663. “upstream of the bend in the creek mind”

water on the move
flowing into or out of
the bend in the stream 🦊❤️

I was standing on the banks of the Wissahickon Creek just watching the water flow by.  How smoothly it made it around the nearly 90 degree angled bend. It was a peaceful flow passing before my eyes,  like a movie, from my upstream vantage point. Then in my mind I imagined being immediately down stream of the bend.  From that vantage point I imagined the water “coming at me” around the bend -not flowing past me. This mental exercise caused me to think about the proper vantage point from which to live life. Watching and living life from an upstream position allows a view of life where things unfold, float by and then just flow away around the bend. Then more life floats by, good and not so good stuff, then disappears around the bend. 
From a vantage point on the downstream side of the bend, I imagined life “coming at me”. Good and not so good stuff rounding the bend with no time to savor the good and less time to thoughtfully address the not so good stuff. I imagined worrying thoughts like, “what’s gonna come around the bend next??”  It was at that moment that I knew I needed to watch the stream of life much more from a nice upstream vantage point, and not a downstream vantage point.  I call it the “upstream of the bend in the creek mind”! Lol  🦊❤️