586. inner child thursday #1 (non-dominant hand haiku)


such a cool collar
i’ll wear it without a thought
i can do that 🦊❤️

Today is the first day of a new weekly practice for my “sense of haiku” blog. Every Thursday I will post a haiku that has been written by my “inner child”, Little Danny. I will use my non-dominant hand (left) to allow the haiku to emerge from Little Danny. Regardless of the number of syllables, lines, spelling, etc. - it will be posted as it has emerged. This will be my way of honoring and allowing my “inner child” to become an integral partner in my daily haiku practice. I cannot think of a better first photograph than Tommy in his new collar. Tommy is free and lives life honoring himself first. 🦊❤️

Click on link below for info on non-dominant hand writing. 
