your turn tuesday #4 gallery


trusty old soldiers
once deployed to bring order
now rest in shadows
jennifer litwinowicz

not so special, special

today is a no special
the place holders are restless
grilled cheese to the rescue
thomas might


what’s up with my order
eleven months past now
how our stomachs growl
gery sasko


age is just a number
someone told me years ago
never believe that
marie pejrimovska


just pick a number
any old number will do
"get in line and wait!"
dan ravasio


waiting for my turn
i need the vaccine now, please
this is not warp speed!
normand chabot


how much is too much
love to dine in with my wife
it's been a while
ed tabish

only a number

how old am i now?
a teenager or senior?
depends on the day!


the chaos in my head...
the jumbled thoughts turn me red
i'll just go to bed
darlene cliver

hard day's night

eigthy... eighty one...
mississippi... eighty three...
all night counting sheep
yulan san

table for two

number seventy
table for two step right up
romantic dinner
elizabeth plunkett schalock

foodies lament

restaurants are closed
but we wait for their return
and hope they make it
mark schalock


toss us aside
as our patrons eat outside
no outdoor numbers
stephanie lynn


my corner diner
it's your time to take a seat
when you hear twenty-five called
eileen m. brennan

vaccine appointment

numbers all jumbled
just wanting to get in line
numbers all jumbled...
dan ravasio


no one coming
empty tables without numbers
mary k fogleboch


we stand together
some stand taller than others
we can all grow
ron chelsvig