1194. life is never “wrong”


sweet black and white cat
in the wild golden grasses
living her nine lives 🦊❤️

“How could such a pretty cat be living out in the woods?”, I thought. Her face is so sweet and pleasing. It just didn’t seem right… but it is.  🦊❤️

1193. lighthouse in the sky


not even the sea…
that murky brew of grey tones
can dim your wavelengths 🦊❤️

Like the sea, the sky is an ocean of poetry waiting to be written. 🦊❤️

1192. lunar landing


i got on my knees
my eyes real close to the sand
voyage to the moon 🦊❤️

An empty beach in the off season is a great place to allow your imagination to run free. You can go from sea level to the surface of the moon… and never leave earth. 🦊❤️

1191. shifting sands


tides come and they go
storms rage then they settle down
we are not in charge 🦊❤️

It gives me great pause… and hope to believe that the power of nature’s forces will withstand anything that is thrown at them. Nature can be detoured… but it will continue on and life will come into balance with where ever the detour leads to.  🦊❤️

1190. “so what ya gonna do about it??”


you standing your ground
 dos and the don’t… not for you
you make your own rules 🦊❤️

I love seagulls. They are immune to the rules. They live free and easy and oh what a view they have of us who have to follow the rules. (And they can stand on one leg forever)  🦊❤️

1189. forever looking


when i first saw it
i just looked and looked and looked
and i always will 🦊❤️

When I saw Yulan’s candid shot of me in her awesome post yesterday, I was struck by the fact that the ocean is and will always be a source of never ending wonder and mystery to me. I edited her awesome photograph slightly to use in my post today.   No matter how many times I see the ocean, it’s like the first time.  🦊❤️

1188. a fun thanksgiving


football on one screen
national dog show on the other
to our own rhythms  🦊❤️

1187. thanksgiving thoughts


life’s not a straight line
it is full of twists and turns
bow your head… give thanks 🦊❤️

Regardless of the twists, turns, convolutions, undulations, dead ends, no ends,  and the what’s nexts of life… bow your head to God, god, g_d, the universe, nature, wonder or whatever floats your boat and give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving. 🦊❤️

1186. ‘tis the season


‘tis the time of year
when gloves and hats start to bloom
from branches of trees 🦊❤️

 Cold weather is creeping in and lost gloves and hats are appearing on branches in the woods, left there by thoughtful hikers who find them, hoping their owners will see them. I lost my favorite ski hat 5 or 6 years ago.  I still wait for it to show up one of these days, left there for me to find. 🦊❤️

1185. haiku worthy

japanese maples
in a lush patch of bamboo
so very haiku 🦊❤️

Some days all I see and feel are haiku. Yesterday was one of those days. 🦊❤️


1184. reflecting on a reflection

my mind went swimming
watching that tree shimmering
in the creek’s ripples 🦊❤️

It was a chilly fall morning as I stood on the stone bridge just looking down. The depth and clarity of a leaning tree’s reflection on the water’s surface was mind blowing. It unleashed a cavalcade of wonder about everything I was looking at. I looked over at Yulan and saw her lost in her own world of wonder.  “Stop and smell the roses”, I thought.  🦊❤️ 


1183. cozy


a tiny doorway
leading to a humble home
so cozy i’ll bet…🦊❤️

On a recent walk I spotted this perfect entrance to a critter’s home. There was fresh excavation debris scattered in front of the opening. I thought about what it must be like to be the dweller as they watched rain and snow falling outside. For the remainder of the walk I noticed just how many homes are in holes everywhere I looked.  The word cozy kept coming to mind.  🦊❤️ 

1182. before you melt


your aura of frost
thawing fast… there’s little time
i rush to save you 🦊❤️

While doing Dong Stick in the park, I watched the sun quickly melting the frost that was knitted overnight on the edge of a fallen leaf. “There is tomorrow’s haiku” my mind kept urging.  Finally I stopped mid-movement, took out my phone and bent down to capture the moment. My teacher Paul looked at me. He only smiled.  Good to be among those who “get it”. 🦊❤️

1181. indelible


on his too old arm
his too young daughter now blooms
indelible ink 🦊❤️

I spent time with my friend Rob, as he got his first tattoo at age 72. It is a special tattoo honoring his love for his daughter Rebecca who died much, much too young in her life.  She is now blooming, along with her favorite flower, the sunflower on his arm. I’m sure Rebecca is very happy. 🦊❤️

1180. really standing out


my how you stand out
blazing red above the rest
diff’rent - yet the same 🦊❤️

The value of  being one of the best and the brightest is magnified many times over by not falling into the trap of believing that it makes you different or better than everyone else. 🦊❤️ 

1179. mother and child


a mother and child
such never ending closeness
art by henry moore 🦊❤️

Henry Moore is renowned for his sculptures and lithographs depicting the mother and child theme. When I spotted this tree on the trail I thought, “Mother and Child - Henry Moore!”  🦊❤️ 

1178. touching music


when two tree trunks touch
they bump and grind in the wind
singing lover’s songs 🦊❤️

I call them singing trees. They are two distinct trees that grow in to each other in such a way that they gently touch trunks or limbs in a specific place. When the wind blows, the trees sway which causes their points of contact to rub against each other to create hauntingly beautiful songs. The point of contact will often be abraded smooth from their “bumping and grinding” motion. They are especially mysterious sounding on a cold and dark night. 🦊❤️

