700. a simple stack of three

such a simple stack
nothing fancy - nothing tall
 so elegant… wow! 🦊❤️
three well chosen rocks
perfectly suited to stack
just like a haiku 🦊❤️

I wanted to commemorate the 700th consecutive posting of my haiku blog, “a sense of haiku”,  with a super-duper photograph and an off the chart haiku. But my early morning hike would dictate otherwise.  I was stopped in my tracks when I spotted a very simple cairn made of three very simple rocks. The rocks were perfectly suited for being stacked upon each other. The cairn was sturdy and very elegant. It made me think of a well written haiku. So I wrote two very simple haiku about how I feel about my haiku writing practice. I hope you enjoy them. 🦊❤️ 
🙏 I want to thank everyone who took the time to tune into my early morning haiku posts at one time or another over the last 700 days.  Your views and comments are greatly valued. 🙏