616. attachment

vine by vine by vine
wresting them from this old trunk 
one by one by one  🦊❤️

I used to think that the huge trees “adorned” with clinging vines were so beautiful. I have since learned that these “attachments” are a very bad thing for the trees because they basically rob the trees of the nutrients required for life and living. And so it is with people’s attachments too. 🦊❤️ 


615. unexpected teacher


chilly morning winds
me tightening gust by gust
you smoothly swaying 🦊❤️

I was standing and staring at some delicate green strands hanging from a tree limb as I waited for my outdoor Qigong group practice to start.   A chilly morning wind was blowing and I felt it in my bones and heard it in my ears. The supple strands danced gently, without resistance, as the wind blew them this way then that way. Their movement in the wind was a beautiful thing to behold. “Thanks for the inspiration tender green strands.”   🦊❤️ 

614. observing a busy mind

stripes on a tiger
crystal clear water roaring
such a busy mind  🦊❤️

A mind can be a dizzying place. Spinning yarns. Spinning thoughts. Spinning webs. So… sit quietly and just watch the spinning. Realize YOU are not spinning… it’s only your mind.   🦊❤️


613. our life is a forest

deep down underground
roots dug in and holding tight
along comes the wind 🦊❤️

Our life is a forest with many trees. Winds of all types blow from time to time. Leaves fall… limbs fall… entire trees fall sometimes.  But since our life is a forest made up of many tree, our forest remains. All that falls was meant to fall to nourish our soil so that new tree will grow and  our old trees will grow even stronger for times when new winds blow.  That is how forests work. That is how the wind works. That is how life works. Inhale… exhale like the wind… and greet the winds when they start to blow. 🦊❤️ 


612. how wishes are warmed

in the setting sun
a thousand and one wishes
warming up for flight  🦊❤️

I saw a solitary dandelion wish-ball in an open field. I knelt down to take its picture . The setting sun illuminated the intricate wish-ball quite by accident as I contorted my body to capture a close-up.  It took on a warm, magical glow. I thought… yes… warm wishes to all of you… Thank you for visiting my daily haiku posts.  🦊❤️ 


611. at the heart of it all

in that hollowed heart
a persistent root still dwells
never saying, “no” 🦊❤️

I saw a really unique but also “familiar” tree yesterday. Despite the seeming deadness of the tree, there was a persistent root that had sprouted inside the heart-shaped, hollowed  base of the tree that found its way back into the nurturing earth.   It reminded me of what my cardiologist told me after having a near fatal heart attack many years ago. “Keep working on getting your heart strong again and new veins will generate to accommodate for the damage.”, he said.  I feel a kinship with that tree and the optimistic root. I am grateful for the message it communicated to me. I admire its “never say no” tenacity. Nature is such a wonderful doctor for the body and the spirit. 🦊❤️



610. seamlessly sauntering

you and your smooooth stride
seamless motion passing by
where you off to now? 🦊❤️

There are a couple of barn/stable cats that I regularly see.  They fascinate me. They go where they wish to go. They move seamlessly… smoothly… sleekly… silently… mysteriously too.  I want to be a barn cat next time around.  🦊❤️


609. for adam #23 and melba and her family

new ferns - rising up 
stretching way out into space
so slowly… in time 🦊❤️  
ferns… so tightly wound
like clenched fists… wailing - waiting
softened by the son  🦊❤️
i will be a fern
i will stand out in the sun
my fronds will unfurl  🦊❤️

Yesterday I was sitting alone at a local farmer’s market sipping an iced coffee. It was sunny so every outdoor seat  was taken except for a bench in the midst of a family of four (woman and her husband plus their adult son and his wife). As I sat trying to be invisible, the woman whose name was Melba (she had a beautiful tattooed dragonfly on her forearm) asked  me, “What brings you here this beautiful day?” I told her I was waiting for a friend for dinner. She told me that they were there to be together to remember her son Adam,  who had passed on from a car accident 27 years ago on this day. I told her I loved her tattoo. She said it was for her departed son. It had the inscription, “still I rise”.  We all had a pleasant conversation for awhile until it was time for them to go. As the family walked away, Melba stayed and we talked. She showed me another tattoo that she had on her shoulder. It was the number “23” rising up on wings. It was her son’s basketball number. Melba and I talked, and we cried for awhile. We exchanged phone numbers because we both agreed that there are no such things as coincidences. Today is the 23rd of  April, just like Melba’s tattoo. This post is for Melba and her family and her son Adam,  until they all meet again. When they “rise up”. 🦊❤️


608. pause… you’re worth it

remember to pause
to enter the open space
where your choices roam  🦊❤️
there is a safe space
where you can pause and ponder
“what is good for me?” 🦊❤️

“What is good for me?”, is a question that we should ask more often as life goes zooming by. Pausing in the midst of zooming along allows time to ask that question. Some of us need a constant reminder to pause. And that’s OK. 🦊❤️


