645. amber - infinitus 2022 (#4)

orbiting the trails
night after day after night
she became a star 🦊❤️💫⭐️🌟

I have no words to really describe what I witnessed at Infinitus regarding the unbelievable accomplishment of Amber Mozel as she won the the 250 Mile Trail Ultramarathon in the rugged mountain trails of Vermont. It was her first attempt at such a distance. She was the only runner able to complete the grueling ordeal. Her grit, tenacity, humor, anger, surrender and final victory in 4 days, 23 hours 10 minutes was a thing to behold. I am grateful to have Amber as my friend and I am honored to have been allowed to play a small role in her crew’s stellar execution of supporting her in this memorable creation of a Star… Thank you for what you taught us all over the last 4 days Amber. 🦊❤️