604. becoming found - part 7 (watching magic grow)

magic will unfold
when you follow your heart’s whim
and not your brain’s words  🦊❤️

I had Easter breakfast with my grandkids and I decided to bring along Moose, the abandoned, three legged stuffed dog that I rescued. I felt a bit silly… but my heart said, “Do it.” So I did. My granddaughter Aria LOVES dogs and she fell in love with Moose. She told me that she had a book about Sparky another abandoned dog  that only had three legs. I was amazed at the “coincidence”. Aria allowed me to take the book home to read. I read it with Moose on my lap. As I read the sad but mostly happy story, I cried. I thought I felt Moose cuddle closer to me as I read the story. It seems that my “becoming found” series just keeps unfolding in new and magical ways. I am learning that being open to magic bring me magic… What next? I really have no idea… 🦊❤️ 

For those interested, you can find “becoming found - part 1” by clicking on this link.