607. just playing around

discovering joy
“no! no end result today!”
“ok! i’ll just play…”  🦊❤️

I used a pottery wheel for the first time yesterday. My patient teacher taught me how to “use” my hands. Then she said, “Just play around.” So I just played around. I allowed my hands to disconnect from my brain.  I let them do what they always wanted to do… to not want to make something… but to simply allow something to be made… then something became made… and I felt what free hands feel.… wet clay… smooth and silky goo… gentle friction of spinning forms…and it felt good… 🦊❤️


606. more magic moments

him in his bright shirt
her in her unicorn suit
“may i take a pic?” 🦊❤️
what a big surprise
lightning won’t strike twice they say
seems like magic does 🦊❤️
I was in a convenience store getting some Easter treats for my grandkids on Easter morning. I saw this cute little girl with her father. She was dressed in a Unicorn costume. I asked them if I could take a picture. They were kind enough to say yes. I was anxious to show the grandkids the picture when I arrived for breakfast. After I showed them the picture, the next thing I knew, Aria was standing beside me in the exact same costume. That was the second Easter Sunday “magic” situation. The first was this… 🦊❤️



605. make someone’s day (for ruthie)

he was proud as punch
striking a pose as i snapped
bet i made his day  🦊❤️

Whenever you “make somebody’s day” it can “make your day”. Acknowledge and value someone for being just who they are… and you can allow them and you to rise up.   
(Dedicated to my dear friend Ruthie who always shows up at just the right time. ) 🦊❤️


604. becoming found - part 7 (watching magic grow)

magic will unfold
when you follow your heart’s whim
and not your brain’s words  🦊❤️

I had Easter breakfast with my grandkids and I decided to bring along Moose, the abandoned, three legged stuffed dog that I rescued. I felt a bit silly… but my heart said, “Do it.” So I did. My granddaughter Aria LOVES dogs and she fell in love with Moose. She told me that she had a book about Sparky another abandoned dog  that only had three legs. I was amazed at the “coincidence”. Aria allowed me to take the book home to read. I read it with Moose on my lap. As I read the sad but mostly happy story, I cried. I thought I felt Moose cuddle closer to me as I read the story. It seems that my “becoming found” series just keeps unfolding in new and magical ways. I am learning that being open to magic bring me magic… What next? I really have no idea… 🦊❤️ 

For those interested, you can find “becoming found - part 1” by clicking on this link. 


603. easter day - the son is risen

big dark clouds parting
so the blue sky can be seen
the son has risen  🦊❤️

Easter is a time of rebirth and rising above the darkness. Wishing you all a wonderful Easter Day. 🦊❤️🙏


602. recycling yourself

seeds wriggling to pop
to rise…tall… to spend the day
bathing in the sun  🦊❤️

Recycling… turning the old and worn out “things” in life into something new, exciting and sometimes funny  🦊❤️


601. looming large

five weeks to start time
ten days of grinding out miles
eight-eighty-eight k  🦊❤️

It seems like it was only yesterday that Kevin and I were discussing that there is plenty of time to prepare for our next crazy adventure…an 888 Kilometers (roughly 540+ miles) race at Infinitus in Brandon Vermont. He will have 10 days to complete the distance. Well… today it’s only 5 weeks away. We are both settling into our mental zones to prepare for the jobs we will have to perform. His job is running the race… my job is supporting him so he can keep running the race. It’s as simple as that… Energy preservation. Physical preservation. Singular focus. Weather wiseness. One aid station at a time. One hour at a time. One mile at a time. One step at a time. One hallucination at a time. One “I can’t go on!” at a time. One, “Get up and get moving!” at a time. And one, “You got this… almost done”. Being there for each other. Keeping each other out of doubt. Not being afraid. Saying out loud and silently, “Just keep moving. The sun will be up soon.” It is beyond my wildest dreams that I would be afforded the opportunity to share in something so  “crazy and meaningless”, yet so enormously profound  with my son. More to come. 🦊❤️


600. at ease

still afraid to dance
my body gets in the way
maybe someday yet 🦊❤️

I met Paul and his wife Diane on the trails a number of months ago.  They seemed to be at ease in a way I’ve never known. Quite unexpectedly one day, they asked me if I would like to join them and a number of other folks in a “dong stick practice” that Paul leads in the park. I said, “Sure! But I have no idea what that is all about.” He said, “Just show up.” And I did. Whatever magic he has… he made me feel totally at ease doing the totally foreign practice. Paul is a good teacher.  Maybe someday I just might be able to dance. Thank you Paul and Diane. 🦊❤️

See what “dong stick” is about below. 

