586. inner child thursday #1 (non-dominant hand haiku)


such a cool collar
i’ll wear it without a thought
i can do that 🦊❤️

Today is the first day of a new weekly practice for my “sense of haiku” blog. Every Thursday I will post a haiku that has been written by my “inner child”, Little Danny. I will use my non-dominant hand (left) to allow the haiku to emerge from Little Danny. Regardless of the number of syllables, lines, spelling, etc. - it will be posted as it has emerged. This will be my way of honoring and allowing my “inner child” to become an integral partner in my daily haiku practice. I cannot think of a better first photograph than Tommy in his new collar. Tommy is free and lives life honoring himself first. 🦊❤️

Click on link below for info on non-dominant hand writing. 


585. the forgotten

an icy winter 
and spring’s been pretty cold too
longing for the sun  🦊❤️

I’ve always liked stumbling upon lawn ornaments that seem to have been forgotten as time passes by. Day after day… season after season… they man their appointed spots striving to add some charm and joy for passers by. I always stop and give them the time that they deserve for jobs well done… silly… but I’m sure they appreciate it. 🦊❤️


584. everything is a poem

alpha… omega
the beginning… and the end
the trail in between  🦊❤️

Everything in life is a reason to write a haiku. Seventeen syllables sometimes speaks millions of words and thoughts. And when combined with a photograph, it can speak billions. I must confess that my daily practice of doing my haiku blog and posting it here on facebook has a lot to do with my needy needs and living out loud in my poems.  But over the last couple of years, I have truly come to believe that it serves other peoples needs as well. I hope that you all will continue to follow my posts and find value in the ones that serve your needs. Thank you all for stopping in.    🦊❤️


583. doing the next right thing

his life on his terms
he comes… meows… eats… gets petted…
then… the next right thing.  🦊❤️

For Tommy, the next right thing for him to do is always right in front of him waiting to be done, then doing it. Lessons in living life abound in the quiet moments of observing living things (usually not people) just living their lives. 🦊❤️


582. red’s moment

you big fallen tree
your cut shows me your deep red
i’ll snap you… i’ll write  🦊❤️

Haiku… a moment’s moment of fame. 🦊❤️


581. how do i paint an empty field?

once a field so gold
cropped and chopped and mowed right down
now… just watch it grow  🦊❤️

My beautiful meadow of tall golden grasses has been reduced to a field of stubble. A new and unfamiliar  look. I can see every contour of the undulating expanse. I study the ups and downs. I want to paint it.  “You don’t know how to paint the emptiness.”, my doubting voice echos. My loving voice responds, “I can’t wait to see how you paint the emptiness, go ahead and give it a try.” So… I will… I must… 🦊❤️


580. refugees

uprooted from home
hurried off to a strange land
may their roots be strong  🦊❤️

Today I saw millions of refugees in a picture of a Spring garden being planted.  Then I wrote this haiku.  I love writing haiku. 🦊❤️


579. tower of babel

stone on top of stone
dreams to reach the heaven’s height
 tower of  babel  🦊❤️

When I saw this cairn on the trail, I immediately thought of the Biblical story about the Tower of Babel. 🦊❤️


578. tom and jerry daze

tom the cartoon cat
teaching his offspring the rules
jerry looks on… laughs  🦊❤️

How times have changed. The simplicity of “how it is”… to the complexity of “anything goes”… I’ll take Tom and Jerry days.🦊❤️


577. one man’s trash…

the party’s over
cake eaten… presents opened
balloons party on 🦊❤️

I hope this bouquet of balloons made the trash collector’s day! 🦊❤️


576. grieving a tree.

life is a forest
we walk, we enjoy , we live
we love and we long 🦊❤️

In good times and not so good times the woods and trails are not only beautiful, they are a school that teaches,  a set of gentle arms that embrace and hold me. Today I will hug a tree  🦊❤️ 


