617: stay open by not closing

when your fears blossom
your petals want to close up
turn and face the sun  🦊❤️
when you want to close
work hard to just stay open
by just not closing… 🦊❤️
when we are open
the energy of life flows
closed… a screeching halt🦊❤️

I have been reading/you-tubing work by yogi, Michael Singer.  He wrote the bestseller “The Untethered Soul”. One of the main ideas he speaks about is “not closing” ourselves when faced with life’s situations that do not match what we have defined as OK for us and our happiness. He says the way to stay “open”  is simply to “not close”.  Nothing is that easy… but maybe it is.  It’s a great read for anyone on a continual journey of “self improvement”. My ex-boss and now retired, “friend” Peggy once said to me, “Sometimes I get tired of becoming a better person.”  We laughed and laughed and laughed.  It is a fond and oh so funny memory to laugh about. 🦊❤️