672. baptism by dew

trails are overgrown
stems, leaves and grasses criss-cross
baptism by dew 🦊❤️

It’s the time of year when the trails are criss-crossed by overgrown vegetation of various types. Dewy mornings assure that my pants will be soaked by the end of the hike as the invading plants deposit their dew on them. On those mornings my mind is filled with thoughts like, “OMG my legs will be soaked soon! I hate the feel of wet legs on a chilly morning! People will think I peed my pants if they see my wet pants !(Lol)”. The book “The Untethered Soul” recommends that we choose those “low hanging fruit” negative thoughts to train ourselves to handle bigger negative mind messages. So now I look forward to those dewy mornings and can't wait to tame those wet pants thoughts!!!! I just relax, release my boohooing about wet legs, and let the dew baptize me to enjoy another day,  The wetter the better!!!! 🦊❤️