575. still amazed after all these years

the ocean today
 the same… but different too 
me and the ocean 🦊❤️

I saw the ocean for the first time some where around 50 years ago and there was not a place in my brain to fully comprehend what I was looking at.  I visited it again yesterday… and it still offered me that same feeling of amazement as 50 years ago.  🦊❤️


574. r.i.p. rickey

old rickey the horse
day after day you were there
i’ll look… forgetting  🦊❤️

I learned that Rickey the horse has passed on. He was always in his little pasture as I came and went on my hikes. I will miss seeing him there. He was a real warrior. 🦊❤️

573. just an illusion

on top of the fence
a teeny horse balancing
a grand illusion  🦊❤️

Our perception of “what is” is sometime influenced by what side of the fence we are standing on. 🦊❤️


572. finding clarity

water… cold and clear
running free… from deep within
clarity lives there 🦊❤️

Clarity is so crystal clear that it is almost invisible. That is why so few people every find it. 🦊❤️


571. a nice picture

the blues and purples
the whites, golds, greens and the grays
make this picture nice  🦊❤️

A very plain title.  A straightforward verse of what my eyes see.  Nothing clever.  Nothing profound. Nothing with intent or message.  Only… extreme gratitude for my eyes. 🦊❤️ 

570. in memory of abbey

hanging by a thread
floating gently in the wind
abbey… just… let go… 🦊❤️🙏

During my hike I spotted a little red crocheted heart and two small tags hanging from a splintered branch. The one tag spoke of Abbey and it stated that she was 14 years of age when she took her own life. The other tag contained the telephone numbers for a suicide prevention hotline. I lingered there and wondered why. I wondered if her real name was Abigail.  I imagined the sadness that this must have caused for those left behind. Then I took this picture because I thought it would be nice to honor Abbey with a haiku. 🦊❤️


569. who am i to (fill in the blank)?

through the cold winter
a patina of ivy
continues its creep  🦊❤️

The starkness of  the winter trees was interrupted by two tree that were almost fully cloaked in ivy. They really stood out. They looked beautiful in the morning sun. But in my mind I knew that the two trees would die prematurely as a result of the ivy’s insidious creeping. But then again… who am I to define prematurity? Who am I to say the trees deserve to thrive but the ivy not?  Who am I to judge the unfolding of nature and its grand design and plans? Maybe I need to just stand, look and take it all in and be still… 🦊❤️


568. finding beauty where it’s to be found

tender red flowers
frozen…encased in hard ice
so beautiful… still 🦊❤️

Been thinking lately… beauty isn’t found just in good times… it MUST be found in ALL times. You just have to look a bit harder in the not so good times.  🦊❤️


567. (daylight saving time) spring forward into green

islands of green sprung
amid a sea of brown leaves
springing into spring  🦊❤️

The paintbrush of springtime is very hard at work. Don’t forget to set your clocks an hour ahead tonight. Time to “Spring Forward”.  🦊❤️


566. jailbreak


shrouded in the fog
and behind a wall of trees
a daring jailbreak  🦊❤️

The sun always finds a way to bust out of whatever jail it may be in.  🦊❤️

565. pioneers of spring

a frosty night ends
flowers huddling with heads bowed
praying for the sun  🦊❤️

Flowers that emerge as winter moves to spring bring to mind many inspiring thoughts. Thoughts of courage, heartiness, perseverance, community, generosity, hope and patience. 🦊❤️


564. old picture of lisa and danny

lisa and danny
holding hands as best they could
little… did they know?  🦊❤️

My cousin Suzie messaged me this picture a few days ago. I received it while on a hike in the woods and was coincidentally thinking about things in my childhood and how it is that my life is as it is now.  My dear sister Lisa was prominently in my thoughts. I thought about the roads that we traveled in life, together… apart… and almost together again before she suddenly passed on nearly two years ago.  There are no such things as coincidences - I am convinced of that more and more as time goes on. I thought long and hard about posting this haiku about the sweet and also sad story of Lisa and Danny.  But I knew I had to for Lisa and Danny.  Poets write poems about very personal things. Some happy, sweet things and some sad things.  I am a poet so I guess it’s an ok thing to do. Thank you for the picture Suzie. 🦊❤️


