670. reflecting on red and green

i’m red and you’re green
what a festive sight we make
6 months till christmas 🦊❤️
you being so red
all of us being so green
fall… we are all brown 🦊❤️
god grant me the strength
to continue to be red
in a field of green  🦊❤️
what a difference
a little red life boat makes
on a sea of green 🦊❤️
a planet of red
in this universe of green
earth… a miracle… 🦊❤️

I thought it was so cool that a single red flower in a tangle of green vegetation could trigger the writing of 5 haiku about life stuff. Does the photograph give you a green light to write one? Or are you stopped at a red light? I could not resist writing those two questions!!! Lol 🦊❤️