758. tale of m.i.a tommy

we thought you were lost
spotted so far, far away
little do we know  🦊❤️

During a training run my son Kevin spotted Tommy the trail cat a very long distance from his regular haunt. He tried to have Tommy follow him back but to no avail. After consulting with some other people who help Tommy we determined that it was very, very unusual for him to be so far away from home.  Consequently a search ensued until late into the night with flashlights and headlamps but to no avail. All went home. I went to Tommy’s usual location at 3:30am hoping he would be there  and a part of me “knew he would be there”.  I felt this strange confidence in Tommy’s ability to be “OK” like he was some kind of a “superhero”. Lo and behold, as I approached, the light from my headlamp illuminated two green eyes dashing from the woods to greet me.  My heart doesn't leap with joy all too often… but it sure did at that moment. Not only was I grateful to see Tommy, I was overwhelmed with awe at how he is able to negotiate  his life so courageously and skillfully. I sat, gave him some food and the world was just perfect.  I love you Tommy! 🦊❤️