664. waiting out the fog

when life’s fog descends
find calm in its grey blanket
be still… simply wait  🦊❤️

“Hurry up and do something!”, is the mantra that’s echoed in my head for a lifetime when “life’s fogs” descend around me.  I’ve finally come to the realization that there isn’t much that can be done to clear the fogs of life. As a matter of fact, I’ve discovered that the more that I do to try to clear the fog, the more trees I run into, the more holes I fall into and the more times I have to pick myself up off the ground after tripping and falling on rocks and fallen branches. In most instances, just being still in life’s fog and doing nothing is the best that can be done. When the fog begins to clear… then the way ahead can start to become figured out and walked. Hurry up and do nothing is often the “doing” that is the wisest! 🦊❤️