860. creating holes

in the “olden days”
hard work and hard play were tests
that jeans strove to pass 🦊❤️
being old has perks
it allows me to look out
and see all the holes 🦊❤️
having these old eyes
allows me to see the holes
that used to be filled 🦊❤️

I was telling someone the other day how as a child, I dreaded wearing holes in my pants.  It usually didn't mean a new pair of pants… it meant my Mom ironing on a patch over the hole. If the hole was bad, it meant two of those rigid, uncomfortable patches, one outside and one inside.  Me and my childhood friends played hard to create those holes. The same was true of the hard work holes that I created in steel mills and factories as I worked my way through college. Now… the holes cost big bucks to be created… 🦊❤️