599. becoming found - part 6 (patience & faith)

you just never know
when something wonderful will
come round the corner  🦊❤️

I thought that “becoming found - part 5” was the final post in my recent series. But when my dear friend Joe Conroy gifted me with a blanket that he had made of Moose and Tommy’s meeting, I knew another chapter was needed.  Thank you Joe for the inspiration to write today’s post that illustrates the importance of patience and faith in life and how those virtues open up the universe to provide us with wonderful, unimaginable surprises when we least expect them. 🦊❤️ 

Part 5 can be found at the link below. 


598. now a gentle stream flows

for so many years
a great burden of water
now… a gentle stream  🦊❤️

I feel a sense calmness and tranquility when I stand and look at the ruins of an old earthen and stone dam that used to contain a spring fed pond. So much effort expended by the stones and dirt to hold that pond together day after day until it could do it no more.  Now a gentle stream of spring water meanders through the memory of the pond long gone. 🦊❤️


597. stopping

off the beaten trail
a subtle path rarely trod
its mystery calls  🦊❤️

My racing mind slows to a crawl as I watch my breath come and go. My hurried feet lose their urgency and each step becomes a journey unto itself. Things unseen call me…and I hear them… and I see them… and I answer them. 🦊❤️


596. rah… rah… rah… 📣

rain and roots and ruts
random rivulets running
really raw… rah! rah!  🦊❤️

When the going gets rough… learn to depend on your own inner cheerleader to root you on… rah… rah… rah… 🦊❤️


595. pretty blue wings

such pretty blue wings
showing them off as you do
i won’t get too close  🦊❤️

I’ve never had good luck at photographing birds. Inevitably as I am getting ready to snap away… they fly away… 🦊❤️

594. hardly hardy

such a rainy day
only the hardy do roam
me and the belties 🦊❤️

I like to fantasize about being a Quixotic hero type. I have no windmills to do battle with… only being out in heavy rains is as Quixotic as I get these days. As for the Belties, it’s just another day…. 🦊❤️


593. inner child thursday #2 (non-dominant hand haiku)

such a pretty flower
all alone in all that green
like a star in the sky 🦊❤️

This haiku was written by my “inner child”, Little Danny. I used my non-dominant hand (left) to allow the haiku to emerge from Little Danny. The number of syllables, lines, spelling, etc. don’t matter. What is written is what it is.  Such simplicity - and yet… 🦊❤️

Click on link below for info on non-dominant hand writing. 



592. becoming found - part 5 (connection)

it is often said
some things were just meant to be
it just takes some time  🦊❤️

What could be more perfect than Tommy the Trail Cat meeting Moose the Trail Dog? Both abandoned on the trail… both found on the trail… now they are friends on the trail. Things work out in the most perfect of ways. 🦊❤️
(Post inspired by my dear friend Joe C.)


591. becoming found - part 4 (accepting help)

stuffing clean and new
healing stitches through and through
wholeness… little you 🦊❤️

At one time or another we are all like that ripped up, wet stuffed puppy that was left on the trail. I hope that my little tale of  making the forlorn stuffed puppy whole again will motivate you to do the same if you are ever lucky enough to encounter your own left behind stuffed puppy. I can tell you that he is gift that I treasure as he reminds me of the importance of never giving up hope and never being afraid to ask for help when I am feeling torn up, wet and that all my stuffing has fallen out of me. I think that he is just perfect in every way and that his missing parts are not missing after all  🦊❤️


590. becoming found - part 3 (asking for help)

fluffy and dry… yet
so much lost… “do we go on?”
“please… don’t stop now!” 

What is wholeness after all? How can there be wholeness when so much seems to be missing? So much lost? Is it worth the effort? Is it time to give up? Is it too late to try? Can I do it alone? Can I find someone to help? Is it ok to ask? What will it look like?   🦊❤️


589. becoming found - part 2 (letting go)

old stuffing made gone
a warm soapy baptism
joyful emptiness  🦊❤️

Basin after basin of warm soapy water did the trick… so much dirt and grime were released. I could tell that he felt a sense of serene emptiness and spaciousness as a result of what had happened so far. But… the hard part of becoming whole was yet to be started. But… he was hopeful and so was I. 🦊❤️


588. becoming found - part 1 (abandoned)

his stuffing gone
no ears, no tongue… one leg gone
many passed him by 🦊❤️

During my morning hike I spotted a stuffed dog that was abandoned at the side of the trail. He was in terrible shape -  ripped, torn and most of his stuffing was gone. The morning rain made his  muddy fur shimmer. The sight of him tugged at my heart strings. I picked his soggy, broken body up and put him in my back pack. We proceeded on our way. Along the way I thought, “How will I make him whole again?” 🦊❤️


587. a picture just won’t do it…

i have no picture
that i can post to show you
air suddenly warm  🦊❤️

I am often left feeling helpless to photograph what I have suddenly encountered on the trail. So much of what I encounter can’t be seen… but they’re there. A sudden blast of warm air on a chilly spring morning… two wood peckers riveting back and forth to each other…air full of whistling wind… just a few.  🦊❤️