"your turn tuesday" gallery #1

Well today is "your turn tuesday” gallery of all of the wonderful haikus that were submitted by folks. I am overwhelmed with how many of you took the time to write a haiku to the image above.  Here are the 30 haikus that were submitted. Most were written by first time writers of haiku. The haikus are listed in the order in which they were received. Thank you all so much for making this experiment a success!! So next Tuesday I will post another “your turn tuesday “ picture for folks to write a haiku to. Enjoy! 🦊❤️

now playing

sunrise or sunset, does it matter?
mother nature again providing the warmth that's needed
outdoor cinema, standing room only
joseph conroy

your turn tuesday

the ground is ablaze
no animals seem to graze
still i'm amazed
norm chabot

double sock day

gray may stay the day
might light look to ease favor
all play sight b hold
gery sasko

your presence

   are you here with me?
      the vast sky has been your home
    i felt your soft touch
   darlene cliver


tall wirey giants
in the meadow that we know
the one tommy owns
kevin ravasio


fro-zen  in-jec-tion
lone-li-ness be-gins to thaw
fore-cast for sun-shine
dani reed

lullaby for the trees

trees are listening
soft music played by the wind
as the sun goes down
marie pejrimovska

over the wintry

over the wintry
forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow
oscar alverez jr.

sleeping sun

dark trees out so far
falling sun going to rest
clouds dapple the sky
arabella litwinowicz


swatches of nature
banded from dark to sweet light
then there are the trees
bob ingram


the last golden light
the season of darkness wins
the beauty cuts me
mary ellyn kunz


the sun is just beginning
make the most of your day
i hope the day is cherished by all
eileen brennan


branches are now bare
on a crisp cold winter's day
shiver in the wind
elizabeth plunkett schalock


even god sits back
and gazes on with delight
"it really is good!"
dan ravasio


sky of fire waiting
anticipation of the day
dark night a coming
mary k. fogleboch


dark clouds in the woods
the sky is white
cold quiet woods
aria litwinowicz


i feel the darkness
heavy as the daylight drowns
smothered by the stars
jennifer litwinowicz


if you dare to see
a dark wooded mystery
magic will unfold
jen gregoris

woodland therapy

night turns into day
forest awakened by light
my spirit, renewed!
jen gregoris


blank canvas each day
god reaches for the pallet
brushstrokes are beautiful
mary sharkey


blank canvas each day
god reaches for the pallet
paints a new landscape
mary sharkey


the sky shades of gray
peaceful to some but not to all
a time to reflect
ed tabish

8th day

and on the 8th day
god looked all around and said
yulan san


when i am old and frail
just to see the morning sky
will be enough
yulan san

taking on tuesday

like the orange glow on our rivers
on wednesday he delivers
tom might


the daytime winds down
my headlamp starts to flicker
days still left to run
chuck mclaughlin

a gift

how lucky i am
to see dawn burning brightly
a new day ahead
ruth macintosh


layers of darkness
brightness on the horizon
dawn brings renewal

lovingly declined

i dislike haiku
i find it restricting
it is not for me
jeff ravasio


however i have
just given you two of them
despite my dislike
jeff ravasio

thank you all!!!!
dan 🦊❤️