648. on a personal note - infinitus 2022 (7)

when i see you run
my heart leaps - my fingers twinge 
so i write haiku  🦊❤️

This year I had the chance to have the time to allow Infinitus to sink into my brain in a new way because both of my kids were unable to compete due to the unfolding of “life”. The pressures of crewing were not there. Hopefully they will be next year. I had the opportunity to talk more with old friends in “new ways”. I had the chance to make new friends. I had the chance to be a set of ears for hurting people to open up and spill their guts to.  I had the opportunity to provide guidance and counsel in some cases. I had the opportunity to “talk sense” into some runners. I had the opportunity to cheer people on. I had the opportunity to push people that needed pushed to keep on going.  I had the opportunity to help people stop when they could not stop themselves. I had the opportunity to more fully comprehend the complexity of the reasons why so many runners need Infinitus and the unique “stuff” it offers. I had the time to be a better observer and be able to translate those observations into little stories and haiku that seemed to resonate for many people. Applying my creative self to a “good” purpose is important to me. This years Infinitus offered that to me.  While it may sound like I am blowing my own horn - I am really saying “thank you” to all of the people I rubbed shoulders with at Infinitus 2022 who helped bring out “the best in me”. You helped me achieve a PR in being “me”.  🙏 Oh… and most importantly I had the opportunity to sit around in the cafeteria, sleep deprived,  with Andy Weinberg and Su Mittra as we laughed 🤣🤣🤣 our asses off about what we see on the “Island of Crazies” that makes Infinitus - INFINITUS.   🦊❤️