1133. ye old town crier


a lost dog or cat
the circus is on the way
ye old town crier 🦊❤️

The circus is gone as is the town crier. But lost dogs and cats remain staples.  🦊❤️

1132. grandma’s babushka


that old rose wearing
a babushka of raindrops 
and cashmere bouquet 🦊❤️ 

When I saw a passing rose covered in raindrops I thought of my grandmother in her dressy babushka and the smell of Cashmere Bouquet that she would sprinkle on when she went to church or to bingo. Funny how the mind works.  🦊❤️

1131. a playful mind

leaves of many colors
strut their stuff down the runway
the winner is… 🦊❤️

A playful mind, especially in difficult times, is a good thing.  It is a good thing in all times actually! 🦊❤️


1130. dabbing and jabbing

with a tiny brush
i dab - i jab - i dab - i…
a meditation 🦊❤️

 I recently started a new painting  that contains very large trees. I found myself overwhelmed with indecision about how I could fill the space. I picked up the smallest brush I owned and just started dabbing and jabbing paint onto the canvas. I had no idea where the dabbing and jabbing would take me. It was like a meditation of sorts.  When the meditation was over… so was the tree.  🦊❤️

1129. finishing touch


tight mitered corners
ninety degrees every one
the final brush stroke 🦊❤️ 

I build my own frames for my art. I would guess that over the last three years I have made over 50 frames on my humble balcony workshop. As I build them, I often reflect on all of the people along the way who have taught me how to use my hands. I am very grateful to them. 🦊❤️ 

1128. life in motion


countless raindrops fall
all sending rings colliding
on the rising creek 🦊❤️

It was a wonderful rainy weekend.  We took an early morning walk yesterday, tip toeing through the raindrops. We stood on a bridge and watched bazzilions of raindrops hit the flowing creek below.  Every raindrop sending out their ring to join the demolition derby of colliding rings occurring on the undeterred flowing creek.  Such a view of life and living. We are all raindrops… 🦊❤️

1127. the magic of little things


much to my surprise
a brontosaurus roams in
ferns and thick air 🦊❤️

There is a fernery in Morris Arboretum that is not too big but not too small. As a matter of fact it is just the right size for me to get lost in my own little fantasy world of prehistoric times. Much to my surprise, I looked up and saw a small brass Brontosaurus perched on a rocky ledge of an underpass. This place will now be my favorite place to visit when at the arboretum.  Such small details create magic. 🦊❤️

1126. juxtaposition of things


a heap of rain clouds
descending to fill the spaces
left by falling leaves 🦊❤️

Yesterday the steady winds of the approaching rain resulted in a tree losing almost all of its leaves. A clump of looming rain clouds, perfectly shaped,  appeared to be ready to descend onto the bare tree. Juxtaposition… 🦊❤️  

1125. for every season


these changing seasons
what to wear - oh - what to wear
hot - cold then off - on 🦊❤️

I love seasonal changes not only for what nature has to offer, but for the laughs I get watching Yulan put outwear on and off during our travels and hikes as she attempts to maintain  comfortable operating temperatures.  🦊❤️

1124. banyan tree


the big banyan tree
doesn’t turn a lot of heads
my eyes can’t leave it 🦊❤️

Yesterday we went to The Brandywine River Museum to see Joseph Stella’s wonderful collection. His colors and images were amazing. “The Banyan Tree” was one of the least colorful pieces. I observed that not too many folks stood and studied it like they did his other pieces.  I on the other hand could not take my eyes off of it.  🦊❤️ 

1123. trainman


fantasy of trains
delighting the young and old
he makes it be real 🦊❤️

The miniature train exhibit at Morris Arboretum captures my imagination and transports me here, there and anywhere.  After our “journeys” we stopped and chatted with Bruce,  the mechanic who keeps the trains rolling. Initially grisly and quiet, he soon told us so much about the trains and the woes and worries that must be faced to keep em’ rolling.  I love meeting diligent people who see importance and value in how they spend their time. 🦊❤️

