646. the power of small things - infinitus 2022 (5)

hey! remember me?
“you gave me ginger candy
when i was puking” 

It was a glum sort of morning at the race site on Friday. A very tall,  lanky and soft spoken young man approached me and said, “You gave me ginger candy a number of years ago when I was puking on the side of the trail and it really helped me.” He said his name was Colton.  He could tell I didn’t remember the occasion so he described it to me. Then I recalled the meeting. I felt myself becoming overcome with emotion as I looked at him and recalled the meeting years ago. It felt really good to be remembered by him for such a minor act of kindness. It brightened the glum morning mood. How is it that such seemingly small gestures of kindness and gratitude can have such powerful effects? I love it! 🦊❤️