768. roads

stopped at a stop sign
a yellow sign asked, “right or left?”
i looked straight ahead  🦊❤️

Imagine it… roads are pathways that allow us to roll over the surface of this ball that is floating around in endless space so we can look at and experience all the things along their ways. Put that way… roads are pretty awesome things! 🦊❤️

767. waiting for the clouds

perched way overhead
five birds looking down at me
looking up at them  🦊❤️

I have been writing haiku for years. It’s like the weather… wet, lush times and then dry, sparse times. It’s a dry, sparse time for me now. I’ve learned to just go with it and “keep it simple”.  Just express the small moments… I soon begin to realize their immensity… then it starts to rain again.  🦊❤️


766. magic morning mist

you’ve traveled so far
ninety-three million miles far
met by morning’s mist  🦊❤️

There is magic in seeing the morning mist illuminated by the energy of the sun. The invisible becomes visible as its journey to earth comes to an end. 🦊❤️


765. the gravity of inspiration

black walnut gauntlet
green bombs and gravity strike
 sir isaac newton… 🦊❤️

There is a section of trail in the meadow that is lined with a few Black Walnut trees. This is the time of year that I am on guard for the falling “green bombs” that gravity tugs from the branches to the ground. I thought of Sir Isaac Newton and how falling apples inspired his discovery of gravity. Then I realized that falling Black Walnuts inspired my next landscape painting. Can ‘t wait to get started on it! 🦊❤️


764. a quick bite of the past

no cookin’ tonight
the carnival is in town
yum… beer and fries 🦊❤️

There is a chapter in my “artist’s journey” that included a lot of urban photography that focused on people doing what people do in the city. Much of that period produced art that was dark and gritty. Every once in a while I make brief visits back to that period of artistic pursuit. Quite frankly… it’s not as fun a place as it used to be for me. 🦊❤️


763. what a tangled web we’ve weaved

a tangle of wires
telephone and electric
and there’s cable too  🦊❤️

We hear lots of talk these days about the “electric grid”. Sort of scary… right? 🦊❤️


762. winners

when you’re a winner
you’ll find yourself in pictures
keep smiling… say cheese 🦊❤️

I’ve never been very successful at winning stuffed animals and such at carnivals. But I sure love taking pictures of winners who do! Here are two winners! 🦊❤️


762. the power of art

in my wildest dreams
i could never imagine
my art could do this  🦊❤️

My art exhibit was an unbelievable experience I will NEVER forget. So many people were there. Everyone had a great time and all stayed the entire time and didn’t want to leave. People talked and got to know each other. As I walked to return to my apartment, I realized that I was so immersed in the experience of just “being there” that I failed to take even one picture of the show… not one. Then I saw this group of my young friends and their dogs who I have come to know and really like (people and dogs) who were at the show. They were walking their dogs in a “pack”. One of them yelled out, “Thanks for bringing us all together today Dan!” The power of art… 🦊❤️


761. flying turtles

on the muddy stream
the blue sky floats serenely
turtles flying by  🦊❤️

When walking Ruffer the dog I always stop on the bridge and look down into the day’s version of the Wissahickon Creek. Ever changing. Ever new. Today I saw a mother turtle being followed by her baby. The were flying just below cloud level in the creek. I did not know that turtles can fly! Can you see them? 🦊❤️ 


760. popping balloon!

the balloon lady
darting eyes look for players
her sharp tongue baiting  🦊❤️

I love watching carnival game operators “fishing” for “suckers” to try their hand at popping balloons, knocking down milk jugs, shooting at targets, etc. While they are talking to one potential player their eyes are already “darting” around looking for another to try their sharp tongued lures on. They are quite skilled in their trades!! 🦊❤️


759. leap of faith

looking through the cracks
solid earth… way, way down there
deep breath… leap of faith 🦊❤️

I’m not fond of high places and that “un-fondness” was felt while visiting a local arboretum when I ventured onto its beautifully constructed walkway that was perched over a deep valley, seemingly at tree top level. Looking through the cracks in the grated floor decking made me feel a bit uneasy. Then… I spotted the ultimate challenge to my uneasiness, a net stretched across an opening in the walkway. I looked through the netting, took a deep breath, and without a thought jumped into the netting and just enjoyed feeling my heart go from a race horse pace to a soft, slow beat. 🦊❤️


