647. phil, nicole and friends - infinitus 2022 (#6)

a smiling angel
appeared out of the dark clouds
her wings carried you… 🦊❤️

Infinitus 2022 was chock full of folks being there for other folks who were struggling. With 18 miles to go in the 100 mile race, Phil LaCroix was hurting badly and felt he was unable to go back out into the night to complete the race. That’s when Jason Mozel jumped in and treated Phil’s feet even though he was horribly sleep deprived from supporting and pacing his wife Amber who went on to win the 250 mile race. Then there was Maia Buckingham who assisted in getting Phil ready to push off.   Then there was Prem Linskey who jumped in to pace Phil to the next aid station 6 miles away. He too was sleep deprived and neck deep in helping out at the event and was also committed to pace Amber in her 250 mile effort at midnight. Then there was Nicole Hufford Leach* who was recovering from her own medical issues who volunteered to pace Phil for the final 12 miles after Prem had done his job.  And then came Ben Feinson who convinced two other runners including Maia (wish I knew the other’s names) to accompany him into the woods to meet Nicole and Phil as they wound their way back down to the finish.  And then there was Jeff Arnold who shuttled back and forth between aid stations to help out as he could and stood as watchman waiting for headlamps to show up in the dark. A procession of headlamps finally appeared and snaked through the trails and into the finishing roadway. Phil led the way with “The Safety Dance” playing on the speaker he had tethered to his pack. It was amazing to see them moving as a group toward the finish. This is what friends do… this is Infinitus. 🦊❤️

* I used the term “smiling angel” in the haiku because the first time I met Nicole years ago at Infinitus she was running the 100 miler and was pretty much destroyed as she moved through the night… with a big smile on her face. Always a big smile… Well done Nicole. 



646. the power of small things - infinitus 2022 (5)

hey! remember me?
“you gave me ginger candy
when i was puking” 

It was a glum sort of morning at the race site on Friday. A very tall,  lanky and soft spoken young man approached me and said, “You gave me ginger candy a number of years ago when I was puking on the side of the trail and it really helped me.” He said his name was Colton.  He could tell I didn’t remember the occasion so he described it to me. Then I recalled the meeting. I felt myself becoming overcome with emotion as I looked at him and recalled the meeting years ago. It felt really good to be remembered by him for such a minor act of kindness. It brightened the glum morning mood. How is it that such seemingly small gestures of kindness and gratitude can have such powerful effects? I love it! 🦊❤️


645. amber - infinitus 2022 (#4)

orbiting the trails
night after day after night
she became a star 🦊❤️πŸ’«⭐️🌟

I have no words to really describe what I witnessed at Infinitus regarding the unbelievable accomplishment of Amber Mozel as she won the the 250 Mile Trail Ultramarathon in the rugged mountain trails of Vermont. It was her first attempt at such a distance. She was the only runner able to complete the grueling ordeal. Her grit, tenacity, humor, anger, surrender and final victory in 4 days, 23 hours 10 minutes was a thing to behold. I am grateful to have Amber as my friend and I am honored to have been allowed to play a small role in her crew’s stellar execution of supporting her in this memorable creation of a Star… Thank you for what you taught us all over the last 4 days Amber. 🦊❤️

644. over and over and over - Infinitus 2022 (#3)

topsy-turvy trails
going this way - going that
over and over  πŸ¦Š❤️

As I walked the trails I pondered the efficiency and flexibility of the directional signage. As the ultra runners endured the trails, they pondered their own efficiency and flexibility - over and over and over again….  πŸ¦Š❤️


643. magic bench - infinitus 2022 (#2)

there’s a magic bench
on an island of crazies
where it all makes sense  πŸ¦Š❤️

At the Infinitus 2022 Ultramarathon extravaganza runners compete in races from 8K through 888K (550 miles) through the rugged mountains of Ripton Vermont. It is a gathering of people who do these types of things because they need to do things like what Infinitus offers them. You can see it all there. Joy, pain, exhilaration, desperation, mobility, immobility, laughing, crying, strong legs, destroyed legs, animation, zombie state, clear vision, hallucinations, feet with skin intact, feet full of blisters, goal reaching, falling short. Amazing people on this island of crazies. 🦊❤️


