650. people - pleasing

us well behaved kids
spend most hours of our days
just pleasing others 🦊❤️ 

My local roadside library hutch has again provided me with book titles that have fueled yet another haiku post. It’s my well of inspiration. 
Have you ever considered the amount of time in your life that has been devoted to “pleasing” others at the expense of yourself? Helping, giving, being agreeable, being accommodating and always being at the ready are admirable qualities. But - if our motivation for being a “saint” is to find acceptance, be liked, or to apply balm to some hurt part of our heart  it may be wise to take take a look at our unending giving and ask ourselves, “Am I as equally kind and giving to myself as I am to others?”  We are all worth a big healthy dose of our own kindness and giving.  🦊❤️