758. tale of m.i.a tommy

we thought you were lost
spotted so far, far away
little do we know  🦊❤️

During a training run my son Kevin spotted Tommy the trail cat a very long distance from his regular haunt. He tried to have Tommy follow him back but to no avail. After consulting with some other people who help Tommy we determined that it was very, very unusual for him to be so far away from home.  Consequently a search ensued until late into the night with flashlights and headlamps but to no avail. All went home. I went to Tommy’s usual location at 3:30am hoping he would be there  and a part of me “knew he would be there”.  I felt this strange confidence in Tommy’s ability to be “OK” like he was some kind of a “superhero”. Lo and behold, as I approached, the light from my headlamp illuminated two green eyes dashing from the woods to greet me.  My heart doesn't leap with joy all too often… but it sure did at that moment. Not only was I grateful to see Tommy, I was overwhelmed with awe at how he is able to negotiate  his life so courageously and skillfully. I sat, gave him some food and the world was just perfect.  I love you Tommy! 🦊❤️  


757. tree tunnel

in the tree tunnel
the world slows down and softens
like a nice long hug  🦊❤️

I love going into the tree tunnel. Sometimes when I enter its mellow zone, I wish it could go on forever.  🦊❤️


756. walking in those shoes…

starbucks in one hand
cigarette in the other
boots made for walking  🦊❤️

Yesterday I saw a pair of boots that were like boots I have never seen before. I wondered what it must be like to walk in those shoes? I concluded that it must be very hard… 🦊❤️


755. buzzy the bee (or whatever it is)

didn’t get too close
but i did get close enough
to hear you buzzing  🦊❤️

How I remember the days when getting a photograph like this one of an enormous bee (or whatever it is) would have been such an ordeal using a camera. Now just pull out the phone, shoot, edit, and send it to whoever you want to in maybe 5 minutes.  Another 5 minutes you can post it in a haiku blog and share it with the world!  The opportunities for and ease in doing creative work is mind boggling! 🦊❤️


754. making something out of nothing

a day out for art
but no art was to be found
even no art’s art  🦊❤️

I struggled with today’s haiku post. I found myself  without a good photograph to write a haiku to. My photo gallery was empty! The struggle got me thinking about the saying, “Making something out of nothing.” The saying can have two meanings. One meaning is explained by the saying, “Making a mountain out of a molehill.” The other meaning is explained by the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” I chose the latter.   🦊❤️


753. be like a tree

me and the white birch
as bright as the sun rising
both warming our limbs 🦊❤️

 I practice Dong Stick outside my apartment each morning in clear view of a beautiful White Birch tree. As the sun rises, it illuminates the Birch to a brilliant white and my thoughts to a good day ahead. My neighbor Laura, as she walked her dog Mojo, secretly snapped a picture of us enjoying our morning time together. I love this shot! Thank you Laura. 🦊❤️ 

752. empty closet, empty suits and the emperor’s new clothes…

an empty closet
for the emperor’s new clothes
“shhh… say not a word!” 🦊❤️

This unintended art installation in a local art museum was the most eye catching  piece of art that I viewed during my recent visit. It provoked thoughts about the things that are plaguing our world today… empty suits, the emperor’s new clothes and empty closets.  🦊❤️

751. the art of looking… and being looked at

you looking at art
me looking at you looking
“you looking at me?” 🦊❤️

I love looking at art in galleries. I also love looking at people looking at art in galleries. I occasionally wonder if while I’m looking… “Am I interesting enough for anyone to be looking at me looking at art?” Lol. 👁👁 🦊❤️


750. art - sunshine for the brain

paint on a canvas
just schmushed and smeared onto it
“it’s all in your head!!” 🦊❤️
I was looking at paintings at a local museum yesterday.  I got up very, very close and simply focused on how the paint was applied to the canvas in very small areas. After doing so for awhile it allowed me to see how much of what I see in a painting is the result of my brain filling in the gaps so I can perceive what the artist intended me to see. I think that looking at art is good “exercise” for the brain… and sunshine too! 🦊❤️

749. take me out to the ballgame

they round the bases
i round the vendors for treats
“at the old ballgame”  🦊❤️
heads in their helmets
swirly ice cream blend fills mine
“at the old ball game”
there were no peanuts
nor crackerjacks to be found
“at the old ball game”
alone way up high
no one right, left or in front
a heavenly seat

My friend Joe did not make it to the Phillies game Wednesday evening because of some really bizarre subway anomalies (only in Philly).  While I was really disappointed for both of us, I had a great time doing the game solo.  Why not… right??? 🦊❤️

