were plenty of mini exhibits to see. BTW the title of the blurred painting in the photo is “Good and Plenty” 🦊❤️ 


943. reflecting on geese

what must it be like
to go sailing through the air
then float like a leaf? 🦊❤️

There are times when my daily post is such a chore. No photo and no inspiration. Today’s post started out like that with a hastily taken desperation photo and no where to go with a haiku. Then BOOM it came together when I recalled a moment earlier in the day when I heard two geese honking as they lowered their landing gear as they approached a creek and then slid into the water and floated like leaves.  The sky reflected on the water…🦊❤️

942. bittersweet

soon you won’t be mine
cucumber magnolia
always in my heart 🦊❤️

I am very grateful that my exhibit is going so well. Many people are getting to see my work. Nearly half the collection has sold. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that. Yet… I feel a twang of sadness that the works will not return to my walls. “Looking Up At The Cucumber Magnolia” could be my favorite painting… now going to a good home I am certain. 🦊❤️


941. pi

they say it’s all about math
a constant wonder  🦊❤️

I was walking the trails marveling at Spring’s springing. Off to the side of the trail a fallen tree that I have passed many times caught my eye. It was the letter “pi”. I have heard it said that everything is numbers.  I went home and read about pi. That may be true…. 🦊❤️


940. surrender

hard steady wind blows
a bird suspended mid flight
then goes with the flow 🦊❤️

I sat in my car watching the birds going toe to toe with the hard driving wind. They would be motionless, holding their ground against the relentless wind. Then… in a split second I watched them disengage from the battle and allow themselves to get swept away in the flow of its current. What a lesson in going with and being in the flow. 🦊❤️


939. the trip

the hard work you do…
tedious and exacting
best part of the trip 🦊❤️
I am forever grateful for what I learned in the steel and coal region of western Pennsylvania.  Working to get to where you are getting to is more than 1/2 the fun. 🦊❤️


938. opening (up)

struggling with this blog
there is so much to get out
i notice the blooms  🦊❤️
I had my art opening last night. It was an amazing experience. So many people were there. Old people, new people, old friends, new friends, people I should have known but didn’t know who they were. People showed up that touched my heart in every imaginable way. It was a roller coaster of feelings ranging from joy to panic. From talking too much to being unable to talk. Even my therapist was there, probably knowing there was a chance I could fall off of the edge!!! Lol It was exhausting in a great way and a hard way. It was my own personal Coen brothers movie. And then it was over.  🦊❤️ 


937. opening night

a square of sunlight
just like a broadway stage light
a turtle’s debut 🦊❤️

It is amazing how much fun can be had when you don’t have a day job. 🦊❤️


936. at the root of it

you reach and you grab
you dig down deep and hold tight
today the winds howl  🦊❤️

It was a very windy day yesterday (and the day before). While hiking with my friend Norm I was stopped by this beautiful root system. “What a job tree roots have!”, I thought. I looked back at the tree as we continued on. 🦊❤️

935. morning coffee fantasy

snowy march morning
a flurry of fantasy 
what’s in my java? 🦊❤️

Yulan and I had coffee at my new favorite morning haunt. My front window seats were open and Yulan reserved them with her ski cap that she had knitted. I wore mine.  My BLT was amazing. Her raspberry danish looked delish.   It began to snow as we watched the world pass by. Yulan was busy looking and conjuring up a photograph featuring her eyeglasses that were laying in the counter. I on the other hand was busy immersing myself in the surreal snow globe that was swirling snow flakes in my imagination. 🦊❤️

934. peaceful moments

i’ll stand still and watch
the rippling rings of ripples
while rain is falling 🦊❤️

Peace is watching the water of a creek getting pinged by ever increasing drops of rain, and not taking notice or caring that you are getting soaked by the rain. 🦊❤️


933. places for remembering

will you sit a while?
remember our long walks and talks?
yes… the best of times… 🦊❤️

I am often moved by the memorial benches and their little brass message plaques along the park’s main road. Some are very old and some very new. Some make me smile and some bring a lump to my throat. They all have inscribed messages that say enjoy life and love your family and friends and nature. These are wonderful places for remembering… and not forgetting. 🦊❤️


