601. looming large

five weeks to start time
ten days of grinding out miles
eight-eighty-eight k  🦊❤️

It seems like it was only yesterday that Kevin and I were discussing that there is plenty of time to prepare for our next crazy adventure…an 888 Kilometers (roughly 540+ miles) race at Infinitus in Brandon Vermont. He will have 10 days to complete the distance. Well… today it’s only 5 weeks away. We are both settling into our mental zones to prepare for the jobs we will have to perform. His job is running the race… my job is supporting him so he can keep running the race. It’s as simple as that… Energy preservation. Physical preservation. Singular focus. Weather wiseness. One aid station at a time. One hour at a time. One mile at a time. One step at a time. One hallucination at a time. One “I can’t go on!” at a time. One, “Get up and get moving!” at a time. And one, “You got this… almost done”. Being there for each other. Keeping each other out of doubt. Not being afraid. Saying out loud and silently, “Just keep moving. The sun will be up soon.” It is beyond my wildest dreams that I would be afforded the opportunity to share in something so  “crazy and meaningless”, yet so enormously profound  with my son. More to come. 🦊❤️