1122. thank you whoever you are…


whoever you are
i really want you to know
you sure made my day 🦊❤️

As I looked at my email I saw one from my new morning coffee shop, “Locals”.  It contained a gift card for $25.00 from “Anonymous”.  The gift card had two haiku that were written by Anonymous to let me know how they felt about my daily haiku posts. I am sincerely touched by your gesture of appreciation for my daily offerings.  I wanted to thank you by dedicating today’s post to you… who ever you may be.  I already had a medium decaf and an egg and sausage bagel paid for by your generous gift!!  Thank you! 🙏🦊❤️ 

1121. taking note


a leaf floats down stream
shadowing a sunken fern
i watch and take note 🦊❤️

It really is true that every single thing that unfolds is simply amazing, awesome and wow. But it would be a little over the top to walk around all day being amazed and wowed. However taking the time to be amazed and wowed every once in a while about absolutely the most trivial  and inconsequential things is a good thing to do. 🦊❤️

1120. sophisticated coffee drinkers


lining up to rev
espresso, latte, au lait?
3-2-1 blast off 🦊❤️

I only drink decaf because regular coffee revs me up too much. But I do enjoy sitting and watching the morning crowd stumbling into my new coffee haunt in various states of being awake. My observations are that a wide range of “fancy coffees” are ordered by customers. I am especially surprised by how many young students who stop in before their school busses order super fancy coffees. I guess kids are pretty sophisticated in their coffee choices these days! Times change… 🦊❤️

1119. contrast

drab functional fence
its weathered slats framing
a purple flower 🦊❤️

A friend sent me this picture and said, “This is a Dan picture.” I guess it is a Dan picture because I love the “drab” side of things. It is where contrast is most apparent. It is where gratitude for the little things in life is most easily generated. Of course I am speaking only for Dan. 🦊❤️

1118. first nippy night


the first nippy night
flower’s browning will hasten
burning leaves real soon 🦊❤️

As we sat at a local carnival waiting for bingo to start, we looked at each other and said, “It’s getting nippy out here!” The sun was just about to go out for the day and the browning flowers were reflecting the last bit of remaining sunlight.  They too looked like they were huddling together to keep warm overnight. All that was missing was the smell of burning leaves.  🦊❤️

1117. big shoes to fill


here once a big oak
now… soil raked and seeded
the sapling looks on 🦊❤️

I recently posted regarding the giant Red Oak that was taken down near my home. It’s enormous stump has now been ground away and is covered with dirt and a generous amount of grass seed. A young sapling has been planted near the old giant’s memory. It has lots of years of growing to attain the old Red Oak’s majesty. I wish it luck! 🦊❤️

1116. final prayer and ascent


poor praying mantis
poise and grace until the end
stairway to heaven 🦊❤️

I could not help but notice the poetic and graceful pose of a deceased Praying Mantis as if it was climbing a “Stairway to Heaven”. 🦊❤️

1115. hitchhiker


and to our delight
a tender green hitchhiker
to where will you go? 🦊❤️

As we walked along I spotted a very big and very beautiful leaf that had made Fall’s tumble.  I handed it to Yulan and she initially waved it off because we were at the spot where I had once handed her a leaf that might have been poison ivy.  (It wasn’t). As she turned it over there clung a very delicate worm of some type.  We admired it then placed it back down so that the little hitchhiker could continue its journey to who knows where.  🦊❤️

1114. carnival is in town


carnival’s in town
rides, games and cotton candy
b-i-n-g-o !

The carnival rolled into Oreland over the weekend.  Every year we look forward to the festive mood that it creates. It’s like going back in time.  My uncle was a cop when I was a kid and I loved it when I would see him walking around our home town carnival (unless I was in the midst of some childhood nonsense).  Now my daughter is a cop and I cherish the opportunity to see her and her squad members walking around the carnival.  Most of all Yulan and I LOVE playing Bingo and winning (rarely).  It starts tomorrow so I will be practicing my BINGO yell until then.  🦊❤️

