your turn tuesday #12 gallery

slow down they told me
enjoy your life and smile
i wish i listened
marie pejrimovska


everyone is in a hurry
he brings us a message
to enjoy our surroundings
june kushner


what am i really controlling?
if you arrive early or a little late
my decisions may - control fate
joe conroy


when will i slow down?
it’s easier said than done
focus on slowing down
ed tabish


it’s a day of work
standing around; stop and go
just no traffic lights
stephanie lynn


a time to rebuild
this past year destroyed so much
things are looking up
stephanie lynn


he’s bright and yellow
he’s telling you to go slow
all cars in a row
normand chabot


the words on your sign
and the words that your stance speaks
tell me to go slow
dan ravasio


stop, relax and breathe
another day is coming
each day another chance
mary k fogleboch


well you must slow down
everything tells me so
life, roads, people and your mind
eileen brennan


and at that moment
using his trident for traffic
the cars stopped at his command
and slowed down with the flick of a wrist
a power envious by many
to control those around them
with a gold like crown upon his head
he felt like a king
even if it was only for a day
stephanie lynn


wiggle by wiggle
crossing the trail, two inchworms
slowly slowing me down
yulan mimmy san


slowing down
car after car on the highway
double rainbows
yulan mimmy san


slowing down
feeling warm chocolate melting
licking my lips
yulan mimmy san


slow down my friend
smiles the flagger force gal...
stay awhile
yulan mimmy san

this is your sign!

you’ve prayed for a sign
it’s right in front of your eyes
now slow down and breathe
darlene cliver

pay attention

a “sign” from buddha
reminds us to breathe slowly
and live mindfully