932. curiosities


on a bed of moss
technicolor babies lay
a curious sight 🦊❤️

It’s not just the “natural” nature stuff that makes the trails a magical place. I also love the “magical” sightings of unnatural stuff that shows up here snd there and everywhere among nature. Naturally…. 🦊❤️

931. love is in the air and water

geese on an island
two ducks sunning on the beach
in the mood for love  🦊❤️

As the world’s news unfolds daily with new drama and silliness, the business of springtime continues on undaunted by it all. 🦊❤️



930. greening

the serpentine trail
its wriggling route eyed from here
soon only green seen 🦊❤️

The winter months allow me to see the trail’s that are ahead. The intricacies and twists and turns of the path ahead capture my imagination. Soon the trees will fill with leaves and the bushes will too. It’s the time where my imagination will be captured by what’s right in front of my eyes. Every season is wonderful.  🦊❤️


929. watching and waiting

in the morning sun
waiting for life to be hatched
keeps a watchful eye 🦊❤️

 The little meadow birds are again inhabiting the bird houses that are in the meadows. It is a sure sign that life goes on. Soon little heads will be popping out of the holes anxiously awaiting food. I love seeing them sit atop their springtime haunts watching it all pass by.  There is a lesson here. 🦊❤️

928. the speed of inspiration

flashing at light speed
inspiration reaches out
grabs me… i grab back 🦊❤️

I’m listening to the book, “The Creative Act - A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin. He writes about an artist’s need to be able to sensitize their awareness to be able recognize inspiration the very moment it flashes before them. and be moved in some way by it. I have been trying to do that. I was sitting and watching the word “OPEN” unfold over and over again as I drank my coffee and ate a piece of the best Avocado toast ever. Inspiration flashed quickly - I received the flash! 🦊❤️ 

927. moody

a sky full of moods
black, grays, white, silver edges
blue at tunnel’s end  🦊❤️

Weather can be very moody. Sometimes many moods are hovering at the same time.  But behind it all the sky remains clear and blue. Just like people… 🦊❤️


926. congratulations diane

her breaths of ink flow
and blankness is filled with life
a crane caught in flight  🦊❤️

Our friend Diane had two of her Chinese Ink Brush and Watercolor drawings accepted for exhibit at the famous “Philadelphia Sketch Club”, America’s oldest club for artists. We attended the opening and shared in Diane and Paul’s celebration of her art.  Her works, “South for Winter” and “Orchid” are beautiful. Congratulations Diane!! 🦊❤️


925. remembering pigeon creek

in the muddy creek
one goose undaunted - floats on
the other - looks on 🦊❤️

 Life is like Pigeon Creek in my hometown.  Sometimes it is slow and lazy, cold and icy, low and thirsty, raging and rushing or flooded and muddy.  I even remember it being poisoned by a train derailment when soybean oil was spilled into it. But mostly it is just right and flows just fine.  The undaunted goose isn’t deterred by the creek’s current state, it plunges right in. The poor bystander goose looks on, wishing it could and would. 🦊❤️

924. a world without special effects

wednesday evening flick
“on the waterfront”… brando
 two old men with beards  🦊❤️

In this world of special effects, there is a much more profound effect when the mind is left to its own powers to  fill in the special effects that are missing from an old black and white movie. 🦊❤️

923. an embroidered sky

fabric of the sky
delicately embroidered
by a thread of geese 🦊❤️

The deafening sound of a squadron of geese flying in close formation quickly transformed into a delicate strand of thread as it stitched its way across the sky. 🦊❤️


922. fleeting magic

in the dark of night
frost imparts its magic touch
ahhhh… so quickly gone 🦊❤️

 Masterpieces created by frosty air in the still of the night so quickly are erased when daylight arrives.  Their brief exhibit makes them all the more beautiful.  🦊❤️

921. a don’t tread on me world

every day battles
don’t do this… don’t do that
be nice… curb your dog 🦊❤️

I get a kick out of the signs, shirt messages, buttons, flags,   etc. that everyday people display to fight their own daily battles of others treading on them or their view on how life should proceed. Litter, dog poop, parking spaces, pronouns, political parties, and on and on and on.  I guess we are lucky to be able to express our grievances… sometimes.  🦊❤️