642. letting go of time - infinitus 2022 (#1)

to compete with time
you just need to stop racing
then the gold is yours… 🦊❤️

I’m in Vermont for a few days or so… lots of time to goof off doing anything, nothing or what shows up next. Quite enjoyable I must say!  πŸ¦Š❤️


641. give me the words

can you imagine
all the possibilities
that live in the now 🦊❤️

The little library hutch that I pass daily always is a source of material for my haiku posts. I hope you see the connection between the haiku and the photograph. 🦊❤️


640. removing rocks

to make the stream smooth
one by one remove the rocks
the ones in you too  πŸ¦Š❤️

Our energy flows within us like water flows in a stream. To calm the stream… remove the rocks. To calm our “me”…remove our “rocks”. 🦊❤️


639. mellow yellow

a rippling canvas
abstract of sun, trees and sky
so mellow yellow  πŸ¦Š❤️

I leaned over the stone bridge and felt the scorching sun on my shoulders. The reflection of the sun was blinding as I snapped a photo of the water below. I was surprised by the color of the sun on the rippling water in the photo. It was mellow yellow… just like a little kid would color it with a crayon and just like the song. It was worthy of a haiku 🦊❤️

Mellow Yellow by Donovan



638. come as you are

there are some big trees
medium and small ones too
and then… there is you 🦊❤️

Just be quiet inside and out… and let the trees love you as you are. 🦊❤️

637. “mind of an endurance runner”

to truly endure requires
the wisdom to know when to -
and when not to go… 🦊❤️

After a year long training regime and tons of logistical and race planning for a 550 mile race in Vermont, my son Kevin became injured right before race day and decided that he could not safely compete. He is already moving forward to become healed so he can begin to train for the race next year. I applaud his wisdom and courage in making this difficult decision. I admire his resiliency so I created a ceramic work of art for him to act as an additional motivational tool and to remind him of his wisdom and courage to know when to say, “No!”. I am extremely grateful that I have my art to use to negotiate the ups and downs of my life and the lives of others when I can use it that way too. Kevin chose the words to use in this piece. This piece is a take of a recent ceramic piece that I did entitled “The Seat of Consciousness”. (See link below).  I will share when fired and glazed. 🦊❤️


636. olive & haley

that's olive the pig
and haley in pajamas
some kids are lucky  πŸ¦Š❤️

Haley and Olive live at the stables near my apartment.  They were outside early in the morning playing as I was walking toward the trails. I asked Haley and her mother if it was OK to take a picture. Her mom said sure. But Haley said, “Only one picture, Olive doesn’t like her picture taken too much!” I said, “Ok Haley. Thank you!”  Haley had such a confidence about her. It was a wonderful thing to behold in such a little girl. I am sure she is living a rich and fun life that will serve her well. Olive just snorted. 🦊❤️ 


635. meant to be a star

such green tenderness
jutting from the gray hardness
today you’re a star  πŸ¦Š❤️

It is mind boggling to think that all of the time that has transpired since time began,  up to the moment that I took the photograph of this tender clover family has been aimed at making them the star of my haiku post today. Who could have ever imagined that?  πŸ¦Š❤️

634. “minding” my business

when “i” sit and watch
from the “seat of consciousness”
my mind is not “me”  πŸ¦Š❤️

I mentioned in a recent post that I was reading “the untethered soul, the journey beyond yourself” by Yogi Michael Singer. I absolutely love the book. It’s all about quieting the mind by remaining committed to observing the mind’s workings while firmly seated in your “seat of consciousness”. Yesterday I was inspired to create my interpretation of the book’s message in clay. Can’t wait to share the finished piece after firing and glazing. It’s title is “seat of consciousness”. Hope you like it. 🦊❤️