748. ethan the cotton candy man

miles and miles of aisles
maybe ‘round the world miles
“cotton candy here!!!!” 🦊❤️

The first time I saw Ethan the Cotton Candy Man had to be at least 25 years ago at old Veteran’s Stadium in Philadelphia. Me and my son Kevin spent a lot of our time at Phillie’s game watching him go up and down those steep aisles diligently and assertively barking out the words, “Cotton Candy Here!!!!”  He was all business when selling cotton candy.  We would imagine and joke about him practicing his trade at home and conditioning himself during the off season to be the best cotton candy seller he could be. I took Kevin’s picture with him at the very last game held at Veteran’s Stadium. We told him how much we admired his style of cotton candy selling. It was the first time we ever saw him smile. When I saw Ethan yesterday from the 300 level of Citizens Bank Park I ran down and marveled at his unchanged style of selling. I took his picture. I sent it to Kevin. We both were amazed and grateful Ethan was still at it.  The world has changed… but Ethan the Cotton Candy Man has stayed the same. 🦊❤️


747. life’s tunnels

life gives us tunnels
knowing that in them we’ll find
light! inside and out… 🦊❤️

Every tunnel is an opportunity to practice walking through darkness using our inner light until we reach the outer light.  🦊❤️

746. whistle while you work

at her disposal
many spools of pretty thread
i look on… she hums 🦊❤️

I had the pleasure of standing in the small studio of a woman who makes handmade clothing. There was nothing fancy or glitzy about the clothing she had made. But the shop seemed to be filled with  tranquility and her face was filled with contentment. I wonder if those wonderful qualities are sewn into her clothing for the wearers to experience?  I’ll bet that they are… 🦊❤️


745. reflecting on the half moon

half the moon swimming 
the other half flying high
“just my reflection”  🦊❤️
the half moon looks down
“i’ve found my other half!”
“sigh… just my reflection” 🦊❤️
half the moon floating
the other half soaring by
silly reflection… 🦊❤️
photo of the moon
out there so far, far away
“i’ll reflect on you”… 🦊❤️

I was standing on a bridge looking at the half moon and its reflection on the river below. I took a photo.  It wasn’t such a good photo because the moon and its reflection were just teeny white dots.  But, I really wanted to write haiku about that scene so I poo-pooed my hesitancy to use the uninspiring photo as today’s photo prompt.  Lo and behold, four haiku suddenly appeared. The universe asked, “What did you learn?” 🦊❤️


744. delicate balance - happy labor day


texting like crazy
while perching on just two legs
a balancing act  🦊❤️

While walking around the absolutely bustling tourist area in New Hope last evening there were so many sights to see, noises to hear, and smells to smell. Yet… the most noteworthy sight to photograph for today’s haiku blog  was a young man posing as  a valet parker at a swanky eatery. He was adeptly texting while balancing himself on two legs of a stool. As we celebrate Labor Day today, let’s all remember that life/work balance is such a delicate, but oh so important thing to master. I think he has done it!!! 🦊❤️ 

743. the climb

three vines to the sky
which one shall i try to climb?
once upon a time…  🦊❤️

I was recently talking to a friend about high school wrestling practice and gym class and climbing the rope to the top of the gymnasium for exercise.    The next day I took special notice of three very substantial vines hanging from trees in the woods. I stood and relived the triumphant feeling I felt decades ago after making it to the top, touching the metal I-beam and looking down at the kids below. I even remembered the fingerprints in the dust on the metal ceiling beam left there by other triumphant climbers. Memories…🦊❤️


742. the things i see

an elephant’s ear
a jackson pollock painting
a heart in hiding  🦊❤️

I saw a beautiful leaf. As I continued to admire its colors and size I began to be reminded of other beautiful things.  I began counting syllable.  The 5-7-5 of haiku was immediately satisfied. I love when a haiku unfurls so easily. Just like the beautiful leaf. 🦊❤️

741. wisdom, courage and humility

standing beside you
we watch each other growing
older and wiser  🦊❤️

A wise teacher never stops being a student. A wise parent never ceases being a child. A wise person understands that it takes courage to be humble.  🦊❤️


740. our perfect star


found a pot of gold
and no rainbow was needed
just a hike was all  🦊❤️

How lucky we are to have our star sun so perfectly situated in this infinite cosmos.  We can watch its perfection and beauty rise up every morning. We can marvel at its return to earth every evening.  Talk about a lucky charm… talk about a pot of gold… talk about perfection… talk about beyond chance… 🦊❤️