your turn tuesday #7 gallery

litter and covid

it's the little things
that really are the big things
don't mess up the world
ruthie macintosh

please do your part

stop being lazy
stop littering our planet
throw trash in the trash
darlene cliver


i am a little thing
i'm labelled a little thing
i'm actually a very big thing
joe conroy

the givers

we are empty now
filled others with our comfort
who will fill us up?
jennifer litwinowicz


a gesture too grand
it's the little things that count
now trash; forgotten
stephanie lynn


you once wanted me
now here i am all alone
with my memories
ed tabish

small footprint

it's the little things
like not leaving trash around
caring for the world
normand chabot

it's the little things

a baby smiling
gazing at the stars, in awe
holding hands, breathing
ron chesvlig


just the little things
making a difference in life
we learn this too late
marie pejrimovska

let me litter, it's only the woods

12 ounces of wakeup
i wish there was more, i'm done
no deposit, no return - bye
thomas might


ways to see another day
always pick up trash
that's found lying on the ground
eileen brennan


it's the little things
dressed in red now on the ground
decaying with leaves
elizabeth plunkett schalock


empty now
free to flutter and float
in the breeze
yulan mimmy san


bothers an empty cup -
free to be me
yulan mimmy san


empty now
coffee’s all gone
but i’m still kickin’
yulan mimmy san


this cup:
 is it empty or full?
look again
yulan mimmy san

one belongs

old leaves of autumn
empty paper coffee cup
one belongs... one not
dan ravasio


leaves that have fallen
a paper cup that’s been dropped
gravity is blind
dan ravasio


that goose overhead
looking down to spot some green
veers left - it just leaves
dan ravasio


those with empty heads
often drop their empty cups
what they do - reveals...
dan ravasio

mind sets

from litter to love
this picture prompts many things
the mind sets the stage
dan ravasio


it’s the little things
that hold us together now
sixty years of friendship
mary k fogleboch


cold blustery morning
searching for warmth and comfort
coffee anyone?
marilyn a