633. do you see?

deep down in the murk
the big white fish remains white
look… do you see?  πŸ¦Š❤️

The sun still shines as bright as ever behind a wall of clouds. 
A white fish remains white as it swims in dark and murky water. Do you see? 🦊❤️


632. jux•ta•po•si•tion

stone on top of stone
fungi on top of fungi
who’s the copycat? πŸ¦Š❤️
hard on top of hard
soft on top of soft
opposites attract 🦊❤️
a tower of stones
towering tree with fungi
reaching for the sky 🦊❤️
I am very grateful that my brain was able to experience this interesting juxtaposition of a stack of hard stones and a stack of soft fungi and translate the observation into some clever little haiku that play with the idea of juxtaposition. The brain is something else… 🦊❤️



631. teacher and pet

the teacher is waiting
for the student who’s ready
“i’m the teacher’s pet” 🦊❤️

Tommy has a sizable class of “students” who visit him regularly to receive customized lessons in what they specifically need to learn from him.  Personally, I attend his classes in resilience, confidence, assertiveness and relaxation.  
On my last report card Tommy said that I was showing improvements… C+ up from a D. I do believe I’m his favorite pupil- “the teacher’s pet”. 🦊❤️

630. terra cotta child

tucked away in green
way back under a big tree
terra cotta child 🦊❤️

My favorite haiku to write are simply a 5-7-5 description of what it is that I am seeing with my eyes.  My eyes saw this terra cotta child figure off the trail, under a tree and tucked into a green carpet of ground cover. So uncomplicated and matter of fact… just what it is.  I love that simplicity. 🦊❤️


629. tommy knows concrete comfort

such concrete comfort
warmed when cold - cooled when it’s hot
let me rest a bit  πŸ¦Š❤️

I love laying on sun warmed concrete on a chilly day. I also love laying on cool concrete that has been prepared by the shade on hot summer days. Tommy knows the comfort  control qualities of concrete too. 🦊❤️


628. so much more than a number

you stood tall for a long time
your number was up 🦊❤️

I felt a stab of sadness as I looked at the remaining stump of tree “827”. It seemed to me that he deserved to be remembered as more than a number. So… I’ll call him “Woody” as I pass by daily. “See you tomorrow Woody.” 🦊❤️

627. remembering elephants and b&w tarzan tv

saturday morning
b&w tarzan tv
those poor elephants… 🦊❤️

When I saw this elephant looking tree trunk and the red, wound-like stain on its bark I was transported back to Saturday mornings long, long ago when I would get up super early to watch  B&W Tarzan movies on TV.  Those poor elephants… 🦊❤️


626. marvelous meltdown

my signature piece
it just couldn’t take the heat
a real cool meltdown  πŸ¦Š❤️

When I first started doing pottery I was pretty uptight about pieces that didn’t quite survive the heat of the kiln in one way or another. Now… i’ve unwound a bit and can find even my “meltdowns”  as successful works of art - as evidenced by this oil lamp that will never see the light of a flame… 🦊❤️


625. bamboo’s meteoric return from extinction

towering bamboo
meteoric extinction
ahhh… back in a flash!  πŸ¦Š❤️

I LOVE bamboo. So a few months ago when a beautiful and extensive stand of towering bamboo was chopped down as construction was started on a number of luxury homes near the trail, it was a very sad day for me. Well… today as I was hiking by I looked over and saw that it was growing back at meteoric speed. As you can see from the photograph, a dinosaur disguised as an excavator was also happy that my beloved bamboo has come back from extinction. 🦊❤️


624. super mother’s day

mother's day icon
celebrating the mother
of all time’s day  πŸ¦Š❤️

Mary has always been close to my heart. She always seems to be there listening when I need to be heard. So today I will wish her, along with all the other mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day.  πŸ¦Š❤️ (Painting by Jennifer Litwinowicz)