1177. displaced


a bed of color
giving rest to a hubcap
oh those pothole blues 🦊❤️

There is a very large pothole in the road near my home. It has been responsible for many hubcaps popping off and coming to rest in a field that is under a wooden bridge.  The fall leaf colors add a nice touch.  🦊❤️

1176. looking up to the sky


roots facing the sky
the unearthed tree proclaiming
“look! i’m still standing” 🦊❤️

On the trail there is a tree that toppled over years ago. As it fell, its long slender trunk was captured in the “Y”of another tree close by. The weight distribution of the falling tree was perfectly suited to cause it to remain in one piece with its roots facing the sky. I love reaching this spot on the trail and seeing that it remains in its cantilevering position after all these years.  Another little magical place to visit. 🦊❤️ 

1175. striking a pose


such a graceful pose
standing naked in the cold
shivrin’ in the wind 🦊❤️

I have walked past the tree in today’s post a thousand times never noticing its graceful, almost flirting pose. I swear she winked at me. 🦊❤️

1174. just letting go


rising like the mist
held high for just a moment
falling down like rain  🦊❤️

This is Paul. He is our Dong Stick and Qigong teacher.  I love when he narrates what we are doing and why. He often uses nature to illustrate the essence of the movements of the practices. He is performing a movement of raising his arm (rising like the mist), pausing and simply holding the arm toward the heavens, suddenly allowing the arm to fall without resistance. (fall down like rain). Then we repeat alternating arms. We just let go… 🦊❤️

1173. not so secret admirer


my favorite tree
cucumber magnolia
wonder if it knows?? 🦊❤️

I’ve just finished listening to a very long book entitled, “The Overstory”. It is a Pulitzer Prize winning fictional work about how the crazy lives of  9 unrelated people intersect, collide, combine and unfold. The love of trees individually and collectively is the common denominator for the characters. The ending was not happy.  The story made me think about my relationship with trees and the role that they play in my life and life in general. 🦊❤️

1172. time in a bottle


as we start our days
let’s make the time just stand still
time in a bottle 🦊❤️

While having morning coffee, I watched a young father enjoying a morning coffee and juice with his daughter.  It brought back memories for me. I hated dropping my kids off at daycare when they were little. I would leave the house with them earlier than necessary and drive around and “do things” just to spend special time with them before dropping them off. In my son Kevin’s case, we would go to “Yum Yum Donuts” and get coffee, juice and a super enormous chocolate frosted donut. We would go outside and sit on an embankment, enjoy our morning treat  and wait for the morning train to fly by.  We still talk about those mornings today. “Time in a bottle”. 🦊❤️

1171. old school linemen


long before buckets
linemen wore spikes to climb high
tool belts a clangin’ 🦊❤️

I’m a telephone pole watcher. When I see an old one I like to inspect all of the little metal tags on them. What years they were inspected and treated for termites. In some cases when they were installed. Old abandoned signs and staples rusting away. What really brings back great memories of long ago are the spike holes on the poles that were left by linemen who used to climb these poles using spikes that were attached to the inside edge of their heavy boots. They would shimmy up the pole, being stabilized by a leather strap that they wrapped around the pole. Every time they would raise a boot and implant their spike, their tool belts would clatter. As a little kid I was so in awe of these guys. I guess I still am.  🦊❤️

1170. land of haiku


japanese maples
create a poetic place
with rhymes of color

There is a section of trails where I hike that is just loaded with Japanese Maples of all sizes.  It is especially beautiful at this time of year as they shed their leaves to weave a crimson carpet. It is fertile ground for inspiring haiku. 🦊❤️

1169. holding on for dear life


when the waters rage
stubborn roots hold on for life
won’t be washed away 🦊❤️

I love looking at tree roots. I especially love tree roots that are on the banks of creeks that rush and rise whenever the rains fall and snows melt. Water, the expert carver of earth, brings to the surface the hard work that tree roots do to stay anchored into Mother Earth. 🦊❤️

1168. my nightly visitor


every night at dark
you bunk on your special limb
puffed like a down vest 🦊❤️

Since the weather has turned cold at night, a bird perches on the exact same branch, in the exact same spot from sundown to sunrise in the tree right outside of my living room window. The bird puffs up its feathers to create warmth like in a down vest. It turns its head to the side and tucks its neck in tight to its chest. So many little interesting things waiting to be seen with the inquiring eye.   🦊❤️

1167. warrior roses


twenty-nine degrees
the warrior rose still red
ready to let go 🦊❤️

As I headed off to the trails I stopped to admire a lingering cluster of roses shivering in the sub-freezing morning  air. They had done their work of smelling nice and looking pretty well beyond what was required of them. Now they seemed ready to simply let go… 🦊❤️

1166. travel advisory


trails once clearly marked
now a whiteout of colors
snowstorm of leaves 🦊❤️

Fall is probably the most enchanting time of the year to be in the woods with all of the crisp colors, smells and sounds. It is also the time of year when watching your step on the leaf covered trails is really important!! Roots and walnuts under leaf cover are killers!!! 🦊❤️ 

1165. heavenly meadow

bright sun’s at my back
morning moon lingers ahead
heavenly morning 🦊❤️

There is NOTHING like a meadow on a crisp morning. While all is dying… the life of the meadow has never been so alive.  🦊❤️