1233. the spring fall


hanging through winter
sycamore seed balls waiting
to fall down in spring 🦊❤️ 
The seed balls of Sycamore trees hang all through winter and then fall in the spring. They break open and uncountable individual winged seeds become available to be transported by wind, rain, birds, etc. to find a spot that may allow them to germinate and become a Sycamore tree.  Of all those uncountable seed candidate, virtually none of them will hit the home run of germination.  The vast, vast, vast majority will strike out and simply be reabsorbed back into the earth. That’s really something to think about isn’t it?  This is a great starting point to really appreciate the miraculous impossibility that each living thing on earth represents. Every living thing is like winning the Irish Sweepstakes with the odds multiplied by a million, trillion.  🦊❤️