(The painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe above was done by my daughter Jennifer many years ago. It was purchased by my dear friend Pat years ago at an art show held at our workplace. Pat has done a wonderful job displaying and honoring this wonderful  painting in her home.  Thank you Pat. 🦊❤️)


623. cultivating a child’s mind

four sticks form the farm
blades of grass the only crop
a child’s fertile mind  πŸ¦Š❤️

My assumption was that this farm “installation” on a fallen tree was the playful work of a child’s imaginative mind.  But then again…  maybe it was a creation by an adult with the playful mind of a child.  What  a wonderful treasure a child’s fertile mind is regardless of the chronological age of the body possessing it… 🦊❤️ (dedicated to my friends Hannah Doyle and John Doyle who own “Boneyard Farm” in Fletcher, Vermont with their two young sons. Their posts of the boys “being kids”  on the farm give me hope for the future.)


622. white squirrels are possible

when oldness descends
don’t feel blue… newness can rise
“hey! a white squirrel!”🦊❤️

My life is rich. I am fortunate beyond my wildest dreams. I have immense gratitude for my friends and family and the “things” I have and the “things” I can do. Yet I feel that a little “newness” would be a nice addition to my abundance. Something quite unexpected and unique. Something magical. Something rare. Something I cannot imagine. So here I stand… waiting. I know it will cross my path! I’m sure of it. 🦊❤️ (Real white squirrel I saw at trails yesterday… such an unexpected treat…one never knows…)


621. stop searching and start seeing

what does it all mean?
this? that? or… nothing at all?
stop searching… just see  πŸ¦Š❤️

Someone had arranged some leaves, shells, flowers and ferns on the ground into a mysterious looking arrangement.  I wondered if it had some deep meaning.  A sign of good fortune to come? Bad luck on the horizon? A sacred symbol?   An artistic inspiration?  I decided to stop wondering and simply accept it as an inspirer of my art -  my haiku post for today. Nothing more… nothing less. 🦊❤️


620. lost and found at the same time

i stopped… just sat down
nowhere to go…  simply looked
 i was lost… then found 🦊❤️

The more I slow down and take the time to sit still and just look… the more I find myself getting lost and found at the same time. 🦊❤️


619. “the yearling”

as a little boy
i cried so hard that it hurt
deep down in my throat  πŸ¦Š❤️
when i ask myself,
“who am i deep down inside”
“the yearling” brings tears… 🦊❤️

I have a vivid recollection of watching the movie “The Yearling” as a small child.  It is a very sad movie about a little boy and his deer. When I saw a video of the old movie in a roadside library hutch my mind went back to that day long ago. I felt the tears well up again in my eyes and the pain grow in my throat as I tried to hold back a quiet sob. Somethings never change… 🦊❤️


618. may day treat

joe, marnie and me 
a feast of food, talk and love
great way to start may  πŸ¦Š❤️

What a treat it is was when my good friends Joe and Marnie dropped in yesterday to yack and yuck it up for a few hours. There is nothing like laughing and reminiscing with these guys. Thanks for a great morning guys. The French Toast was great too… even though the waitress wasn't sure we wanted syrup.  I think we made the right choice getting the syrup. Don’t you?? Lol 🦊❤️


617: stay open by not closing

when your fears blossom
your petals want to close up
turn and face the sun  🦊❤️
when you want to close
work hard to just stay open
by just not closing… 🦊❤️
when we are open
the energy of life flows
closed… a screeching halt🦊❤️

I have been reading/you-tubing work by yogi, Michael Singer.  He wrote the bestseller “The Untethered Soul”. One of the main ideas he speaks about is “not closing” ourselves when faced with life’s situations that do not match what we have defined as OK for us and our happiness. He says the way to stay “open”  is simply to “not close”.  Nothing is that easy… but maybe it is.  It’s a great read for anyone on a continual journey of “self improvement”. My ex-boss and now retired, “friend” Peggy once said to me, “Sometimes I get tired of becoming a better person.”  We laughed and laughed and laughed.  It is a fond and oh so funny memory to laugh about. 🦊❤️