1113. patina


stuff that covers stuff
mostly green and looks real old
i love patinas 🦊❤️

I learned of the word “patina” a number of years ago when working with metal sculpting. Now I try to apply it to describing all sorts of things, human and otherwise, that are aging with character on the outside. This tree with a patina of moss really caught my eye yesterday. 🦊❤️ 

1112. a blaze of colors


lost in a forest
where the trees are surreal
a three alarm fire  🦊❤️

We traveled with our friend Gloria Popeck (artist) to Wilmington, Delaware to attend the opening of Deborah Zuchman’s art show. Gloria and Deborah are longtime friends. The hot rush hour trip was worth it. I was totally wowed by Deborah’s series of 10 or so surreal oil on paper tree paintings. This trio was mindfully hung under the fire alarm just in case their amazing colors burst into flames! https://www.deborahzuchman.com/ 🦊❤️ .  

1111. journey to autumn


some early brown leaves
surrounded by less brown ones
all on the same tree 🦊❤️
some early brown leaves
surrounded by some green ones
they will soon catch up 🦊❤️

I was fascinated looking at the many different stages that leaves on the same tree are in as fall approaches.  A few are very brown and ready to fall, some are tender green and some everything in between.  A generation of leaves coming… and going.  One thing for sure - like us they are all going in the same direction but at different speeds.  🦊❤️

1110. a watched pot never boils


in the gentle breeze
the browning leaves did shiver
not a one did fall 🦊❤️

Yesterday as I enjoyed a refreshing breeze in the midst of the heat, I looked at all of the browning leaves on the trees. I was waiting and waiting for the wind to create a shower of falling leaves to rain down. Not a one fell. Another lesson in “a watched pot never boils”.  🦊❤️

1109. watching


you watch from up there
me down here doing the same
same show… diff’rent day 🦊❤️

As I sipped my coffee I watch a bird sit and sit and sit atop a church cross. The same people came into the coffee  shop as every other day.  The same two men pushing strollers down the sidewalk as every other day walked by.
I wondered what the bird was watching.  Was it watching the same show as I was watching? 🦊❤️

1108. a visit


patina of leaves
tenderly brushed to the ground
incense rides the breeze 🦊❤️

We visited Yulan’s parent’s resting place in Trenton recently.  It was a sultry Saturday morning and the memorial garden had only one or two visitors. She brought a dish of cut fruit and nuts as an offering. There was incense that mostly rose upward with an occasional gentle breeze that carried it this way and that.  We ate the fruit and nuts in the car on the way home as we talked about her old neighborhood and visited her childhood home. It was a wonderful visit. 🦊❤️ 

1107. holding court


from the big apple
these guys drop in to say, “hey”
tommy strikes a pose 🦊❤️

I was sitting with Tommy in the early evening. Someone was calling,  “Tommy! Tommy”. Three young men came into view and one with a green shirt was still calling, “Tommy!”   When he saw him he burst into a huge smile and neared with his buddies.  He said he met Tommy this time a year ago when he visited friends here. He said he was from Brooklyn. He  was back for his annual visit and wanted his two friends to meet him because of his “magic”.  Tommy was perfectly relaxed seeming to remember him.  I snapped a photo and sent it along to them, then left them alone for their ”Tommy Time”. 🦊❤️

1106. “tommy?…. tommy?…TOMMY!!”


i find the treasure
over and over again
each time like the first 🦊❤️

Every time I go to visit Tommy the thought goes through my mind, “Will he be here today?” I think of it on two levels. Level 1- will he be at his regular location or will he be out galavanting. Level 2- will he still be “here”, after all he does live outside with other animals and other dangerous situations. When I see his golden glow I’m not ashamed to say I feel happiness and relief. 🦊❤️

1105. trips around the sun


i lose count counting
your many trips around the sun
what a ride you had… 🦊❤️

All that is left of the big and beautiful Red Oak is a giant stump that reveals its trips around the sun. I keep losing count.  “98-99-100-101-….. 1-2-3-4…” 🦊❤️

1104. one cool cat


high up on your perch
watching all the birds whiz by
you are one cool cat 🦊❤️

Question: What you call a cat in an air conditioned room on a hot day? 
Answer: A cool cat!