563. your turn tuesday gallery #34

to the tree they are wounds
to the carver it is art
you be the judge
joseph conroy

many have written keepsakes
all of them true
except for the made-up ones
joseph conroy

a time capsule in plain sight
thank you for visiting
please leave a message
joseph conroy

many times i've passed
your eyes watching me
you know my secrets
daniel ravasio

want to make some art?
paper, paint or carve a tree
let an artist flow!
eileen brennan

a tree may wither
please respect god's loving land
wars or art might win....
eileen brennan
trees marked forever
by strangers who want to show
utter ignorance
normand chabot

am i popular poplar or
possibly a picked on pine
attention i get
early communiques
no cell for me
thomas might

ow! ow! ow!
just like someone cutting you
you are hurting me!
liz roben
his selfish first cut
doomed me to a life of pain
i bothered no one
michael brna

ouch your blade wounds me
from my branch tips to root tips
my soul wonders why...

i sense your presence
not through silly blue eyes, no
but through my essence

sit in my shadows
rest your back against me, still
i will support you
eileen nathanson

don't write books, but
oh, this tree
has stories to tell
yulan mimmy san
nature’s notebook
message past and present
lovers and friends connecting
june kushner

all the little digs
accumulated and felt
be in this moment
daniel ravasio


562. the warrior and the worrier

like a steam shovel
he gobbles up my treats
soon it will be spring  🦊❤️

I worry that Tommy has enough food in his belly in winter to deal with the cold. So I always pack treats. I am a worrier… Tommy is a warrior.  When spring comes, I’ll try to be more of  a warrior than a worrier. Lol. 🦊❤️ 


561. savoring slowwwwwwwww

two geese in the road
just moving at a snail’s pace
“the pause that refreshes”  🦊❤️

The next time that you find yourself in an unavoidable delay, take a deep breath and say, “Thank you God for these moments of slowness and pause.”  and “simply savor the slow.” 🦊❤️


560. life’s tunnels

enter the tunnel
keep your eyes on the daylight
and just keep walking  🦊❤️

Life has many tunnels that must be walked through. In order to get to the other end of a tunnel - you have to first be brave enough to take the first step to enter the tunnel. There is no other way to the daylight. 🦊❤️ 


559. seeking clarity

following the rain
the creek is very muddy
in time it will clear 🦊❤️

 Clarity often finds you… you don’t find it. Just be still and do nothing  🦊❤️


558. praying for a thaw 🇺🇦

a bird soaks in the
miracle of the sun’s warmth
praying for a thaw  🦊❤️ 🇺🇦

I pray that the sun will blaze in Ukraine and thaw the frozen ground and the mud will swallow up the Russian tanks and trucks.  I pray that the sun blazes and warms the hearts of the invading Russian soldiers to turn their faces to the sun and away from the evil of  their leadership’s designs. God let the sun shine like never before. 🦊❤️🇺🇦


557. the flow 🇺🇦

riding the ripples
six geese doing what geese do
a mild winter day  🦊❤️🇺🇦

Whenever things seem to be on a downward trajectory… look to nature and see that the “flow” is still flowing.  Jump in with both feet… 🦊❤️🇺🇦


556. your turn tuesday #33

write a haiku inspired by the picture above. classic haiku form is:
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

any three line haiku regardless of syllable count
whatever style haiku you like
just a poem!! 
feel free to do as you please!

Send your haiku’s title and haiku to me at danrav200@gmail.com . You can also use the comment box in the upper right hand corner of the web version of this post to submit your entry.  Or, facebook messenger. 
Next Tuesday I will post the photo and submitted haikus’s as the post of the day. The author’s name will be included unless otherwise instructed not to include.   Looking forward to reading and posting your haikus!! 
You can view the previous “your turn tuesday” gallery of  haikus here- https://may-king-sense.blogspot.com/2022/02/549-your-turn-tuesday-gallery-32.html?m=1
Thank you.