668. the feel of pasta

“don’t play with your food!”
my voice from the past echoed
now… i simply smile 🦊❤️

I was sitting at the local food joint having a quiet dinner as rush hour traffic raced by my outdoor table location. I was just sitting and reflecting on my Monday’s meanderings as I waited for my food. The highlight of my dining experience was watching a cute little girl play with her pasta and the loving way that her Dad handled the situation. I’ve really come to appreciate witnessing the tenderness and patience displayed by some parents in handling these types of little kid’s things. He must have read an instruction book on Dadhood that was not available when my kids were very young. We do the best we can it is said. Ad you can see from the photo, she handled the pasta so elegantly, I can imagine her being an orchestra conductor some day. 🦊❤️